
The Witchcraft in the church

Leena and Lisa two friends went into church for finding books based on true ghost and angel stories. Leena was an american girl with black hair and big blue eyes curious about life of angels. On the other side Lisa was a russian girl with brown hair and short eyes with blunt hair cut. She was interested more in horror kind of thing. This was Sunday evening and both the girls decided to visit st. cathedral near their college hostel in Moscow, Russia. St. Cathedral Church have their own huge library based on gospel, bible and other magical and mythological books. Surfing many books Lisa hands stopped on the book with ugly book cover named The witchcraft in the church.

Lisa was excited to read the book. Leena refused to read the book, as it was ugly and she was not interested in reading about evils. But,after a short girlish fight Lisa was able to convince her. The both girl started reading the book.

Fifteen centuries ago a king named Atlas killed other king of Romania in the Battlefield. The holy men of the Romanian Kingdom cursed the King Atlas that he will become evil and he die an evil dead. Though King Atlas was a kind king but he killed many kings of various countries and was becoming violent and devilish. He wanted to win the whole world. One day the king was seated on his huge throne and called his county men, basically these country men were black magicians, some expert in black magic. In Europe, black magic was practiced widely somewhere across 16th century. And all the ugly wizard would gathered together in some graveyard to call ghosts and other demons to do harm to others. Some ghosts were so expert that they could tell future. King asked one of the wizard in the ugly tone, "Can you tell my death?" The wizard became nervous on the king's question, but then the other moment he replied, yes! your majesty I can. The king became eager to see his death through his eyes. Okay! Tell me you ugly wizard. The wizard sat down there on the floor and took out some skeleton's head and some red chilies and murmuring some spells blown some fire and called the king and took out the crystal bag from his bag. The king was shocked to see his death. The king ordered the wizards to leave his place.

Three Months later, the minister of the king was really upset with getting regular defeats in the country battle. The king again decided to call all the three wizards which he consulted three months earlier. He ordered one of the wizard that he want to learn all the skills of witchcraft. All the three witchcraft started training of the king. They sat in the graveyard and performed various black magic rituals. Many months passed, king was becoming expert in the art of black magic. He can now call the ugly demons and ghosts in the graveyard and talk to them. Now it was turn of the king to become a master in black art and this was the rule of the witchcraft, the man can only become a good wizard of black magic if he kill a holy man and offer it to god of devil Ajus. The king captured the holy priest of the country. The priest face was innocent and he was wearing a red dress. Priest before dying cursed the king, you will die a devilish death. King in a rude tone said, this is your fortune, bastard! They thrashed the priest into two pieces before the god of devil. Now, after 8 months have passed, King Atlas was a wizard of witchcraft. He started applying witchcraft in his battles.