
The Witch and The Paladin

In the war scarred lands of Aester, Witches and Paladins have been locked in religious bloodshed for centuries. Each group cursing, killing, and offering up their enemies as sacrifices. Can a Witch and a Paladin fall in love? And more importantly, can their love last?

Majin_Plue · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Way of the Witch

Ravenna awoke, the sun shining brightly in her eyes. She had a late night. The full moon was yesterday, and as head priestess she had many rituals and ceremonies to perform for those gathered underneath it to seek its power. She looked down at her arms, covered in sacred tattoos, the newest one along the inside of her right forearm. A lone wolf howling at the full moon, symbolizing that she alone was the high priestess now, the old one having passed away. It was still sore with the memory of her recent loss.