
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · ファンタジー
93 Chs

Hey, you old f...

After an unknown amount of time Kerren woke up...

He was in the purgatory once again!

However, that was only his initial thought, as he couldn't see the tree and he was still... himself

The purgatory, as he called it, had a specific feeling to it, he could feel that he was as free as could be!

This place, however? Yeah, it was white, but other than that it was nothing like the real purgatory!

After looking around some more he found out that he was... he didn't know where this place was.

As he was about to cast some spells, he heard a voice...

- Greetings, challenger.

As Kerren looked around to see where the voice came from he saw an old man!

He was tall and had a long white beard that touched the floor!

He wondered how he walked, wasn't it a nuisance so have a beard like that?

- Where am i?

However, instead of asking that, he decided to approach it differently...

- I summoned you here due to a... mistake that you've made. -- the old man didn't continue talking after that..

Kerren expected him to continue, but after 10 or so seconds he was still silent, so he decided to ask...

- What mistake, i wonder?

He couldn't understand it all. What f*kking mistake? Was he about to tell him that he cheated in the bossfight or something?..

- I am talking about Gluttony. You've passed the test, but...

Before he could continue Kerren interrupted him...

- Then what's this all about? I passed the test, give me my reward and let me go.

Kerren could see that the man was dissatisfied with his interruption... but so what?

- You were supposed to die if you ate more than one dish and look at you! You managed to eat everything, not only that, you started the arena itself!

The old man could keep his cool! It would've been fine if Kerren acted respectful, but he was rude as hell!

- So what? You just said that i passed!

Kerren wasn't calm either, why would he be? This old guy wanted to take away his reward!

- You did pass, but you cheated! Thus, the only reward you will get is a part of the permit, that's all!

[Congratulations! You won again [Gluttony]!]

[Rewards: Permit to enter the Outer Tower (1/8)]

- Hey, you old f...

Before Kerren could complete the sentence his vision blackened, and he found himself on the floor.

He was in the arena he was before the fight started!

[Congratulations! You've beaten the boss of the [Floor 1]! Now you have access to teleportation system!]

[NOTE: Refer to the panel in the middle on the arena for more information!]

-* Teleportation system, eh? Well, at least something useful...

Kerren wasn't happy at all! He didn't get anything from beating the boss!

This "Permit" that he got literally said that it was all about joining some bullcrap Outer Tower!

It wasn't even a reward at this point! The only thing he got is increased mana pool from eating so much... Yeah, he now had 250% of mana, but that's all!

He could've achieved even more if he got the previous reward!

-* F*kk it, then.

He didn't regret anything. After all - he ate a lot of tasty food! Yeah, he lost a lot because of it, but he was happy when it lasted!

That was enough for him...

As for the permit? Well, maybe it wasn't as useless... Since it allowed something, maybe it had something imprinted onto it?

With that thought Kerren took out the permit from his inventory and started inspecting it.

[Permit to enter the Outer Tower (1/8): 1/8 of a permit that allows a world to enter the Outer Tower

ONE TIME USE: Prepare your world by releasing lots of mana into it! (The item will not disappear)

NOTE: More mana means that people of your world will become stronger much faster!

DISCLAIMER: Monsters will also get stronger.]

-Oh... so that's why...

Now Kerren understood why the amount mana increased in his previous life...

And why people got a lot stronger... It was due to that permit!

Also, judging by (1/8) in it's name he could get 7 more of those?

Kerren, of course, wasn't planning on using it right away. First, he wanted to inspect it properly, maybe he could get some insights!..

Sadly, after a day or so the only thing that he understood that this item was too much for his shallow knowledge!

As such, the only thing he had to try was to make a barrier that slowed time!

Of course, it was way easier to just say that u're going to make it, but so what? He knew how to make one, and even if it was of shallow quality, and, at best, would slow time to 0.8 of the norm...

It's still considered slowing down time!

Of course, by doing so he will waste the rest of his crystals... But those were nothing if he had a chance to see what exactly that permit did!

Aftert all, how could a simple piece of paper release so much mana that it will change the whole world?..

Some time later it was ready... It turned out worse than he thought it would and, at best, would work for 3-4 seconds, that's if he lucky, if not... it'll just explode.

Whatever it was - he'll learn something new, right?..

Thus, Kerren used the permit!..

[You cannot use that item here.]

- Oh, f*kk you!

What bullshit that was! What if he wanted to increase the amount of mana in the dungeon, huh!?

As such, he had no other choice but to leave that thing for later, as he still had something to do in this place...

First of all - he needed to see what's in here, of course, there was that teleportation panel and all that, but maybe there's something else?..

However, after several minutes he got his answer... It was completely empty! Not even dust was here!

He didn't bother trying anything else since if he couldn't see something with those spells he used he couldn't see it even if he tried...

As such, the only choice he had was to go to the teleportation panel...

[Welcome! Please, choose your destination!]

[Floor 2.]

[Exit dungeon.]

- Yeah, great...

Kerren was even less happy than he was before! This thing was useless! Of course, he could go to the 2nd floor, but he wasn't planning on d*ing... yet...

It did save him some time, but that's all... As he was about to turn around and leave...

[For participatin in the boss fight with [Gluttony] you are awarded [Conqueror Stone (1)]! Keep up the good work and join the Outer Tower to make your world prosper!]

[Conqueror Stone (1): Allows one to use teleportation system.

NOTE: Insert mana and think about the floor you want to get on.

DISCLAIMER: Does NOT work if you are too far (≥10KM) from the entrance to the dungeon that is located in your world!]

- At least something...

Kerren was just sad now...