
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · ファンタジー
30 Chs

28) Strongest Orc Lord


"Dammit, it's getting closer."

"I only have around half of my mana left. I don't think I can do much."

"Rai, are you ok?"

Rai was panting seriously.

"I-I don't think I can last longer."

"Sigh, I will carry her, so just run for now."

"I-I'm as light as a feather though?"

Rai was carrying Lucy since she can't really run well.

"Nevermind that, let's just throw her as a bait for the orc lord. We can recover while she stalls for time. Her defensive abilities are only good at times like this afterall."

"Cruel bastard, Rai would never do such things. Right Rai?"

Rai looked really serious as if he is gonna make an important decision. Lucy flinched as she saw that and said

"Y-You are considering it? No matter how good I am at defense, I won't last atleast 5 minutes against that thing."

Everyone could feel the orc lord's aura from afar. It could sense the whole party and direct it's bloodlust even though they are easily 3 miles apart.

"We can't just keep running, is there any plan?"

Hans asked Gi Wan.

"... Confirm the message that you are going to recieve now."

"What messa-"

「Would you like to become members of 'Combat Unit'?」

Everyone looked confused and Rai seemed to realize something just then.

"Just accept it. There will be no problems in the future because of this, so don't worry."

"Yeah, I also have a vague idea about what is happening right now. Accept it."


Everyone looked at each other's faces and accepted it.

「You are now a member of 'Combat Unit'

All your stats increased by 0.7%」


"We should take even the slightest possible power up for now."

Ryan decided to not talk any further after hearing what Gi Wan said.

"It is not good for us to consume all our stamina while running so do this..."

Gi Wan explained the party a certain plan while making their running speed slower and slower.



The orc lord was walking towards the party. Gi Wan, Lucy, Rai, Aaryan and Aarvi were there.

"Thuder God's descendent, Darkness's descendent and the wielder of transcendal fists. I will let you live if you come to this side right now."

The orc lord said that while pointing his sword towards the party.

"It could speak?"

"It is the strongest orc lord. Which means it is basically the second strongest orc. Don't you think it would be wierder if it doesn't have intelligence when even orc slaves do?"

"They were intelligent???"

"Guess you didn't notice, but yeah. They are all just like us. It's just that the lower orcs didn't know the human language like us nor possessed some translation skill like this guy and Kart."

"I see."

Aaryan looked a little uncomfortable.

"We had to kill them to survive. Don't think about it too much."


"This reminds me of an unpleasant past..."

"Is your discussion over, humans?"

The orc lord still stood there and looked like a grim reaper to the party. There is also a huge army containing many orc champions, generals, knights, commanders and swordsmen.

"What decision did you make? Ar- Hm? There were supposed to be 7 of you though?"


Gi Wan shouted that and started running towards the orc lord. The whole army started to move instead of the orc lord. And then...


Aaryan started to crush the orcs like bugs. He gained a new skill afterall...

「One Man Army

Rank :- S


Effects :- Increase all of your stats by 100%. Decrease all your mana and stamina consumption by 100%. Increase your stamina and mana regeneration speed by 100%.

Usage Requirements :- You should be facing atleast 1000 enemies with less than 10 teammates.」

Aaryan recieved that skill when the boss room opened up. His class 'Brawler' had a hidden function in which it gives this skill when the user fights in a really disadvantageous situation.

"Take that!"

Lucy was also not holding back. She used her unbelievable amount of mana regeneration and her triple elemental magic to continuously slaughter the orcs.

"Let's do this."

While those two were engaging the army of orcs, Gi Wan, Aarvi and Rai faced off against the orc lord.

"Dammit. It even had this high level swordsmanship over those stats?"

Aarvi grumbled, but didn't stop her attacks. And suddenly...



With the extra 100% damage boost from his class, Ryan dealt a pretty good blow.

"Urgh! You think that could stop me?"


Suddenly, a mana bullet came from a distance and hit the orc lord's right shoulder.

"Damned rats."

It was Hans. He sniped from as far away as possible to get the maximum buff from his skills and class.

"It's all futile..."

The orc lord is slowly recovering the damage it recieved. The regenerating of it's shoulder could be seen with naked eye.

"Undead Unit"

At Gi Wan's words, a black portal opened up and 11 figures came out of it.


The undead unit now contained of 5 orc knights, 2 orc generals, 3 orc champions and 1 orc shaman. Gi Wan turned the gaurdians he just killed into his subordinates. The other orcs weren't a match for the orc lord but...

"Tch, so annoying."

The orc champions and the orc sorcerer not only regained their 100% power but also got a good buff from Gi Wan's skill. However, the orc lord could only use 20% of it's maximum power. The orc lord was slowly getting hurt by all the constant attacks and is now on the verge of collapsing...

"Aarvi, finish it. I suppose you have a good move for it."

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I have a brief idea about what the darkness's skills are like."

"I see, anyways see this properly then."

「You have used True Dark Blade Arts, Fifth Form, Omnipotence.

The damage you deal has been increased by 1000% for 5 seconds.

You have used True Dark Blade Arts, First Form, Dash n' Slash.

Dealt 500% damage to the target.」


The orc lord fell on its knees.

"Ah. To think there was someone like you... Ah wait, you must be the guy with 'his' backing."


"I see. Can you kill me now?"

The orc lord seemed to have lost all interest to live and gave up.


Gi Wan finished it off with a stab. Yet again the fight went pretty smooth. Gi Wan really is good at doing this. With the death of the orc lord all the other orcs disappeared.


Everyone looked tense.

"So? are you gonna explain now? Gi Wan?"

Everyone was staring at Gi Wan with grim eyes.