After a man achieves his life long dream, he sets out to enjoy his teenage fantasies made reality. Tags : gamer fanfic, smart mc, weak to strong, cautious mc, no harem(not realistic in this day and age), possible romance(zero personal experience so who knows), op mc ( wish fulfilment is the basic of fantasies), no tragedy( torture to any sane mind) Note : this is my first story ever so please, helpful comments are welcome but harsh ones are best kept in mind and not shared. Please take care of me and good reading for everyone. Note Mak2: the prologue may not be necessary for the story but it gives an idea about the mc's personality and is quite thought provoking. the gamer and all its characters belong to their original author.
North Africa~Algeria~Capital's main hospital
Year 20xx
In a certain room, lying in bed was an old man that was gently smiling in front of his family and friends..well mostly what remained of them. As is with everyone else, life isn't easy and most would say it is cruel and unfair. This man went through many ups and downs, gained many but lost more, had his moments and finally came his last..
Although he couldn't say he had no regrets, he was mostly satisfied with his choices.
"Grandpa, please don't leave us now. Just a little bit more..." said a 12 year-old girl.
"You shouldn't be so sad my little angel, this is not the end and it's not like we won't see each other again.. cough cough" the old man tried to appease the little girl but his pale face and condition made it rather difficult.
As the air became a bit depressing, another old man sitting near the bed snorted and said " You old thing, you may fool the others but the excitement in your eyes betrays your ugly wrinkly face! If I didn't know you any better I'd think you're a crazy suicidal bastar-" " language!" "..whatever. I'm too old for this shit.." all the others had a 😐 face and attributed it to age but the atmosphere became more enjoyable. Only the more astute adults noticed the true meaning of their bickering but just smiled and thought with pride that even at their age, they strive to become better persons and do more good... truly an inspiration for the younger generation!
After finishing their visit, the family and friends dispersed to each of their homes leaving the old man to relax and slowly, he closed his eyes to fall into a deep sleep.. one that will bring the closure to his life.. the first at least😉.
Unknown place~ Unknown time
Adam slowly woke up to find himself in an unfamiliar place. He also noticed that he doesn't have any clothes on him. Despite disciplining himself to remain calm under any situation for that is the way to find optimal solutions, he was just incapable of doing so. He would have noticed something else if his mind wasn't so chaotic at the moment. Yes, he wasn't the only one here. The others weren't any better.. naked, freaking out and no chance to notice anyone or anything else for that matter. If he looked towards the horizon he would have seen a sea of people that didn't seem to have an end.
Humanity was here. Literally the whole human race was present from the first one to have descended to the last one to have lived.
If someone had an objective view of the situation, he would have suspected the truth. Judgment day. In the history of humankind, there were many philosophers who questioned the meaning of life, if there were a higher power at play or just a series of coincidences that led to life. Most chose the second opinion as did the majority of people. Adam always thought that to be rubbish. The people of his time always prided themselves for their scientific views on the laws of the world but never wanted to acknowledge that life was so complicated that it couldn't be a coincidence. He once watched a video that gave an interesting analogy that proved his point of view although it wasn't the only one to do that : " did you know that the smart phones we use today existed 5 million years ago? It's true, believe me, I'll tell you how it came to be. A phone is mostly made of plastic. This plastic is a product of petroleum. Inside the phone is a silicium chip that originated from sand. 5 million years ago there were huge earth quakes that gave birth to many erupting volcanoes. The lava merged with petroleum to produce plastic that accurately fell on a rock that coincidently had the shape of today's smart phones. Shortly after, lightening struck the sand nearby and transformed it to silicium. A bit of that silicium flew from the impact and coincidently landed on the piece of plastic. Coincidently it had the shape of a chip. Coincidently it was a smart chip. What luck, right?!... you don't believe me? why? That's how life came to be, no? 3.8 billion years ago in a massive ocean, all components of primitive life forms coincidently gathered at the same place at the same time. Shortly after a lightening struck that place and electric charges passed through them and that's how life came to be.. unbelievable. People actually believe that. Did you know that all living cells have proteins in them. Those proteins are made of amino acids with many many combinations and structures. Each amino acid has two identical but opposite forms. Like hands for example or when you look at the mirror. Left rotation and right rotation. All living cells have left rotation amino acids..
If a single amino acid with right rotation enters the structure of a protein, it would be considered a failed product.. Each protein has at least 100 amino acids.. one of the most basic living cells, bacteria, has around a billion protein.." and that wasn't even the end of the video. He went on to explain why ONLY earth had the right circumstances to allow life from the composition of air to the protective layers that protect us from the sun to the distance from it for the right temperature and so on and so forth.. then people came and proudly declared that to be coincidence.