
Chapter 29:Bones out of the closet. Part 1

The child, that barely turned 2 years old, was thrown away like trash in the sewers of the city "Lan Exeter" one of the biggest cities in the kingdom known as Kovir and Povis. How could a child that wished to only be a druid and serve as a protector of the forest turn into someone that even the worst people on earth will dim in comparison?

Manipulative, ruthless and insensitive, a man that set a goal so big, that even the most ambitious Kings would envy him. His goal was so great that one world could not simply satisfy his needs.

But how did he come to be? How would an innocent child abandoned by his mother, thrown away like trash in the sewers, became a man that lost every single bit of humanity? How was a man that had such dreadful traits could deceive every single human around him, making them his chess pieces.


A man stood in front of both August and Nennke. His face was covered with a mask, and all of his body was covered in robes that didn't let one see a single bit of his flesh. One thing that stood out was a staff in his hands.

Nenneke almost instantly reacted, shouting at the man, "THIS IS SACRED GROUNDS OF THE TEMPLE, WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE BEING HERE?"

The man clicked his tongue and with a wave of his hand he send Nennke crash into the wall without glancing at her, saying "Have luck speaking to your god in this corner with your bones crushed, I came here to see this wonderful man. Isn't that right August?"

With his sword ready, August prepared for the battle while his Witcher medallion was going crazy from all the magic that the man emitted. August asked, with caution, keeping a firm grip on his sword, "Who are you? I don't know people like you!"

The last phrase was highly emphasized by August, since everything about this man screamed about him being a mage. August so far still had a little of interaction with mages, but all of the meetings with them were unpleasant.

Under the mask, a man showed a smile hearing August's words and replied, "My kind? I'm one of a kind, there is no such man, like me in this world. But you, child, have a grand future, yet to decline to follow the path that will grant you infinite power, control and real freedom."

August scoffed at the man, showing disgust, "I will not follow the path built on the bodies of defenceless children"

The man spread his arms, confronting August, "Are you sure? Do you think the place such as Rissberg had no innocent children? Do I need to remind you what you turned this keep into?" the man released a small chuckle, mocking August's claim.

August showed a surprised expression on his face, rising his voice, "How did you find out?!"

Small laugh escaped from under the hood of the man "Oh child, I've know you much longer than you've known yourself"

Anger enveloped August. He could not find a trace of his own existence during his entire life, yet some random mage shows up, saying he knows everything about him. With anger boiling inside and a threatening voice, August pointed his sword toward the man, asking, "How?!"

The man clapped, once again teasing and making August even angrier with his words "Oh, her sweet, sweet screams that escaped her mouth, while her husband had to watch her being raped by me"

Despite already understanding who the man spoke about, August asked, hoping to find the answer that would make him relax a bit, "Who are you speaking about?"

The man replied, once again mocking August, "Oh, I guess I overestimated your deduction abilities young man, of course, it is your parents that I slew using these very arms"

Despite the mask covering the face of the man. August could easily guess how wide the smile was on the face hidden behind that mask.

With a rush of adrenaline August dashed at the man, trying to slice right through his flesh, feeling no threat from the man, it convinced August being able injure him, but the mage moved like a blur, making it impossible for August to do anything.

During the long years, August got to trust his body too much. He was used to being all-knowing about the attacks and intentions of people. But this man didn't show them. His abilities simply didn't work on someone that could hide everything about his intentions.

The mage went around August with ineradicable speed and kicked him with enough force to send him and crush him into the ceiling.

*Gah* with a crush, August fell back to the ground and spat out a mouth full of blood.

August raised back up, with bloodshot eyes, looking at the mage. With every second of time passing, his emotions were getting totally out of control.

But August needed to know, the past that he lost forever, he wanted to know what happened. "Why did you do this?"

The man could no longer hold his laughter and mocked August with every single word he said, "You still don't get it, boy? Your damn ancestors that died long ago taking their talents with them, leaving behind nothing worthy to look at. I had to get a one of your kind in my hands, and to help him a little to make his talents bloom".

"I see no value in this talent," replied August with disdain. "These aren't talents, but a torture"

With incredible speeds, the mage arrived close to August. August tried to shield himself with his sword, but he was just too slow to be on time. The Stuff crushed right into his gut, making August expel all air from his lungs.

It didn't end there. As soon as August exposed his back, a fast and ruthless staff came crushing into his back with a terrifying force, pinning the young Witcher to the ground.

The mage started to walk in circles around August, occasionally kicking the poor Witcher, while blabbering about all of the events that had occurred to his parents.

How he broke into their house, for the sole reason of taking him and having some fun with the half-elf woman. How he broke every single limb of his father, making him watch how he raped his mother and took away their son, named August.

How they begged him to stop, how they were trying their absolute best, promising to sacrifice everything and anything they could, just to shield their baby from him. But all of their efforts were for nothing. All of their begging and pleading for him to stop, fell on deaf ears.

The mage continued, "And you know what the funny part is, dear August? When I said everything, I meant everything. They were ready to give up their bodies for my experiments. Serve me, be my puppets, so you could be safe. But you know what? I didn't care. I needed the young child from those that are long gone in history, those that were called the ElvenOracles. You were the one that simply fit the criteria and was the most accessible ".

Doors crushed open, revealing a gang of young Witchers with their swords ready for a fight.

This shifted the attention of the mage to them, as he said "Oh it seems we have guests, your friends came to help you"

While the mage lost focus on August and shifted it to the young Witchers, August broke something hidden in his mouth and furiously bit the leg of the mage.

August faced situations in which he could not resist the force that stood against him, and right now was the right time to use his trump card he saved for a fitting moment. There was a capsule in his teeth with a powerful poison that could kill a boar in minutes, but not a Witcher. Their bodies could handle incredible amounts of poison that would otherwise kill a normal being.

Feeling a sharp pain in his leg, the mage looked back down at August and kicked him with enough force to send him flying a few meters.

The mage, spat towards August, saying "I didn't allow you to bite me, mongrel!"

Suddenly the mage frozen, like a statue, he lose all ability to move and within the second fell to the ground as though he was a lifeless doll without a sound, not even a peep. August slowly rose with great effort as his body was riddled with injuries causing deep pain.

Slowly limping, he made his way to the mage. Other Witchers were bombarding August with questions like "Who is it?", "What happened here?"

But August didn't reply, he only pointed his finger toward the very injured Nennke and said "Help her"

August approached the body of the magician, watching as his body lay lifeless on the floor. Going ahead, he tried to take his mask off, but just before he could do that.The mage's hand moved and got a firm grip on August.


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Second part will come out in few hours.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

TacetIraecreators' thoughts