
The Woman In Me

This story is based on a woman who found strength in herself and over came her abusive relationship. Now the man she was dating is wishing he had valued her.

Nakita_B24 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 7

Just a few days later, she was out walking about, doing tourist things when again she ran into him.

"I remember you. " he said as he approach her.

"Are you stalking me?" she said as she giggled.

"Oh no, can I buy you coffee ?" he asked.

"Its noon, you can buy me wine instead." she said

They walked to this nice but not too fancy restaurant, as they sat there and had lunch and wine, they got to know each other.

He told her about his life, he's a business man, no children, no wife, not even a girlfriend. They shared their last relationship story and both sympathized with each other.

"It feels good to be sitting here talking to a matured man. A man that doesn't lack understanding ."

"I could say the same. " he said as he handed her a piece of paper.

"I have a friend, she's a survivor of abuse, she have seminars for abused women, maybe you could go and share your story, its this coming Wednesday. You could empower alot of women." he continued to say.

"I'll think about it. "

The two sat there, talked, ate , drank and laughed. She felt good. As he drove her back to her hotel, they exchanged numbers.

"Let me know, I will pick you up and take you there." he said as she exited the car.

She smiled at him, got out and walked in side. while being in her room, she received a message from a strange number.

"I see you are doing better, but how far do you think you'd get without me?" stated the message .

After reading that she laughed, hit delete and texted Ryan. Two days after he picked her up and took her to the seminar where he introduced her to Cilest and her team. It was a room filled with battered women, they came from all over, she was amazed.

"He has told me so much about you. Come with me." said Cilest.

Sarah was nervous seeing the amount of people she would stand before Today, to share her story, to encourage, to motivate to empower. She was strong, she'd be just fine. As she made her way to the stage, she reflected on her life, she reflected on everything. She walked out there with her head held high. She took the mic.

"Good afternoon, My name is Sarah, and I would love to tell you, just how I over came, how I am currently elevating, how I escaped an abusive relationship. "

As she started to speak, she found strength, she didn't feel too much, she didn't feel the need to cry. She was healing, and she was okay. At the end of her speech she said;

"I found , THE WOMAN IN ME. I found my self, my strength. I found everything he tried to take from me. I found greatness. This is my definition of the best revenge, take control and elevate. "

They applauded her, she felt amazing, being able to help these women to over come their struggles of abuse. Do not allow people to make you believe, physical abuse is the only abuse, dont ever allow anyone to tell you, you are not strong, you are not special, you are not woman. If you have to cry then cry. If you have to scream, then so be it. Just dont sit there and take it. Do not be subjected to abuse. Do not let fear of starting over keep you at the bottom. Beneath someone who keeps kicking you while you are down. Your time to shine is yet to come.

"So Sarah, we have another seminar next week Thursday in Cali. All expenses on us." Cilest said.

"Wish I could but ill be leaving on Saturday, got a business that misses me." she replied.

"Well take my number and on your next visit we'll see each other. "

They exchanged numbers and Ryan took her to the hotel, She bid him good night with a hug and a thank you. She kept on receiving messages, some where filled with hate, some of love. Sarah wasn't bothered. When she got home, she changed her number. With no concern of how he even got her number to begin with. People with go the extra mile when they are pressed and thats exactly what he was. Very upset, he seemed. She got home and kept in contact with Ryan and Cilest. They seemed like good people so far. A few months after, the hospital Ryan worked was seeking a Consultant , he thought of Sarah. He called her up.

"Hey Sarah, I have a job offer for you, you seem rather intelligent for it, the hospital i work is currently seeking a consultant. You'll prep new workers , for the job. Interests you?"

"While it sounds so good. What about my business? " she asked

"How about I help you set up a way u can do it from here. It's already online right?" he replied.

The two spoke more, came to a conclusion and in less than a month she'd be in Florida, doing something new. She felt so blessed, opportunities she never thought she would ever have just fell in her lap. All because she remained the nice person she always was. She packed up her necessary things and went to Florida. Ryan had a whole place set up for her, a way she could still run her business and she was getting even a better start. How lucky is she. While in Florida, she did alot of consulting, alot of speeches, until she joined forces with Cilest and became a partner in empowering women. God will do it. God's timing is best, she never rushed anything she took her time. It all paid off in the end. Sarah and Ryan, spends alot of time together. Hanging out, having fun, knowing each other.

"I will tell you, you are an amazing man, you bring nothing but good to my life, but im not looking for nothing, im not trying to be in anything right now. " she said

"I want to be your friend, who helps you heal Sarah, thought I hope that after you heal, you'll chose me but as long as you heal, and I contributed to it, everything will be okay. " he replied

He seemed genuine, but so did her ex. She knew Ryan was not Nathaniel, but she was scared. Then Soon something unexpected happened. How will she deal with it, How will she react.