
The World Of The Unknown

In a world full with hate and division a couple who were of different origins in race came together to form the first half human offspring since generations. A stigma that would warrant death. His birth shifted the course of the planet. Not only that but a goal stemming from the love of his parents, to unite the world. Ivanian Gale, is a boy that grew up in a common land with loving family and with no challenges in his life until that was taken. His home, his friends, his family all stripped from him forcing him to walk a lonely path As years go by his tasks becomes more difficult and people around him begins dissipating after receiving a prophecy by a being of divine power that he may cause the end to his world Is it true or Is it a simple trick??

LegendaryKing13 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Master Vs Student

My Uncle, The King of Randu, Arthur Winslow was a prideful, joyous man who didnt care what people thought of him and only cared for his family.

He was trained in the art of combat since he could walk and with his royal status he got the best of everything but due to an ability given to him during birth he couldn't gain strength from potions and it was impossible for his trainers to work with him due to this power they did not understand.

When he was born he was half dead and the healers saw it was too risky to use magic on a newborn so the queen prayed to the "Gods" and asked for them to switch their fate. Surprisingly it worked and the queen lost her life. Ever since that day his father shunned him and blamed him for the death of his mother. He was taken care of mostly by maids and other servants and only saw his father when the royal family had to be present during an event.

Arthur was lonely and his father had no interest in remarrying even when his council men tried to persuade him until he met "Von Gale".

He was a hunter who passed the exams in one go with ease and he even defeated S-Tier beasts within a month of being a hunter. He even gained the rank general in 3 months, a rank that would take people years, decades even to obtain. That didn't even scratch the border of the amount of things he did, he even became the leader of the royal knights not long after gaining the rank of general.

The king asked Von to train his son due to his amazing talent. Von trained Arthur in a different way than his other trainers did which allowed him to enhance his strength and control his power.

Within a year Arthur became excellent with a sword and around that time he fully awakened his ability and found his magic typing as an "Astros" mage.

Astros is a magic typing that focuses mostly on close quarters combat but you can still use ranged attacks. The Astros typing allows the user to strengthen themself and their weapons but it takes many years to master but with the help of Von it was much easier.

With all of that help Arthur rose to the top and became not only a well respected and master swordsman but also a spectacular mage. From then on he was idolized by many.

{Present Day}

Arthur stood in front of Von with a blank expression on his face as he told him they needed to talk.

"What do you mean?" (Von)

Arthur went in closer and said to him colder than ever;

"It's about your wife"

Von instantly became quiet as his eyes widened after hearing him.

"7 months ago one of my advisors gave me news about something unbelievable. A knight had told him on one of his missions he got information about Mira and her family. I already know that Mira was an assassin but what shocked me was that not only was she an assassin but a ghoul." (Arthur)

Vons body shook but he maintained his composure fast. He scoffed before acting like his usual self.

"You can't be serious, Arthur, you can't just believe anything a common knight says for all you know they're just trying to get a raise." (Von)

"That's what i thought too but it got stuck in my head and the more i thought about it the more i wanted to investigate so that's what i did. I got evidence on top of evidence until I finally got the last thing I needed to confirm this rumor." (Arthur)

One of the knights handed Arthur Mira's diary.

Arthur lifted it up in the air for Von to see and asked if he had recognized it. Von stuttered as he saw it.

" When did you get that…?" (Von)

"Not too long ago and as I read through it I learned more about her identity and her false life she created here." (Arthur)

"You know Mira there's know way she's a ghoul, other than this diary which could be falsely created. What real proof do you even have." (Von)

Arthur walked up to Von and showed him a tube with Mira's blood in it.

He told him whose blood it was and dropped it on the ground. The tube broke as it hit the ground and the blood spread on the ground. It burned through the ground like acid.

"That is all the proof needed." (Arthur)

Von knew he couldn't deny it anymore and sighed before asking him a question.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" (Von)

"We're going to put an end to this problem permanently and I wanted to ask for your help before we did this." (Arthur)

Arthur extended his hand to Von.

"Please master" (Arthur)

Von closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying "No" as his expression changed from neutral to angry.

"I will never betray Mira no matter who she is, no matter what she is, I love her for being her." (Von)

He drew back in his hand and sighed.

"I knew this was going to happen so I already have men ready to attack, one word and they'll move in." (Arthur)

"Arthur you can't!!!" (Von)

"I will but based on this reaction of yours you already knew didn't you." (Arthur)

Von froze for a bit as he said this.

"None of this matters, I didn't want to do this but I won't let you stand in my way." (Arthur)

Von clenched his fist and got in a battle stance.

Arthur raised his hand and signaled for the men to leave before looking down and vanishing in seconds. Arthur reached behind Von with his blade in hand and in a sword stance.

After making contact an explosion was set off and debris and fog flew in the air.

He'd lift his head up and stood up straight before looking back.

"I know that didn't take you out, master." (Arthur)

The smoke faded and Von would be shown with his sleeves destroyed revealing his wrist protectors.

"Of course it didn't." (Von)

Arthur dashed towards Von within a second with his left hand gripping the sword's handle as his other hand guided the blade to Vons neck. As it came closing in Von did an upwards kick sending Arthur off course with just the wind pressure released. Arthur was sent flying in the air as Von vanished only leaving a faint afterimage behind him and reappearing behind the flung Arthur with both his hands clasped and ready to do a hammer slam. Arthur reacted fast and turned blocking the attack with his rapier but was still sent flying into the ground.

Arthur went crashing into the ground but before making contact with the muddy ground below he summoned a light aura which surrounded his entire body.

He vanished in the blink of an eye as Von started to descend. Von looked left and right for Arthur after he disappeared but saw nothing, then suddenly a ball of light came flying towards him at blinding speeds. The ball of light crashed into Von and sent him through the forest hitting him through multiple trees before revealing Arthur inside it. Arthur silently said:


He pointed the tip of his rapier on Vons chest as magic circles surrounded it. The tip started to glow as a beam of light struck Von, sending him plummeting into the ground.

As he landed the ground broke into bits sending debris everywhere. Arthur came down now with the light aura extending to his rapier. His arms clenched the blade, swinging it just before he made contact with Von.

As the rapier went down to end Von fire spewed from the ground in a pillar stopping that attack and burning Arthur. Screaming in pain, Arthur activated a transfer ability and teleported himself further away from Von and the attack. He was now out of the attack and there were visible burn marks boiling on his arm like a volcano about to erupt. Due to the attack not only was his hand burnt but entire right side was scorched as well. The fire pillar changed forms and turned into a dome which slowly condensed.

The dome fully condensed and fused with Vons body. Tiny flashes occured before an explosion happened sending a wave of heat burning everything in a 100 meter range. This wave came towards Arthur fast but he was much faster. He blitzed the attack and appeared on a tree a few meters from where the explosion ended.

The grass was disintegrated and in the middle of all of this was a fire in form of a human.

His eyes slowly opened reaveling blank pupils and scleras that held intensity within them.

It was as if they were minature suns that burnt endlessly.