
The Learning Experience

Jonas pointed his gun down. And went to gather his prize. The surrounding rabbits hissed and angrily expressed their feelings as the human got close. They got territorial, like dogs surrounding a chicken barking at it. Jonas kicked the air around the rabbits to disperse their gathering, he then put on a glove and pulled something out of the remains.

It was a rock shaped object, no particular shape or roundess. He got closer to the boys and they watched his figure as it got closer. They were momentarily entrenched in the emotions of the the day, as it was nearing sunset. Phillip didnt have to go home yet because it was the weekend and Gertrude should be home right about now.

Jonas showed the rock shaped object in front of the boys faces, "This is a animal spirit stone." Jonas then sat down in front of the boys and they sat down around Jonas in a circular crescent.

"Im sure youve heard about the story about the asteroid a long time ago," Jonas continued,"When that happened some of the animals took some of the surrounding energy and when they did that they started to form these rock shaped items within the core of their beings, each of different shapes and sizes, and the ones that are more translucent, are of better quality."

"Do you see here how this one is a red clay like rock? Its powdery, but its red and soaked with blood at the moment. Humans can absorb this energy, and while there is some poaching laws, because of this energy, the beasts get stronger, live longer, and populate at a higher rate than before."

"Do humans have these cores?" Jordan asked. James and Phillip looked tentatively at Jonas for futher information.

"Well yes and no, you see these rocks crumble," Jonas squeezed the rock and it crumbled like wet sand. It dispersed in a red misty powder. Jonas' hand started to glow green, and it sucked in the gaseous powder. "Our energy is like that of the powders, but animals is like that of the rocks. Our energy inside our body is constantly moving like the gaseous planets of Jupiter and Saturn."

"You must know that since Jupiter and Saturn has no place to land, we were forced to live upon their moons and magnetic fields around them in their atmosphere. In living human controlled conditioned buildings. Its super dangerous, and we have never been able to go 100 miles down Jupiters atmosphere, you just cant fathom how big the planet is."

Jonas looked trance as he lost his gaze forward, as he began to be silent. The boys too were silent.

"Well anyways, our energy is like that of jupiters or saturn and animals is that of mars. We can absorb these beast rocks through our pores, but instead of sending energy out of them, we turn in gaseous and absorb it. I like to think of absorbing one is like a single chip in a bag."

"You eat one out of many but no matter how many you eat, or different brands of chips you eat, you never run out and you want to finish the bag. Humans experimented with animals with cores by sending them to the atmoshperes of planets that humans could not live upon.They escaped human control, got stronger in the communities of other species that they live with, and sometimes escapes to threaten humans when they get lost from these communities"

"There are currently 3 planets that humans can live on," Jonas started to get up and stand. "The other ones, well, we can only live above them."

Phillip and his two friends got up to start to follow Jonas to the truck. It was time to go home.

"Thats what we've worked to at this moment, and now we're stuck without things to do. So humans are getting bored and impatient without further temperaments of power. Humans tend to get to be bigger assholes the more powerful they are. Please dont turn out like that.."

He started his truck and the boys got in the back and covered the tarp around them to blanket them from the cold night wind, as Jonas opened the middle truck window to continue to talk to the boys. He had to talk a little bit louder to talk over the feirce winds.

"We're going to pick up my sister from the arcade, you guys can stay at my place for tonight." Jonas had shouted above the wind.

The boys then began to ask permission to their respective guardians, and they all got the okay. They talked as they made their way back into the city. After another lazy routine check, they made it back and headed to pick up Jewel.

They stopped in front of the building and Jewel sat in front of building amd looked as if she was waiting impatiently.

"Really? You asshole," Jewel got in the truck and started to hit Jonas with her black handbag. "You told me that youd take me home at 6 its 8 right now, and mom has been blowing my phone up as much as i have been blowing up yours." She pouted as she sat back in the truck seat with her arms folded across her chest.

"Sorry gosh!" Jonas rolled his eyes. "I lost track of time and i left my phone in my truck."

Phones this day and age were technologically superior to the ones in the distant past.

"Whatever," Jewel again pouted. She didnt care about public image as the window in the middle of the truck was closed. The boys mouths silently talking from outside the windows. "Oh by the way what are you doing with those losers, why havent you taken them home yet?"

"Youd be surprised by them pretty soon i bet," Jonas sad under his breath with squinted eyes. "I told them they could stay the night with me, theyve been exercising all day and the workout recouping equipment is better at the crib."

"Ugh i can see why youd maybe let that Phillip kid stay the night, but i dont know why youd let the others."

Jonas frowned again. He disliked his sister patience in some aspects. "Their powers are somewhat, interesting..." Jonas paused before saying "And when i blew off a rabbits head off they only but stopped to think for a moment, they didnt even let out a cry for the rabbit. They have the innate instinct to be gladiators and i hope im the first one to have noticed them."

Jewel slumped back in the seat again, and protruded her bottom lip as she sat silently for the rest of the ride. She was clearly pissed that Jonas forgot about her, and she wanted to show to Jonas that she was. They pulled into a long driveway that had fruit trees on both sides of the paveway, as they moved forward to the center of the courtyard.

They stopped at a gate with guards and with a check they let them go forward. The house looked magnificent. A classical bricked home and surrounding walls, with a granite undertone that had supported the front of the house with pillars.The small decorative pieces outside looked more modern. With a garage that went underneath the huge house.

A small garage opening big enough for a car to go through opened, and Jonas drove in. There were many classical and poweful muscle cars, Supercars both old and new. The boys took some pictures of the cars as they were impressed by their sights. Jewel annoyingly walked to the elevator to go up, and with a tapping of her foot, the door closed the view of her.

Jonas stopped to wait for Phillip and the boys when it was their turn to go up. The elevators opened up on the bottom floor. A lively presence awaited them as the brightly lit foyer that was a mix of a huge welcoming room was bustling with attendants doing

miscellaneous assignments while they talked to each other.

"Do you see all of these servants?" Jonas asked inconspicuous to the servants attention. He pointed around in their direction while he asked. The boys nodded.

"Do you really think theyd stay working for us, living with us just for money? The boys shrugged in reply.

"No they dont. They like the energy cores that we get through business deals and movement of product. We give them some common ones for working for us because it is the most profitable and the most suiting for their... current power status. Dont be fooled though if you ever go to another place they might have some hidden powerful servants that get secretly paid more and better quality cores for different kinds of services they provide. Its a whole complicated mess though im not gonna bore you with that for right now. You guys want something to eat?"

"What do you have to eat?" Phillip asked.

"Whatever is on this menu," he handed the boys the electric pad. There was many different dishes to choose from. After they chose and ate, they changed into spare clothes they had for guests. Jonas told them about the cyrogenic body massager and hot tub, to which James and Jordan went to the body massagers with Jonas, as Phillip went to the hotub by himself. He wanted some alone time. He didnt have a bathing suit, but he had some gym shorts on. Thats all he had on.

He got in the hot tub and started to think of all the things that happened that day, he was really tired. When all of a sudden the door to the outside to the hot tub opened. A woman mid 40s opened up the door. She had nothing but a bathing suit on. She had a very curvaceous body, and was about 5'7 or so, with long straight blonde hair.

Next to her, was Jewel, and when they all noticed each other Jewel got nervous and tried to hide more of her body with a cover of her arms. The woman assumed to be her mom didnt try as hard and with a wave hello to Phillip, her hands wasnt the only things waving hello. Phillip was very sheepish as he too got nervous and sunk down lower into the water.
