
Even Roach Is Not Persistent Like You!


Black haired kid was sighing in the middle of forest.

This kid is Dino. it's not his habit sighing, but the situation made him can't stop sighing. he was excited couple minutes ago, and now he look like some kid who just lost his precious toys.

(i can't believe it. i can't do anything)

Dino was so excited when learned that he was transported to another world as his game character. he imagine that he'll got event like what happened to main protagonist of fantasy novel who transported to another world. he thought he can you all his skill here. he thought he can feel how to use magic. he thought he will became overpower main protagonist like in novel. but that was just his imagination. because when he tried to use his skill from the game he can't use it.

(nearly eight million skill was useless huh?)

he remember when he was playing game before transported. because of 'add skill' cheat that he use when playing game, his character got nearly eight million skill. when he was still on game, he tried all skill that he never use before

(even zoom vision was unusable.)

'zoom vision' was passive skill that all character get when they reach level ten. this skill was can be use by all player to looking far away. but because it was beginner skill, player vision only limited to 2x digital zoom range. To activating this skill people didn't need use any command or playing the skill on skill bar. but with just focusing their vision, people can use this skill.

(fortunately there was no one here. or i'll be die from embarrassment)

in the last fantasy, there are three way to activating skill. first was with thought. because of full diving consciousness system. all progamme on virtual world(game) can be activating with thought and will of someone. that's why this system became popular and replace old virtual reality system that still using body motion and button. second was use toolbar UI, different from normal toolbar that still need button, in FDC you can control pointer using your mind and make it clicking on the toolbar. and third was using voice command, this type activating skill was very popular on the last fantasy. many people thought that 'it was so cool. when you activating skill with shouting it's name'. but it has flaw that you need to call right name of the skill. so some maniac usually use many hour just to learning and remembering all their skills. Dino was try all of method to activating the skill. he even try to using silly pose, but still not working.

"maybe because this was real world, i can't use my skill here. sigh... i hope i can use magic like on novel or comic."

"forget it. i'll just try it again later."

"first, i need to get out of this forest and find people to confirm where the hell am i"

then he was looking at his hand while hold and opening, like to feel something

"somehow my body feel so powerful. and i can feel great vitality from inside my body. this is power of level 47 character?"

then he looking around, and found thick branch falling on the ground. the branch has fithty centimeter length and ten centimeter diameter. he hold the branch with his hand on every tip of it, and he tried to bent it.

*crack* "what the?"

Dino was surprised because the branch just broke into two.

"i didn't use all my strength and the thick branch like that?"

"just how strong am i now? this is really fantasy world?"

Dino starting to asking question again. because every time trying to confirm something, more confused he becomes. first he thought he was on the fantasy world with magic like in the story of novel or comic. but when he try to activating his skill from the game, he was failed. second when he thought this is real world without something like magic, but now he has unbelievable strength.

"but why this character!? not another character that already max level! if my body was another character, i'll became overpower main character like on the novel and comic!! is this karma because i am playing using cheat before?"

"AAAH!! FORGET IT!! just think this is fantasy world! so my logic is useless here!"

finally he was broken because he can't explain any of it. so he tried to forget it and let it go.

"because iam too excited about another world i am really forgot checking something that was so important."

"i need to check my entier body. i just check my unbelievable strength before, so i need to check if there any other abnormalities on my body."

with that word, Dino starting to calm himself down. and try to check his entire body. he pulled his shirt up and looking at his belly. after he look that everything was fine, he began groping his face and his back. then he feel nothing wrong, and look under his pants.

"WOW! my 'little brother' became so big!"

"my 'little brother' when i was a twelve around 8 cm. i read some book, a boy before reach teenager age has length around 3-4 cm. because of hormonal growth of teenager age their 'little brother' will grow twice length. but now in five year old body, my 'little brother' around 7.5 cm!!"

Dino was excited because of his new body. somehow after looking at his new 'little brother' he forgetting about his worry about this world.

"ah. i can't imagine what happened when this body grown up."

after that he finishing checking all of his body.

"ok! everything fine now! first i need to searching for food and water."

Because his excitement came to another world. he forget he doesn't have any food and water. after checking his body. Dino tried to checking another important function of game, that was 'inventory'. unfortunately same as his skill and UI. he can't access it. he has many food on his inventory but he can't access it so it was useless now. food was used has buffing on the last fantasy, but because this is real world he starting to think will he dead if he didn't get any food. so he tried to find food and water.

Dino tried to climb a tree. he never doing climbing training in earth, but he learn some martial art to defense his self on earth. of course there aren't martial art that teaching climbing technique, but with agility and strength of level 47 character he can easily get himself to the top of tree. fortunately this was still morning, so he can see where the suns rises.

"so that way was east huh?"

he doesn't know the wind direction, how this planet rotate and the planet velocity here. so he equalize it like earth.

"i don't know why, but i know exactly this time is 7:32(am). because of stupid things i did before, i wasted around forty three minute."

he don't know why he can instinctively tell what time it is.

"is this because there are clock on the game UI? the game ui became my instinct? but why my skill isn't working?"

(ah damn't it!! iam starting questioning air again. just forget it. this is fantasy world. everything was normal here!)

after experiencing what happened, Dino starting to learn to not think it too deep.

"i decide! i'll walk to east! to the land of the rising sun"

"like oldman said. if you want to learn you must travel to far east until you found the land of the rising sun"

after talking(to himself) about old idiom, Dino goes down from the tree and starting his journey in another world.





Sun has started high. but after walking around two hour, Dino still hasn't found the way out of this forest. fortunately he hasn't hungry yet, but he still has to searching some food. he found some mushroom before. but he wasn't sure that mushroom was edible or not, so he doesn't pick any of it. the forest is not silence, sometimes he heard sound of chirping bird or buzzing sound of cicada. this is clearly summer on this world, when he was still on earth he remember that closing party of the last fantasy was on 9 November. so he doesn't need to afraid freezing to death here.

(fortunately it was summer here. but it's still early to decide that, because i don't know the climate here.)

(where iam now? iam on tropical climate zone or iam on four season climate zone? if this location on tropical zone i need to adapting my body with the heat waves on noon.)

while making mark on tree using stone Dino was considering his way and make plan what was he do next for adapting situation.

Dino doesn't have any experience about hiking or mount climbing. but as people from earth, he remember lesson about when you lost in the forest. when people lost in the forest first they must not panic, checking your food and water supply, then looking for open space and making a bonfire, so the helicopter of rescue team can see them. second you must marking the tree on your way, so you aren't circling around same location. third you must find a river, because human need water to live that why settlement always build near river. but first step not possible here, because there aren't any rescue team who will looking for him in another world. so Dino skipping first step and what he doing now was second step and third step. Dino making mark that was circling the tree, so after some meter away he can look the tree that was marked and make new mark on another tree. with this he know he doesn't walk circling around same location.

But after walking around two hour, he doesn't found any way out of this forest. so he sit near a tree and rest a while.

(fortunately, i didn't meet any venomous snake or insect. hmm?)

after siting and focusing on all his sense. he heard something.

(this is! sound of water! i can hear water flowing faintly!)

after hearing the sound. Dino close his eyes, then he try to feel the faintly sound using his ear.

(i knew it! over there!)

he snapped his eyes open then start walking to the source of the sound.

After walking several minutes a peat soil was change to rocky soil and he can hear water flowing sound clearly.

"a river!"

what he saw was river with transparent and clear water. the stream isn't too slow and are not too fast either. so you can see the bottom of the river. there was one meter mossy rocks area along the way beside the river, that look like separating forest and river. the water isn't deep just fifty centimeter, and wide three meter.

Dino checking the river surface, there are water strider dancing along there. this is indication that the water on the river was safe to drink. then he scooping the water with his both hand and put it on his mouth.

"ah. this is the freshest water i ever drink."

he take another scooping a water and drink it until he was satisfied.

snap.. crack..

after drinking a water Dino was jolt up because he was hear something that sound like branch and leaf got stepped by feet.

and that was appeared!




In the green scenery of the forest, there was location that human won't step their legs. this location isn't like dangerous forest on earth, where people was easily got lost. but in this world there was another kind of danger. Different from earth, in this world when you talking about forest, there still many wild animal(or wild beast) lurking around here. every corner of forest is an territory of wild beast like a bear, pack of timber wolf or lonesome forest tiger.

But in this area of forest, the lord of territory isn't a bear, timber wolf or forest tiger. but it was an existence called 'Barb'. Barb was a boar, and what make it different from normal boar it has brown skin with short brown hair in entire his body. and characteristic that make it different from normal boar was it size. Biggest normal boar has length 1.5 meter and height 90 cm, but average barb has length 2 meter and height 1.2 meter. Barb has bigger tusk than boar and that was make it look more scary than normal boar.even they are bigger than boar, barb isn't top of food chain. they are omnivorous like boar. but basically they just eat fruit and plant from the forest. the meat that they eat usually leftovers of another beast. usually barb was got hunted by timber wolf or forest tiger. even they got bigger body than wolf, they can't stand a chance to facing up wolf fang and claw.

The lord of this forest area was different form his own kind. since he was born, he had bigger size than his brother. he became barb leader after he defeating his older brother and claim it life. he was so strong! one day he met a forest tiger, that day his size just slightly bigger than any other barb. but with some luck he bite the tiger neck when the tiger was attacking his own kind. after defeating tiger he grew more stronger, his body grow bigger, his eyes hearing and nose grow sharper, .then he fought many beast that rule a territory of the forest and chased it away. he became so big, bigger than any barb. his length more than 3 meter and his height around 2.1 meter. he claim himself of the lord of this forest. but until one day he meet them.

they were some kind of monkey. a damned bald monkey that only had hair on their head. instead of hair or fur, they use something that called clothes to covering their body. they was so smart, because they can gather delicious food and raise them on their own territory. small forest animal sometimes stealing food from their territory, but many of them failed and became their feast instead. as self proclaim the lord of this forest, he want to take anything that bald monkey has. at first he eating food on their territory with ease. the food was different from forest, not only it delicious, they had many of them in one place. he need to looking at many location to get this delicious if he was in the forest, but here he can get it all in once. this is make him envying that damned bald monkey.

After a few days he eating at their territory. a damned bald monkey starting to sending their kind to attacking him. they using pitchfork, torch, and a spear whose tip made of stone to scare him off. but that was isn't working for him, because he had impenetrable tough skin. even wolf, tiger and bear fangs can't hurt him. so the pitchfork and spear isn't problem for him.he attacking and injuring that damned bald monkey and chased them away.

He thought he was strongest in this world, but that thought was wrong. the damned bald monkey was come again, but this time was different. they are six people use metallic plate on their entire body. they have round thicker plate on their left hand. and long sharp plate on their right hand. that sharp plate was so sharp whose can injuring him. a damned monkey calling the sharp plate as sword. from first time in his live, the lord feel he was in a dangerous situation. every time he trying to attacking them, they'll easily anticipate his attack. it's feel like they can read his movement like an opened book and toying with him.

after some minute battle, his entire body got injured badly. his leg felt so heavy and feel like it can't support his body anymore. then he closed his both eyes.

"it's not attacking anymore! is it dead standing?"

one of the damned bald monkey starting to talk to his friend. and he starting to carelessly closing his gap with him. and start to poking the lord body with his sword.

"idiot! don't get carel---"

before his friend warning was finished. the lord was snapped his eyes open and charging to one of his damned enemy.


it was because he was careless or he was panic, sudden charge from the lord make him lost sword his grip.

The lord doesn't wasted this chance, after he knock off damned bald monkey sword, he push his body to charging into his enemy. he thought even if he down here, at least he'll bring one of this damned bald monkey with him. with his weight he stomp his damned enemy until he coughing a blood under his helmet.





"Ricky!! damn it"

"you guys! try to help Ricky! i'll attract this beast attention!"

""""aye aye captain!""""

The man that called captain is Bruno, he was knight leader of Wales town. Wales town was nobleless territory under Marquisdom of Marquis Carmen. There are a lord on this town before, his name was Lord Wales but he was dead by accident. he doesn't have a heir and his wife was dead because of illness 2 year before his dead. Marquis was appointing his cousin to became lord of Wales town, but in the day of celebrating party, his cousin was dead, he was slipped on the stairs after got drunk on celebrating party. after that there are rumor about wales town. you'll get cursed or you'll got bad luck if you became the lord of the town. that why wales never became nobleless town.

Bruno was good knight, he was a 30 year old talented knight that has many achivement. even if he was a commoners and doesn't have any noble blood. marquis has a plan to appoint him as lord of Wales town. But four day before marquis plan realized, Bruno got a message from Osina village chief. Osina village was one of six village under administrative of Wales town. and this village was Bruno hometown. village chief said that his village got attacked by a huge beast, and the villagers was useless against it. Short story after he heard that his hometown got attacked, Bruno get his five loyal subordinate to follow him to village. then that was happened why he fought with this beast.

"Come here you damned beast!"

Bruno tried to taunt and get attention of the beast by hitting his shield with his sword. but the beast didn't even care about him and starting to open it mouth tried to bite his subordinate head off.

"damn it!"

looking at the beast that doesn't care about what he was doing. Bruno move his leg forward. and rise hit sheild.

"you want to eat my subordinate? then EAT THIS!!"


Bruno punching the beast using his left hand that held a shield. the beast was shocked and blanked for half second by sneak attack. that wasn't a sneak attack, but because of it had full attention was to killed one his subordinate. it didn't prepare to faced Bruno suprise attack.


doesn't want to wasted any chance. he gave signal to his subordinate that was ready to save Ricky.

hearing the signal two knight was sweeping beast leg off Ricky body, and another two was puling Ricky body away from the beast. after that Bruno and his subordinate make some distance with the beast.


looking at it prey got away the beast starting to rage, it roar make the atmosphere tense.

"Captain look!"

"Damn it! he regenerate!"

"damn it. if i am survive this, i'll ask his excellency Marquis to raise our salaries and allowances. then i'll roast barb for dinner everyday!"

Bruno didn't know which his subordinate said that, but that joke reducing the tense atmosphere. as territorial knight they knew that their salaries and allowances smaller than knight who sent as army for war. asking to raise their salaries and allowances was taboo for knight. because in this kingdom salaries and allowances can be raised base on their achievement. being knight must had knight Heart to protecting people not for gain and profit. But sometimes territorial knight will cracking joke about their salaries when they are working.

"Focus guys! look like it's not normal barb. calling it regenerate isn't right, his wound just closed faster than normal. look like it was Savage Beast, a Monster! is it 'Savage Barb'? get ready for worst situation!"

"aye aye captain!"

As experienced knight Bruno understand what he faced now! it is clearly not normal animal or wild beast. an existence that was called a 'Savage Beast' or a 'Monster'. In this world there was something that was can't be understood be normal logic, and one of them is 'Mana' or 'Prana'. Mana(or Prana) is something that already exist before human. Some religious people said mana is blessing from god that was a factor to creating this world. with power of mana human can wield power more than they imagine, and they called this power is magic, but not all human can use magic. same as human, some animal and wild beast can use power of mana either. human call them savage beast or a monster. but because of animal and beast don't has intelligence like human they just use mana power subconsciously. but mana power still make them more times stronger,faster and sharper than normal beast.





self proclaim the lord of the forest was excited. his injury was still there but he can feel it was healed a little, and his heavy feet was more ease now. even if he lost his prey, he don't know why but he feel something that been long time he never feel it again. last time he felt like this when he was fighting tiger for first time, that time he remember that their kind was hopeless against tiger. but in critical moment he doesn't give up, at that moment he felt something powerful was growing inside him and make him stronger. this time something happened again, this time was different. it's like he gain something that he can't understand it.

What is strength?

Yeah, what is strength? that was question that he ask in his head. strength is his physical power? strength is his speed? strength is his sharp sense? is he strong? or bald monkey stronger?

that first time he felt that he want to know what strength is. he new his physical body is much stronger than bald monkey, he can run faster than bald monkey, his sense is sharper than bald monkey. but why these bald monkey was stronger than him? because they smarter than him? what is smart? because of metallic things?

no, is not!

another bald monkey that came yesterday was smarter than him. but they are far weaker than him. but these bald monkey was different. they fought much stronger than him. and why is that?

of course the lord can't found the answer. but he know, if he can defeat this bald monkey like when he did with tiger, he'll became stronger. and when he eat them like what he did to tiger, he'll became strongest existence in this world!


the lord was roaring once again, and this time he charging his body into unconscious bald monkey that was carried by two bald monkey





"Here it come! get ready guys! Give your heart!"

Bruno alerting his subordinate, he knew that the beast was aiming for his unconscious subordinate. so he tried to cutting it running line and make surprise attack again from right side.

"what? a feint?"

Bruno was surprised by sudden change movement of the beast. when he raise his shield to bashing it into beast head again, suddenly the beast movement was changed and he move toward him.


in last second he able to move his shield from attack to defensive position. but because of his stance was change so suddenly he can stand a power of charging beast and got thrown off several meter.


"iam okey guys! stay alert he came again!"

Bruno calming down his subordinate, after he saw the beast that running past him make sudden turn of it movement. he telling his subordinate to get ready of incoming.

the beast was increasing his speed when he charging to his enemy. it felt happy that his plan was succeed. and his charging to another knight.

"Max, Ray! get ready!"

two guy who carrying Ricky was alerting his friend that targeted by the beast.

"Yeah i know! Ray get ready to his feint."

"ok! i'll attack him from his side like captain"

Max was preparing beast charge and Ray will make surprise attack from right side. but same as before, the beast that charging into Max change his direction into Ray.

"Like hell same movement will work again!"

Ray who charging into beast make sudden evasion and evade the beast charge. then he raised his sword and stab it into beast right leg. and the beast roaring because it leg got hurt


surprised the beast was got hurt on his leg. but from behind he heart another man voice that was preparing to attack him.

that was Max who standing in defensive stance before. he knew that the beast will make same feint so he fake his stance. and when beast making sudden change on it movement that time is when max charging toward the beast and attacking it from behind.


the beast was roaring loudly because of max jumping to it back and stabbing it body with his sword. but the sword only penetrating 10 cm into it body.


Max was thrown off to the ground by beast rage. and he was stabilize his body but he sword was stuck on beast body.

"tsk! i stabbing on his bone huh?"

"get ready Max, i think he won't make same feint again because you make him mad!"

Max who cursing his bad luck got interrupted by Ray remark, and he got his shield up, get ready to face the beast that was running around and charging toward him.

"don't think that i will let you!"


Bruno who suddenly appear from out of nowhere stabbing belly of the beast from right side. it was happened either of Bruno strength or right momentum, the beast who got stabbed make roar and lost it balance falling to it left side of it body.

the beast didn't just let Bruno do has his wish. it quickly stand up and move his body away from Bruno. but Bruno didn't just let his sword go like his stupid subordinate, he grap on his sword when the beast struggling and running make it wound got wider. he didn't forget to pull his subordinate sword from it back.


"Damn it! it's hard! only half of my sword that penetrated it body! if i knew there was giant savage beast here, i'll bring my boardsword here!"

before came here, when village chief say that they got attacked by huge beast. he thought it was just some wild bear that entering the village. so he just bring some sword and shield. but if he knew it was Savage Barb he'll bring his favorite board sword here.

"take this Max! don't lost it again!"

he threw his subordinate sword and warn him to not be careless.

"now let's attack it together, he has strong body there but we had number here!"

""""aye aye captain""""





The lord was confused.

He got strong he knew it. but his strength not enough to facing these bald monkey!

at first his plan was succeed when he thrown leader of bald monkey with single attack, but his plan isn't working anymore. he thought that he felt something growing inside him, he can be strongest existence in this world. he thought that he felt something that he felt before when fighting lion, he can defeating bald monkey easily. but clearly bald monkey was stronger than him. even if he got stronger.

he isn't strong enough. he must escape!

that was he thought, but now the damned bald monkey was wounding him and circling him not let him escape.

"Now! Attack!"

He didn't understand what the leader of bald monkey said, but he knew what is it because all of bald monkey moving toward him.

this was dead end.

That was the lord thought, until he saw something that dazzling on the ground. it was metal plate of unconscious bald monkey that was reflected light of the sun. that dazzling light was like enlightenment light for him. his broken spirit was restored instantly and he was charging toward the light.

"Damn it! he was targeting Ricky!"

the bald monkey was panic when they saw him targeting their fainted friend.

""Eat this!""

Two monkey that was closer with unconscious monkey was attacking him from left and right of his side. they stabbing their sword into his body but that didn't make him stop.

it's hurt

he thought, but he can stop now. he'll die if he was stopping. another monkey will showering him with their sword.

"damn it. he isn't stopping! guys he--!"


before the damned monkey finishing his word. The lord fast gathered his strength and push his body with all his might. that resulted two damned monkey was thrown away with their sword still stabbing on his body.

"if you want to stop and killing him, you need aim it on his head! even if i die i'll protect my subordinate!"

even though he was succeed got rid of two monkey, yet that second momentum was slowed him down. so the leader of bald monkey can showed up in front of him to block his way.


his instinct telling him a danger from sword that approaching to his head. it was sure kill stab that aiming on his brain.

shtab.. splash.. swish.. crack.. crash..


blood was spilled everywhere. in the last moment the lord was change trajectory of his head. he bite the bald monkey leader right leg off from his toe to 10 cm below his knee. but the lord has to pay. the sword of the monkey was scratching his entire right face and gouging his right eye off.


feeling agony on his entire body and his right eyes. the lord is running with all his might into the forest.



since that day. the self-proclaim lord of forest never step his leg into that damned bald monkey territory. after some agony the sword that stabbed on his right side and left side his body was stuck on some tree. that was helped him to gouging it out of his body. after a few days his wound finally got healed. but his right eye wasn't, so he lost his right side of his vision forever.

but he gained something that no body else in this forest has. that was experience facing a bald monkey. with that experience he grew stronger! with lost of his right vision, his nose and hearing grew sharper. now he can distinguishes of anything. he can distinguishes the smell of blood of another beast prey and when they are killed. he knew some timber wolf sometime rubbing their body into some grass that has strong smell to covering their own smell when hunting. now he can hear something from kilometers away. he can walking in the night without any light with just hearing reflection of sound from his feet that was bouncing when the sound hitting an object. it was like he got echolocation power.

but the most important power he was gain from fighting with damned bald monkey was 'learning'. now he knew. if he doesn't come to bald monkey territory. the metal platted bald monkey will not come attacking him. sometimes weak bald monkey will entering forest to looking for something. and when they entering the forest, he'll attacking them and killing. that was his vengeance to bald monkey who took his half of his vision. sometimes some balk monkey cub will entering the forest, so he hunt them down and killing them. if he killing to much bald monkey in the forest. they'll send metal platted group to attacking him. but the forest was different from bald monkey territory, he can easily escape from them. sometimes bald monkey will setting trap for him. at first he got caught of one and two trap. but after some experiencing the trap he never got caught again. sometimes bald monkey entering forest with their scents covered in some grass or flower from the forest. but the lord who got his nose grew sharper distinguishing them easily. since that day bald monkey call him with name 'nightmare of the forest' who hunter everyone that entering the forest.

as animal the lord can't understand concept of time, so after some unknown period time bald monkey starting to evading his territory. and neither their weak adult or their cub entering the forest.

but this day was different!

in early morning the forest feel different. some bird and insect still doing whatever they was doing. but wild beast and some lord of territory that usually lurking around on their own forest territory became quite on this early morning. because they feel something suddenly appearing on the forest. something dangerous that make their instinct screaming asking them to run. but one of lord of the forest the 'Savage Barb' can't held his curiosity about this dangerous thing.

as a beast his instinct keep telling him to run from that dangerous thing. but he already learning from fighting with balded monkey. so he'll make distance to see what is this dangerous thing that make his instinct screaming. this dangerous thing was appearing this morning on territory of great bear territory near the border his own territory with the great bear. the great bear territory is on west part of the river, and his territory was eastern part of the river that connecting into bald monkey territory.

The dangerous thing was starting to move. he moving from great bear territory into his territory. with sharp sense the lord knew that the dangerous thing was moving in the speed of the bald monkey. but something strange with his movement. after some meter it'll stopping and doing something than it start to move again. so the lord tried to focusing on his nose, and he tried to distinguishing it smell with every beast or monkey that he ever met. but this scents he never meet something like this before. but from his sharp ear and his echolocation power, he knew that the dangerous thing is so small. he estimates it size just around bald monkey cub.

when the sun start rise high, the dangerous thing was starting to get closed to his location. yeah, it was near river when he was usually hunting his prey or looking some plant to eat. he quickly hid himself on foliage, looking at river and waiting for dangerous thing to showing himself.

and then

flutter.. flutter.. crack..


rage was first thing that lord thought when he saw at something that appear.


the dangerous thing that was make him curious just a black cub of bald monkey. if this was normal situation he'll observing why his instinct was so scared about this black bald monkey, and why this bald monkey smell was different from other bald monkey.

but the situation now was isn't normal. it's been long time since he saw bald monkey. after he saw the bald monkey was fooling him, rage was blinded his mind. that rage make him remember what bald monkey did to him, and his vengeance desire was raise again.



Dino was running.

Dino was confused.

He don't know why this giant boar was chasing him. first time their eyes was meet, he was surprised about huge boar that appear near him. in earth boar was calm when you didn't provoke them. but when this boar saw him, it was so angry like Dino was killing his mom.

feel in danger. Dino start to running with all his might from this stupid boar. at first he tried to climb some tree to evade the boar. but the boar start to attacking the tree with his huge body.


unfortunately the tree he climbed is so weak. it starting to collapse with the power of stupid boar. lucky for him there was bigger tree near the tree he climbed. before the weak tree collapse he jump to branch of another tree.

"persistent bastard!"

he cursed the boar, because when the boar saw him moving into another tree. it tried to attacking the tree where Dino was. but this tree was so big, it won't budge even the boar attacking it with all boar might.

"fortunately i can see river from here. i don't want to lost my way far from river if i want to find human civilization."

he was relieved that he didn't run too far from the river.

(damn it! what can i do now? this stupid boar waiting me down there. why the hell it chasing me? iam killing your son? your brother? your mother? i just arrived here and you chasing me like iam your mortal enemy.)

Dino was so angry. he doesn't understand why he got chased by stupid boar. and why the stupid boar was so persistent about him. and then he starting to think how he get out of this situation

(what shoul i do? i must get down and fought it?)

(i knew that i have strength of level forty seven character. but i still don't know how strong it is here. and still can't control my strength well. damn it)

Dino is still doubting his strength, because he just arrived in this world. he didn't know if his strength is enough to fought boar that huge. he was learning martial art on earth, but that martial art is 'Silat'. silat is martial art from Indonesia, this anti-human martial art basic strength is counter. in dark ages of Indonesia silat was used in guerrilla warfare. Indonesian will luring their enemy into forest and using silat to snake attack them and make sure-kill attack. but in modern day, silat are used as sport and as self-defense martial arts. so in modern silat dojo, teaching killing technique was prohibited. that's why modern silat basic that Dino learn was to counter your enemy attack and for self-defense. so using silat to fought huge boar was bad option.

Dino learning silat because he had Indonesian best-buds that compel him to learn it with him. at first he has no enthusiasm to learning it. but after sometimes he learn that this martial art help him to control his emotion and stress, because modern silat philosophy is to disable incoming attack and to protect yourself and attacker, not to hurt them.

(wait, i can use that technique!)

remembering about how he learning silat make him to found suitable technique to fight this stupid boar.

(OK! I can do this!)

Dino look around he starting to make a plan to getting his out of this situation. then he look his position and stupid boar. stupid boar was sitting under the tree there look he doesn't on guard. but Dino knew from movement of his ear, stupid boar was on guard and waiting for Dino to make a move bellow.

(you can fool me! but it's your fault for sit there and underestimate me!)

with that thought Dino jumping.

Yes, he was jumping from the tree, and his target was the giant boar. even if Dino was standing six meter above the ground. he don't know why, but he think he would be fine even if he jumped from the tree, because bellow him was 'a meat shield'. he using the boar back like meat shield that will reducing his momentum.


the boar was roaring in pain. it was tried to move when it feel Dino was making movement. but it was too late. Dino already jumping off from tree into his back, and now Dino was grabbing his back like a dakimakura(love pillow). it became frustrated and moving like wild bull in rodeo.


suddenly Dino was jumping off from boar back. look like he already to calculate the momentum when he was jumping. flipping on the air he was landed safely on the ground.

Dino grasping his left hand and pull his hand up and backward while his leg slowly spreading. he opening his right hand and place it in from of him, this right hand position was like ready to catching something. what Dino doing now is stance of silat called 'Standing Position I'. this stance is basic stance to receive an enemy attack. looking at Dino was doing, the boar was on guard. he was observing Dino movement anxiously. and suddenly

"HEAAAT! «Teknik Kaki Seribu»!"(Millipedes Technique)

after shouting Dino run away with all his might towards the river.





The lord was dumbfounded. an enemy on front of him 'the black mokey' was running away. he can't understand what happened. clearly the black monkey was stronger than him, even stronger than metallic plated monkey. but why he was running away from him?

first time meeting with black monkey, he was blinded by rage and vengeance, so he didn't graps different strength between him and black monkey. but the bald monkey still run away from him so he just chasing it. the black monkey starting to climb a tree like a normal monkey. but it didn't know his strength, so the lord just knocking down the tree that was climbed by black monkey. but black monkey was smart he jump into another bigger tree.

after that, the lord waiting black monkey bellow the tree and he sit there. who know that his careless was used by black monkey to jump into it back and grabbing it. the black monkey was so strong, that was first time the lord realized it. with just grabbing it make his back feel so hurt, because of the pain he realized the different strength between him and black monkey. fortunately black monkey doesn't had plan to grabbing his back until it broke, it just jump off from his back and make strange movement.

yes, strange movement. black monkey movement make the lord remember about metallic plated monkey. it was movement that called 'stance'. every strong bald monkey did it before they launching their attack. this is make the lord so anxious and focusing his guard on black monkey.


for first time the lord feel fear on his heart. it feel something was unlocked after black monkey doing his stance. his aura felt like sprout out of his little body and the lord feel something heavy pressuring his body. for the first time the lord felt that this time he can't handled it. at first his instinct was telling him not to get closer to black monkey. but now he feel it his entire body screaming in fear, all his hair was standing up. he want to run away but he can't move his body.

suddenly black monkey was shouting something. that shout make his heart was jolt up and beating faster. after that he was dumbfounded because the black monkey was running away.

black monkey was so fast. the lord can't follow the black monkey movement. but he knew from the direction that black monkey heading and from it scents, it was running toward the river again. but he still don't know what to do. why the black monkey was running? isn't it stronger than him? what is strength? if the black monkey stronger why it isn't defeating him and choosing to run away from him? or black monkey just kind of bald monkey races that can make his opponent scared to protect himself?

when think that, the lord was angry again. because he was got fooled by black monkey again. so he follow they scents of black monkey with a full speed. even if he running in full speed he can't see the figure of black monkey. he can't overtake black monkey speed, it was so fast. but he knew where the river that black monkey toward was ended at. it was a waterfall. after some minutes running he ended up in waterfall. he still can't found black monkey figure, but the scents was ended here. he is jumping off to waterfall for erasing his scents?

when he learn what black monkey doing angrier he became. if he didn't kill any bald monkey now he don't know how to calm his raging heart. he knew after this waterfall, when you walking along side with the river you'll out of this forest and arriving at bald monkey territory. but the river isn't straight, so if you walking along side the river, it's like you take a detour. fastest way to reach bald monkey territory is heading to east straight via forest. so the lord decide to came at bald monkey territory again after long time, and killing one or two bald monkey. if metallic platted bald monkey come he'll just run into the forest.

of course Dino didn't know the plan of savage barb, a self-proclaim the lord of the forest.






(Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Dino was very happy, he didn't expect that his stupid plan was working on the stupid beast.

«Teknik Kaki Seribu»(millipedes technique) is technique that was created by his Indonesian best-buds. it was stupid technique like it name. this technique was so silly, because u just need to take a stance to agitated your enemy, then you shout with all your might to surprised them, and last move is run as fast as you can. his best-buds said that technique will work to someone that has stronger physical strength than you but didn't understand martial art. so if your enemy are many but they didn't understand martial art, use it! that was his best-buds said.

but he never imagining that this technique will save his live!

(it doesn't chasing after me anymore? no, i can't let my guard down. i'll run along side of the river until i found civilization!)

Dino can't see the beast following him, but he won't wasted any chance and keep running. what Dino isn't realized his speed running was so fast, it was near 100 km/h.

after some minute his step is slowed down. he see the water stream on the river was got faster, and he can found many bigger stone on the river.

(oh no!)

he remember his friend lesson about river. when water level got shallower, you can found a bigger stone and the stream run faster. it was sign of waterfall!

and his friend said was really true. booming sound of waterfall can be heard after he jog several second. and finally he arrived at waterfall.

(what should i do now? i must got to the forest looking for safe route?)

the waterfall isn't too high, it just ten meter high. but Dino wasn't sure about water floor bellow waterfall.

(no! for the booming floor the waterfall heard so deep. i think it safe to jump here! i am man that overcome obstacle taking a risk! i'll jump here!)

(look like that stupid beast following me by my scents. maybe the water can remove my trace here!)

Dino slowly take himself into the river. upper area near waterfall depth aren't fifty centimeter. but it just thirty centimeter deep. Dino carefully take his step on slipy stone and going in the middle of waterfall.

(i hope this was working)

after take a deep breath, Dino jump himself into waterfall


the water booming can be heard several meter away from waterfall. it was lucky for Dino, that water floor bellow waterfall was has four meter depth.


swimming into water surface Dino take a fresh air. then he was swimming along river stream until the depth of water make it's not possible for him to swim.

"damn it this is all because that stupid boar!"

then he walking out of river and walking along side a river again.

after half an hour walking alongside the river, Dino finally saw brighter light behind a tree in forest hundreds meter away from his eyes. he accelerate his step, finally he was out of the forest.

Brighter light that pierces the eyes can be felt in this location, because there no big tree that'll shading the light from the sun. after reaching end of the forest, what can Dino see is small hill with a savanna. the river is looks like circling around the small hill before it goes to somewhere behind that small hill. it look like the land behind small hill is lower than the forest, that's why Dino can't see it.


but his happy accomplishment was disturbed by screaming behind the hill.

Dino accelerate his step, and he got himself on the hill. what he saw behind the hill is a extensive plantations. it spread from other side of hill until flatland bellow the hill. you can see a small house there every hunderds meter that make the scenery was so beautiful. it was village with farm as the main income.

but Dino eyes is focusing into something else. he saw brown mold lump of meat again! he knew what it is from far away. it is the stupid boar again!

the boar look like running around while attacking the villager. and the villager look like facing it while helping their friend whose got attacked by stupid boar. some villager was injured, and there was one man laying on the ground.

"damn it! they are in danger!"

but the situation isn't critical like Dino thought, because there was one legged man that using wooden leg like pirate on his right leg who carrying big sword. the boar look like worry about one legged man. but Dino can't see it well because he feel anger inside him.

(this is happening because of me? they are injured because that stupid boar following me here?)

Yes, he was blaming himself. he thought because of his carelessness make another people suffering. but the one he doesn't understand that everything isn't his fault.

(no, everything isn't just my fault. it was that stupid boar fault!)




The chapter was ended here. because of there aren't footnote system on webnovel i'll take my footnote here

Savage Barb

Height: 2.1 meter = 6 feet 10 in

Length: 3 meter = 9 feet 10 in

Dino stance:


if you can't imagine Dino stance look at that link. but in mobile version you can't open it. so good luck writing it manually.

Finally a second chapter!

iam really sorry for late realease. i got busy on saturday and sunday. and i got caught a cold in tree day. so i make the chapter longer.

these day was changing season on my country. so i hope you be careful out there so you don't caught a cold like me.

i want to explain why i don't using english idiom for explain the situation, or why the boar is roaring. but author note is just 500 word

thank you for reading this story. i hope it'll get better in future.


RageBananacreators' thoughts