
The World Order

One and a half billion years ago, Countless races and powerhouses roamed Cynosure. Endless bloodbaths and carnage filled the world for seemingly infinite years. In order to end the carnage, the strongest forces of the world created The World Force. An organization that ruled over the fate of Cynosure for the next 1.5 billion years. Their uncontested foundation and legacy proved to be too much for everyone else to handle. They oppressed and plundered the world from everyone living in it. In a world of Arcane, Runes, and Laws, no one could compete against their absolute power. However, 500 million years ago, in the event known as The Great Divide, The World Force was separated into two factions, The White Chamber and The Black Chamber. This was all the individuals living in Cynosure needed in order to spark a coup that created several more forces that rose to contend against them. Now, the time has ripened. Five hundred million years was enough for a lot of forces to catch up. The balance is about to be broken!

ChaosEternal · ファンタジー
8 Chs


It had not been long before the foretold ending happened. Alfir reached the point of exhaustion where it was difficult for him to even move, much less to manifest Arcane. Despair can be seen painted on his face. His impending death already filled his mind.

"What a shame," Josh said before dealing the finishing blow.

The elders beside Xal, all had dark faces. They knew what it meant for their prodigy to lose against a country kid. It is something Xal would not be able to tolerate. As they thought in worry, Xal descended to the stage and came to Josh.

"Congratulations," he said with an ordinary look on his face.

Josh politely lowered his head before saying, "Thank you, sir."

"Presumptuous!" an elder shouted. "How dare a mere country kid address the lord as 'sir'?!"

Josh swallowed hard as he prevented himself from rebutting the elder. He looked into Xal's eyes. The latter's eyes turned serious and dark as he stared down at Josh.

"Why didn't you address me appropriately? I am representing the Feroz Kingdom which is under the Saizen Empire, a member of The World Force," Xal said in low volume, but it contained a certain sense of intensity that everyone felt.

Shivers were sent the spine of Josh's companion, especially Lana. She looked at him with eyes that says, 'Please keep it inside.'

Josh tightened his grip and refused to answer the question. The crowd stopped breathing as they waited for the silence to be over. Lana's heart is beating fast enough to run an engine. She knew that Josh could lose his life if Xal desired.

"I will pardon your offense if you join the banner of the Feroz Kingdom," Xal said.

The audience could not help but gasp upon the proposition. Those from the Southern Brigade smiled their hearts out. This meant that they would receive the backing of the Feroz Kingdom, and by extension, the Saizen Empire as well.

"Good world, we will actually be under the banner of The World Force," an elderly from the Southern Brigade said in glee.

"I am deeply honored by this proposal; however, I must decline," Josh said with a firm gaze.


"You fool!"


Disdain showered Josh after his refusal. Even the naturally stern and serious look on Xal's face shook as he heard Josh's response. Clearly, he did not expect him to refuse.

"Why?" Xal asked while pressuring the entire area using his Arcane. Josh inevitably choked at the pressure, but he still stood tall and looked directly at Xal.

"The Central Plains which is under the Feroz Kingdom did nothing but loot resources from our lands. They killed my fellow people because they got in their way, all for the glory of the Feroz Kingdom. Now, you want me to serve you? The very kingdom that killed my brothers and sisters? You are dreaming! I would rather die at this moment than kneel before my oppressors!" Josh declared.

Silence once again reigned over the area. Lana could not help but gasp as he looked at Josh with pride and sadness. No one knew what to say. They all waited for the response of Xal.

"I appreciate your integrity, young man. I will take my leave then," Xal said before flying away.

The people around had dumbfounded looks on their faces. They could not believe that such a conflict ended in that way. However, the cheers from the Southern Brigade quickly followed through. They hailed Josh not only for winning the competition but also for standing up against the oppressors. He was truly a hero of their generation.

Josh returned to the inn he is temporarily staying with Lana. They already entered their room when Lana spoke, "I am very amazed by you, my light and shining armor. You were wonderful! I cannot believe that you actually stood up against Xal!"

Lana looked at Josh with amazement and genuineness which melted Josh's heart. "It's all because I have you as my source of courage," he said.

The hero and the princess enjoyed each other's company throughout the night. Not long after, morning already greeted the world.

"Lana?" Josh asked the room after not seeing Lana beside him after waking up. He looked around and saw a piece of paper on the nightstand where it writ, 'Forest of Sorrows. Mountain Base. I would hurry up.'

Josh's expression immediately turned sour as he rushed out of the inn and ran to the Forest of Sorrows. 'Be safe! Be safe!' he cried in his mind.

"Hey, it's hero Josh!" somebody greeted; however, Josh just blitz through them without sparing them a glance.

At this point, Lana was all that is on his mind. Finally, he reached the base of the mountain inside the Forest of Sorrows.

Josh almost crumbled after seeing Lana. She had her hands tied up on a long pole which made her hang. Bruises can be seen all over her bare body with only the remnants of her clothes covering her private areas.

"Lana..." Josh whispered in despair. His eyes are filled with sadness he had never felt before and anger he could barely control.

"I told you. I would hurry up. You bored me," a menacing voice echoed through the forest. It was a very familiar sound to Josh.

"You bastard!" Josh shouted after seeing Xal with a disdainful look.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are such an idiot. I really wonder where you, peasants, get your courage to stand up against us. Are you proud? How is this price for your integrity?" Xal taunted.

"You maniac! Release Lana!" Josh is already red in anger. The Arcane around him is raging out of control but he still held himself as he feared for Lana's life.

"Sure...but I will not be the one who will release her. You will," Xal said with a terrifying look in his eyes. Just then, three individuals came pulling three other people. Josh's demeanor collapsed after seeing these people. They were his mother, sister, and the mother of Lana.

"A life for a life. Kill one of them for Lana to live."