
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · ファンタジー
30 Chs

22) Meeting The Rest Of The Irregulars

"Are you sure?"


"But why irregulars? I'm sure that we're strong enough to get out of these dungeons on our own and..."

Lucy hesitated but one could immediately say what she was thinking about, maybe not everyone but atleast Gi Wan could. Kart, who is an irregular also betrayed them for the sake of power, so there is no gauranty that the other irregulars won't do the same.

"Rai is also an irregular."

Lucy flinched as she felt like he had read her thoughts and looked at Rai. Surely, Rai is also an irregular. Although he is weaker than Kart, that is only because orcs grow in terms of physical ability tremendously at a young age while werewolves grow at the age of adolescent.

"There is nothing in this world that is good or bad. Everything has it's own risks and benefits. All you have to keep in mind is that you should know when and where to take risks and when and where to give up."

"Damn it, stop lecturing me like an old man. You are around the same age as me you know?"

Lucy grumbled as she said that. And in the meantime...

"The portal is ready."

Rai opened up the portal to the dungeon with the highest number of irregulars. It seems like he had already guessed that Gi Wan would convince Lucy.

"Tch, let's just go."

All the three of them entered the portal.

'The number increased by one huh? Well, the more, the better since winning the last stage and passing the real hurdles while trying not call 'him' would be easier if we have more and stronger teammates...'

Gi Wan was thinking so while going into the portal.


The three effortlessly cleared the dungeons. Even the orc commander and orc general weren't an issue. All the three of them are as strong as Kart right now but...

"Damned bastard! Just how fast is your growth rate?"

Gi Wan is exceptional. Although Rai live up to his name of being an irregular and Lucy could somehow become as strong as Rai, Gi Wan is strong enough to defeat Kart wile being handicapped.

"As I said, Legends are built different."

"Fucking dipshit."

Lucy isn't a tsundere. She genuinely gets angered when someone shows off that they are privileged. It probably has something to do with her past.

"God, will you ever get married with that rude behavior of yours?"

"As if that actually matters now."

"Anyways, we should now leave to the next stage."

"Yeah, I bet those irregulars are super confused as to know why the difficulty went up all of a sudden."

While still chatting, they went inside the next dungeon. While clearing this dungeon, Gi Wan managed to obtain the spirits of the 8 orc knights, 2 orc generals and an orc commander that he obtained in both the dungeons.

'The orcs in this dungeon should be great additions too.'

Both Lucy and Rai knew about the fact that Gi Wan could summon the dead and use them to his will. However, they trusted him and are continuing to travel with him. Gi Wan even said Rai about the grimore and the skill card he gave to Lucy. So he didn't really hide anything important from the others.

"Ooh! An orc general and 8 orc knights! Let's go get 'em!"

"Go on your own. Let's split up for now everyone."

Both Rai and Gi Wan dashed to each side of the dungeon.

"Bleh! Losers, I don't need your help. I'm a fifth circle and can use both fire ball and ice spear you know?"

Lucy really is a prodigy. She managed to become fifth circle mana user and even managed to grasp the basics of ancient language in which spells are written to cast magic and recreated an already existent spell 'Ice Spear'. This is also a C-Rank spell so after casting it for over 100 times she managed to engrave it into her grimore too. She also possed the rare talent 'Elemenatal Affinity'. This talent lets the caster use any elemental magic without any restrictions. Generally, one wouldn't be able to use both fire and ice elemental magic since both of them are harmful to each other, but since she has that talent she could do that easily.


Rai could be seen in the distance easily slashing through all the orcs he encountered. He is now easily able to use lightning body all the time. This level of talent even surpasses the current thunder god's expectations.

"I'm still lacking."

Unlike Lucy, he didn't recieve any support form Gi Wan. However, he recieved the teachings of a being who is stronger than the twelve dieties, so he pushed himself saying to himself that he should atleast not fall behind Lucy and Gi Wan and hold them back. Due to this attitude, he is as strong as Lucy, who is a special mage.


His power level is nowhere near the level of newbie. He is atleast strong enough to kill a pure angel or pure demon, although his limit is only the weakest of them, he is still really strong for a newbie and even for an irregular.

「Name :- Rai

Class :- Dual Swordsman

Titles :-

Thunder God's Disciple

Stats :-

Str :- 150

Vit :- 70

Int :- 110

Dex :- 180

Agi :- 175

Skills :-

Passive :-

Sword Aura (B) (High) (lv 7)

Thunder God's Movement Techniques (S) (80%)

Thunder God's Dual Blade Arts (SSS) (20%)

Thunder God's Breathing Technique (S) (50%)


Lightning Body (SS) (lv 4)


Authority over lightning

Authority over aura」

「Dual Swordsman

Rank :- Rare

Effects :- Let's you learn dual sword skills as you level up your dual sword mastery. Increase all your stats by 50% when you are equipped with dual swords.」

「Thunder God's Disciple

Description :- You have shown immense talent enough to even impress the thunder god and managed to become his disciple! You are like a protagonist!

Effects :- 100% increase in the proficiency gaining rate of thunder god's skills.

Authority over lightning.」

「Thunder God's Techniques

Subskills :-

Thunder God's Movement Techniques

Rank :- S

Proficiency :- 80%

Effects :- Increase your movements speed, critical rate, damage, dexterity and agility by 160%. The effects double if you are using lightning body.

Thunder God's Dual Blade Arts

Rank :- SSS

Proficiency :- 20%

Effects :- When you are equipped with dual swords, increase all you stats by 200%. The effects double if you are using lightning body.

Thunder God's Breathing Technique

Rank :- S

Proficiency :- 50%

Effects :- Increase your aura quality, mana quality, mana recovery and health recovery by 100%. The effects double and increase all your stats by 50% if you are using lightning body.」

「Lightning Body

Rank :- SS

Level :- 4

Effects :- Increase all you stats by 400% and imbue your attacks, weapon and armor with lightning attribute.

Usage Requirement :- Authority over lightning 」

「Authority over lightning

Effects :- You can control the electricity and charges around you to certain degree and use them to your will. Any lightning attributed attacks or defenses gain bonus proportional to the amount of authority you have.」


Gi Wan could be seen in the distance fighting some people.

"Kill him!"

"Damn, to think all the irregualrs would be in this dungeon and I'd have to face them alone..."

Gi Wan is really busy dodging all the attacks from the four people before him and was reminded of Rai's face.

"I bet that bastard wasn't hypnotized and genuinely wanted to kill me. Just you wait, you furry wolf."


"Achooo! Ugh, is someone thinking of me?"

Rai wiped his nose while thinking so.