
Read after CH - 30 - Notice

Hey everyone your Author here !

No chapter the last few days because of some reason :

- Christmas

- Lack of time

- And lastly but the most important things it's the World Building I'am doing.

Let me explain a few things. I wanted for the Second world Enkai's goes to is basically his Home World with mash-ups. Like Adding DXD, Percy Jackson...

But I didn't want to confuse everyone with my world. DXD and Bleach is impossible since, well souls in both world are treated differently so I had to chose and if both were present everybody would be confused.

I also didn't want to add only Anime/Manga to the FanFic, I wanted to use Chinese LN, Japanese LN, And Korean too, all of it. There is also Books like Percy Jackson and Manwa and Manhua. But if I didn't put them in order the world would be fucked up.

For exemple with so many world, how the fuck Enkai or other humans couldn't come in contact with the Supernatural. So I added the « Mist » of Percy Jackson in a worldwide scale.

I also wanted to do something like « Sis-Con with Dimensional Chat Group », not adding the Chat or anything but more like instead of a story fully focused on fights and adventure but also a little bit of slice of life and why not drama. So I added some Anime like Oregairu, ,Saekano or Kimi no suizo wo tabetai (I want to eat your pancreas). But then the Harem would be fucked up, at first I wanted to add 6 girls to Enkai's Harem but if Enkai came in contact with a lot a beautiful girls and with his handsome face and he save the girls or helped her a lot and nothing would happen it would be weird, he could also reject them but well, rejecting girl after girl...also weird for Enkai (Little spoil about his personality changes in not too long).

I could just drop the idea and well, bullshit my way and add some Chat Group but I have an Original Story and his Final enemy in my head and dropping the world mash-up would also mean dropping the story. And honestly it a little bit boring if Enkai goes to world hunting I don't know what or who and the story is the same as cannon. (Like honestly the start of the FanFic is a lot like the Canon in Arifureta, I even find myself bored about writing something I already know and just a little bit different but when I think about when he goes back then I have my motivation back).

So tell me what you think about it and if you have any suggestions (like adding an Anime World or Helping with the World Building please comment).

Oh yeah right I also wanted to add some Fate feature (like the servant summoning) but I didn't watch all Fate and I am not well versed in it so I dropped the Idea but if there is a kind soul who could explain the basics then thank you !

There will also be some kind of World Will's in every world but don't worry Enkai won't be a Pawn, he would be too strong for the World to make him do something he don't want. I am thinking about maybe a Deal between them...

Some could ask why I am planning now and do the World Building. It's simple, if my world was technologically advanced (like technology of the 22th Century) or there is some kind of Monarchy I can't just technology of the 21th Century like it's some modern technology (in Enkai perspective). I could avoid plot hole for the futur. For exemple Enkai made a Humvee for himself but if my world was technologically advanced then Having flying car could be the norm instead of an antiquity like a Humvee. (Again in Enkai perspective)

Of course don't worry, I will not just add world without their Background and job is done don't worry, before the start of Volume 2 (the second world) I will make a « World Background » chapter for everyone to understand !

I think that's all,

Thanks !


Now a little bit of spoil, those who don't want to be spoiled then stop reading, even if I could hardly call that a spoil.


So, what I wanted to say was that Enkai would sometimes act in a certain manner and sometimes in another one.

He could for exemple help some people on a whim and sometimes do like Hajime in Canon and just don't care about anything.

There is obviously a reason buuuuuut it will come later in the story so you will need to wait.

Also my story is slow-paced, I try to advance some thing but for now it's slow paced don't worry as we go further it will be faster.

Enkai will also become some sort of playboy but it's also part of the personality change, of course it's not because his enemy could be a woman that Enkai will change his ways of dealing with issues. He could also be a scum (Like NTR some guy he hate HAHA) sometimes but I a still thinking about that.

Anyway his personally would surely be explained in a Glossary.

Have a Nice Day !
