1 Part one: Darkness of the Light  Part one: Darkness of the Light

Chapter 1:

Crime. It's such a simple and short word. But the gravity of uncountable destroyed lives it holds cannot be described. It happens in every corner of the world.. But there are a few special cases which becomes a trend for some places. These cases become a part of people's everyday news feed.

One of those trending cases currently here in western India is the case of missing boys.

For the last five years there have been young teenage boys going missing. No one knows what happened to them..or where they went. They just vanished. And the most amusing part of this case is, that even the highly specialised cops of the countries have not been able to catch the kidnapper/murderer. The people call it *the perfect crime*. They somehow accepted that whoever is behind it is a mastermind. Who even surpasses the minds of highly capable police officials. But Niel thakur had a different belief. For him even the blackest of crimes have a white dot which can unravel the entire mystery.

Niel thakur was a perfect boy from the perfect family with a perfect brain. His father was a lawyer, mother a business woman, and older brother a hacking master in RAW. Since childhood he was a problem solver. A genius he was called because his level of real life intelligence surpasses even most adults. The ability to make the correct decision at the correct time with a cool composure was his speciality. He was deeply interested in crime thriller stories. He read novels, watched series, and studied lots of crime documentaries. His dream was to become a crime investigator and following the path his dream showed him, he ended up in India's best university of criminology SK university of social sciences.

Currently he was in second year in his university and already he was the ace. He was the best student there until she came and outshined him. A new first year girl in the department of criminology defeated him in a mystery solving game. She was the new ace of their class named Mayvee.
