

Unknown POV:

"I thought you took care of that one outlier!"

"I know I stabbed her, and while I couldn't take her out because of all the people around to help, I thought that it would take her out of the competition at least, I stabbed her in the gut, she should be unable to continue!"

"You obviously didn't do enough! Man seriously, you know what they say, if you want something done, do it yourself!"

"But, why are you so adamant on winning this competition in the first place? You even *@#(#@ to do it!"

"Look, just do what you're told, and stop asking these stupid questions."

"I can't just ignore this! Seriously, murder should not be on the table here! It might sound silly coming from me, the one who did the deed, but don't you think you're taking this too far?!? I mean, at this point you'll get a scholarship anyway! You've made it this far into the competition, the higher-ups have probably acknowledged your skill already!"

"I said stop asking these stupid questions, okay? I don't care what I have to do, I'm winning this competition."


Jess' POV:

Chris is the only one left, pretty impressive. Not that I expected anything else from someone as famous as him.

Innate talents do wonders, if you have a rare innate talent you have the potential to become a star. Magic is everything in this world, so people who have talent as big as mine are normally celebraties.

I'm not because, y'know, my social skills, or lack there of. Sapients are actually pretty popular in media despite their magic though. Because of their lack of magic, Sapients have had to learn to do things out of necessity that are pretty cool. Science is actually more advanced here.

That's simply because in countries where Sapients make up the majority, there is a huge power difference. Therefore, in order to make up for it, necessity led to new innovations in technology.

Anyway, back to the dodgeball fight, Chris picks up a dodgeball and shoots it at one of the suspicious duo by creating propulsion with his flames to launch it. It barrels towards one of them, and hits head on.

I guess he was saving his trump card for the endgame. Makes sense, but still, whatever, let's just see how this goes.

Chris does the same thing and eliminates Sasha and the third team in our group. The ones who got sixth last round, and are the third team in our group, are a pair of Dark Elven siblings who specialized in Light and Shadow magic. Yes, Dark Elves can use Light magic, they are called Dark Elves because they are a different race than Elves. Darker hair, darker skin, and their eyes glow in the dark too. Long story short, they look cool.

The only thing normal Elves get is blond hair and blue eyes, that's just generic, why don't we get glowy eyes!

Ahem, now that that rant is over, Yeah, they get eliminated, you can't really block dodgeballs with magic that can't affect physical things. I guess people have made physical light by increasing interaction between photons, but thats purely experimental and way to difficult to pull of for a teenager, especially without an innate talent.

Yep, they are out sadly, and the only people left are me and the other suspicious team member. I do wonder who that is though...

Wait, if I could undo the spell put on me earlier, and do the same for Chris and Jane, maybe I can do the same thing to the perception inhibiting spell on the suspicious pair, and see who they really are. The only problem is I need to touch them for an extended period of time... that sounds weird.

Anyway, yeah I might be able to pull that off. Just need to get Chris out first, sorry dude, you gotta go. I throw a dodgeball at Chris, and just when he's about to dodge it, I turn it's direction by making his gravity attract it.

After that, we have now won two out of the three rounds. Sorry Chris and Jane, you are still probably getting a scholarship, in fact they probably would have gotten one without participating in this tournament. Well, who cares.

Once in the waiting room, I wait for the tired one on the suspicious team to fall asleep. I then try my hardest to undo whatever spell is on him. It takes a while, like ten minutes, but it was less of a mess of a spell than the one on me, so it was easier. Like trying to untie a properly tied shoe, or one that was knotted like ten times.

When the spell comes down, well that explains the inhibiting spell, these guys aren't the perpetrators, they're royals... wait WHAT!


You see, the EUT is not the USA... it has royals... sort of. They have much less power than in the past, but are still the figure head of their "territory". Eh, get it, United Territories... EUT... Anyway, The EUT isn't a country, but more of a group of countries/kingdoms, like the United Nations, or the European Union. People do normally group the EUT into one, so calling it a country is a common misconception in this world, and even people in the EUT do it sometimes.

Each of the royals in the EUT represents their country and have the power to determine it's future. Now, the royals are infact determined by bloodline, however most of them are somewhat okay. I currently live in the Kingdom of Sagittarius. There is also the Kingdom of Sirius, Altair, Scorpius, and a good few others.

Well, the royal in front of me is one of the twins born from the current King of Sagittarius. Um... I'm guessing the other person in the group is the prince's sister, which would explain why she isn't tired. The princess is known to be a genius in Magic control. Even if her magic isn't the strongest, her control over it is uncanny.

Well, um... I won't go to jail for undoing this spell, or touching the prince while he's sleeping, will I? That still sounds wrong.

Uh... er... well... why don't I just... leave... like before anyone notices...


Oh no, his sister is here. Well there's no escaping this now, is there. Well The End! The story ends here. Jess dies in the gallows! Rest in Pepperoni's...

Is what she probably thought I'd think, I can still teleport, remember? I got out before she could see my face. I only heard her scream before I dissapear into an empty room I found earlier.

That means that the people responsible for stabbing me are either part of the other team that was a part of our group, or they have been eliminated.

Well, another chapter, I did proof read it, but tell me if I missed something lol. Also, I hate webnovel's new tag system. Don't tell webnovel I said that, wrote that?

Xubxcreators' thoughts