
Chapter 1

A boy woke up out of nowhere. With a case of amnesia. Not remembering anything, not even his own name.

A bunch of Random and Inaudible Noises. Filled his head. Whatever all of those meant. He sat up and looked around to see only destruction and debris.

"Who am I?"

"Where am I?" He wondered to himself

"What happened to this place?" The place he was in looked like a Ruins of a once beautiful city. The Sun red and Blindingly bright. Not to mention. Abnormally Hot.

He got up and scouted the area a little bit. Only to find more toppled down buildings, debris, he looked for someone. Someone who maybe can tell him where he is and who he is. Because he didn't have the slightest clue. He searched for hours. Resorting to talking to himself aloud to hide the insanity that was slowly taking over him.

"Hello!" he said none answered

"HELLO!!" he repeated.

Couple of hours passed. And he gave up. he returned from where he had awakened. He curled himself into a ball and quietly wept. Wondering who he was and what he was. where he was. He cried. Out of fear that he will die. Knowing nothing of himself not even his own name.

"Pathethic." he said to himself

"Absolutely Pathethic." He said to himself once more. Till he Cried himself to sleep.

He woke up still curled up into a ball. Not moving. He did this for hours and hours. He felt weak, along with the feeling of hunger and thirst. His throat dry.

The boy felt himself slowly decent into madness.

But a few moments later. He heard a screech.

The boy felt his surroundings darken.

"Is it already Nighttime?" he asked himself. But his Instinct told him it was only High noon. He didn't look up though. He didn't have the strength. His hunger slowly eating at him. and the dryness of his throat prevented him from speaking. Out of desperation he looked around. But instead of the nighttime that he was expecting. It was a claw that swooped him into the air.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" He screamed as he was dragged higher and higher into the air. Possibly already reacher 5000 Ft. into the troposphere. He looked at who or what had gotten him. It was a giant bird of a Behemoth, it was huge. Approximately 50 Ft. long and a wingspan of 90 Ft. Wingspan. The Behemoth was black and had red lifeless eyes. almost like a demon.

"So this is it. I'm gonna go out like this. I don't even know who I am, or what I used to be. I guess I'm dying alone. This is so SHIT!!"

He cried out. Tears trickling down his cheeks

"Who knows. Maybe I was horrible before this. Maybe I deserve this..... Maybe I was destined to die alone" Just as he thought of that. He was already falling. The bird's claws still holding the boy tightly. He looked at the beast and saw its claws were cut clean off. Which caused him to spiral uncontrollably while falling.

He was screaming, like any scared person would while falling. He only had a few second before hitting solid ground. He cried for help hoping fo someone to save him from falling. But nobody answered.

He just fell face first into a pile of rubble the birds claws broke most of his fall. He wiggled out of the claws and touched different parts of his body to check if he fractured any bones. Everything is still intact except maybe for 3 or 4 broken ribs, A deep wound on his left arm caused by the claws of the bird, fractured femur and a slight case of nausea. From then on out, he knew something was off about him. Any normal person who fell from that height should've landed splat on the floor, complete and utterly dead. But he was different. Uniquely different in a way that he couldn't put his finger on it. He breathed a sigh of relief that nothing serious happened to him. Yet.

Seconds later. The bird came crashing down creating a huge crater and a dust cloud. Another screech came out of it. When the dust cleared, the bird was missing not only its claws but also its tail. lt was trying to fly away but it keeps falling down. The boy was taken aback. He almost felt pity for the Behemoth, who knows maybe it was just a mama Behemoth finding food for its young. The Nameless boy wanted to approach it wanting to examine it. But he couldn't force himself to do it, he was just too scared to do so. He gathered all his balls and walked forth, limping a bit and holding his arm because the fractured femur and the wound on his arm had hurt like hell. As he did a Red and black figure had zoomed towards the Beast, cutting off its wings and blinding it. It then looked at the beast in the eye where it once was, sword in hand. He paused for a second before zigzagging around it, Butchering it as he goes. Finally The figure decapitates the Behemoth. Sending the head flying. Then he charged to it once more, this time however, once he had landed to the ground. The head had turned to a million pieces. Blood spilling everywhere. The nameless boy could have sworn some of the blood fell on his face. The imagery was gruesome. Then the figure walked towards the nameless kid. Fear formed inside the throat of the boy. He took a step back once the The figure had reached him. The figure is a young man, probably 19 years of age He was tall and slim. His hair was a mixture of black and gray with a spiky, messy hair that falls on his face. His face covered by a ninja mask. He wore a long sleeve jacket that acted like a cloak without the hood. Beneath that he wore a gray, long sleeve, collared shirt. Black maong pants. and combat boots. He also had a blood red Chokutō that didn't look like the red came from the Behemoths blood. It felt like the blade itself was red. And an additional giant thingy on his back. The masked man looked at him with his eyes. His were beautifully creepy. Red Iris and Black pupils. He gazed at the kid, as if he was studying him for an exam. He didn't make a noise though, which creeped the nameless boy out even more. After looking at the kid. he raised his sword, and smacked the kid's head with the pommel of his Chokutō

The kid was now on the ground with a his head covered in blood. Then he snapped he finally remembered his name. Itsuki.

Itsuki mumbled his name under his breath. He mumbled a few times before passing out and everything turned black