
The Yellow Shirt

作者: Jeireliz
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 5.2K ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is The Yellow Shirt

WebNovel で公開されている、Jeireliz の作者が書いた The Yellow Shirt の小説を読んでください。Discovering haunted stories is one of Jei's hobby, suddenly figuring out a rumor regarding a man wearing a yellow shirt, without knowing this ghostly story would change her life for good. Will her int...


Discovering haunted stories is one of Jei's hobby, suddenly figuring out a rumor regarding a man wearing a yellow shirt, without knowing this ghostly story would change her life for good. Will her interest disappear upon experiencing the outcome of meeting this rumor for herself?

4 タグ

001- [BL]

Dustin was an assassin from the age of six, after being sold off by his father and leaving his identical twin. 9 years later and an adopted son later the teen is still diligently doing his job till he comes across a surprisingly familiar new target, a crown princess who looks a scary amount like him. “Oh well, I need to kill her.” But memories of a past he doesn’t even remember flood in after he finds his target, flipping back and forth is going to give him whiplash. And it only adds to make this job harder than it should be, adding the stress of needing to bring her reputation down first, something he finds out is an annoyingly hard thing to do, he’s going to be the youngest person to die of a stressed caused heart attack if this keeps going on. And on top of all of this, he’s dealing with an annoying priest, who behind that smile has a weird look anytime he sees Dustin that masks his cheeks burn. He hates this. He hates this dumb kingdom. He hates the dumb crown princess. He hates the priests and his stupidly hot self. And most of all he hates those feelings it causes, the unknown ones he’s never felt before. The only thing getting him through is his son Adien, but he keeps pointing out the things Dustin doesn’t want to think about. ————————— READ ALL WARNINGS!! [BL] (doesn’t come in till later!) [TRANS CHARACTERS](not the main character) Gore Slavery Switching from the past to present PTSD Magic system Unhappy ending Unreliable narrator Manipulation Isolation Starvation Mention of SA on a child (This is brought up once in mc’s nightmares and can be skipped) Torture Forced Murder/Torture Unhealthy Relationships Betrayal Panic Attacks Mc has Haphephobia (fear of being touched)

SavedArcher · ファンタジー

Through The Eyes Of A Stranger (Tessaandra's Story)

Tessnadra Alderman wakes up on Earth in a crashed pod with no idea where she is or who she is When a tribe of people who knew her parents take her in will she be able to remember who she is while on the path to discover who she needs to be? Can she save the lives of thousands that will need her? "I can never repay you enough for what you have done for Tessa. She's my whole world and it's been the hardest time of my life without her. But I need you to know that I'm willing to fight for her for as long as it takes for her to truly forgive me and get her love back." Julian said looking straight into Emmits Eyes. " I can respect that. Tess is not the woman you give up on. But are you thinking of her needs or yourself? Learning of your guys past I know there is a bunch of history I will never even want to change and feelings that will always linger. However she grew to love you, you were chosen for her. She chose me all on her own. She is not the same woman your people groomed her to be she is not who she was. With me she is learning who she wants to become. After all you have put her through do you honestly believe you're the right man for her? I will fight for her all of her for her choices, her freedom and her heart. Can you do that?" Emmitt answered back. "May the best man get her." Julian said. "May the best man deserve her." Emmitt answered back shaking his hand in respect.

lilmama881106 · 都市
30 Chs


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  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating