
The Wolf's Fated Mate

"I'd rather be caught by a hunter than be whipped by a mate," he said nonchalantly, searching for a shirt. "You'll mate eventually, Damien. If you don't find her, she'll find you. It's destiny, there's no escaping it." Damien scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'll probably hate her when the pull starts. In fact, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near her. Whoever falls for me is in for a rough ride."

Annabellegrenville · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Damien's Internal Conflict

Damien lay in bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. It was safe to assume that he hadn't slept a wink last night. The entire time, he grappled with the dejected feeling of being shunned by his pack. When they returned, everyone simply kicked off their shoes and retreated to their rooms, not even sparing a glance in his direction. Even Aiden and Lucian, his closest friends, brushed past him as if he were invisible.

However, Kael had taken the time to pull him aside and talk. Damien couldn't decide which was worse—the pack's rejection or this conversation.

"I just can't understand why," Kael said, leading Damien into the kitchen.

"I don't know, man. It's the full moon," Damien replied, his voice heavy with resignation.

Kael frowned and shook his head. "See, that's what I don't get. You've dealt with full moons since you were 16, and you've never resorted to using another woman to cope with it, let alone a human. You despise humans."

Damien looked away, devoid of an answer even for himself. Kael noticed the crease in his brows and let out a sigh.

"I know I'll regret asking you this, but did you... enjoy it?" Kael asked, bracing himself.

Damien's head jerked up, caught off guard. "Excuse me?" he balked.

Kael sighed, clearly not relishing this conversation either. "Did you enjoy kissing her?"

Damien stared past Kael's shoulder, reminiscing about the sensation of that kiss, as if he were experiencing it from a distance. The way it made him feel, like golden fireflies dancing around his head. It was both intoxicating and overwhelming, leaving him craving for more—from her.

"No. I didn't. I hated it," he stated firmly, meeting Kael's gaze with a resolute look.

It was just one night, a night when he was overwhelmed by the crowd, the music, and the full moon.

It had been a mistake, and now he wanted nothing more than to never lay eyes on her again. The mere thought of her filled him with anger and regret. That one night, from the moment he first saw her, he knew it was a decision he would come to despise.

Kael stared into his eyes before looking away. It was hard being the Alpha, but it was harder to be the Prince.

"I'm sorry," Damien mumbled softly, his voice barely audible.

Kael shot him a look, his eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and frustration, before turning away without uttering a word.

"Actions speak louder than words," Kael thought to himself, his heart heavy with pain.

It hurt deeply. These pack members were his family, his brothers, and their disdainful glances made him feel like an outsider. The realization that they saw him as invisible was a blow to his very core. It hurt more than any physical sparring session he had ever endured.

He had let them down. The disappointment in their eyes made him feel lost, as if he had strayed from his path. A growl escaped his lips, a manifestation of his inner turmoil.

And it was all because of that woman. He couldn't believe he had allowed himself to soften toward a human, even for a moment. Humans only brought trouble, and if he hadn't encountered her, he wouldn't have been in this predicament with his pack.

His pack meant everything to him, and he was furious at himself for acting recklessly and at her for disrupting everything. Humans, in his eyes, were worthless and troublesome. He couldn't fathom a more selfish and weak species than them.

If he ever crossed paths with her again, he'd probably rip her throat out. None of this chaos would have unfolded if it weren't for her. His once harmonious relationship with his pack would still be intact, and he would have been content. But she had stripped him of that happiness. Oblivious to the havoc she had caused, she probably lay peacefully in her room.

The taste of her lingered on his lips, causing his heart to react strangely, but it only fueled his anger further. Why had he kissed her? What possessed him to do such a thing? Hate was an intense word, but he would still use it to describe the seething emotions he felt towards the stranger. He despised her, even though he didn't truly know her.

Suddenly, Damien jolted upright in bed, his senses alert. He tilted his head, sniffing the air and recognizing the familiar scent that permeated the house. Throwing off his covers, he raced downstairs, bounding down the stairs until he was greeted by three familiar faces.

"Mom? Dad? Caleb? What are you doing here?" Damien exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice.

Damien's parents beamed warmly as they stood in the foyer—the Ashworths, the esteemed and respected family of wolves. His father, Williams Ashworths, was the former prince of the wolves, his eyes gleaming with a regal blue hue. Williams had shaped Damien into the man he was today, imparting invaluable lessons on leadership and molding him into one of the strongest fighters. Damien's potential was set high because of his father.

However, it was also his father who left the elders puzzled, unable to comprehend Damien's reluctance to mate. Williams had found the ideal match, Sophia Ashworths. Rumored to be the most beautiful wolf in the entire Black Well, Sophia possessed long, blondish-brown hair, a slender figure, enviable features, and striking red eyes that stirred envy among female wolves.

She epitomized elegance and grace in every way. In Damien's infancy, she doted on him tirelessly, never letting him out of her sight. She would reprimand his father whenever their play fights became too intense or they stayed out hunting for too long. Sophia was also instrumental in helping Damien harness his powers, assisting him in gaining control over them.

Caleb Wright was the oldest wolf in the Black Well pack, revered for his wisdom, knowledge, and power. Even the strongest Alphas sought his counsel. With his tan, weathered skin and long white hair tied in a braid, he stood beside his parents.

"My son! I missed you so much! Canada wasn't the same without you!" Sophia exclaimed, hugging Damien tightly. Damien chuckled, enjoying the nostalgic scent of roses as he embraced his mother. His father joined in, ruffling his hair affectionately like he used to when Damien was a pup.

Damien's parents were pleased with his growth. "We noticed the dents on the cabin. You've been giving Lucian a run for his money," his father remarked proudly.

Damien snorted, confident in his abilities. "He didn't stand a chance."

The rest of the pack hurried downstairs upon hearing voices, eager to greet the elders. Damien's parents were not often seen, so he gave the pack a moment to catch up.

Approaching Damien, Caleb spoke gruffly, "Don't fight."

Confused, Damien blinked and asked, "What do you mean? I've been training to fight all my life."

Caleb's silver eyes flashed as he met Damien's gaze. "No. Don't fight her."

Damien pressed for more information, "Fight who?"

Caleb, focused on the pack surrounding his parents, replied, "She will guide you."

Before Damien could inquire further, Caleb walked back to his parents, leaving him feeling lost and bewildered.

Logan, noticing the arrival of the elders, asked, "What brings you guys here?" He handed them cups of tea.

Damien's father smiled and wrapped his arm around his mate. "We came to celebrate the good news. We're a bit hurt that Damien didn't tell us right away, but when Caleb had a vision, we had to come."

Perplexed, Damien furrowed his brow. "Tell you what?"

Excitedly clapping her hands, Sophia exclaimed, "We're so excited! We never thought it would happen, dear. Your father and I never expected to see an heir."

Damien looked at the three respected adults, his confusion growing. "What are you talking about?"

"Damien, we're thrilled that you've finally found your mate!"