

"What did you say?"

The ominous question resounded, reverberating in the mind of the thousands present. Disciples and teachers watched with gloom as the servants trambled.

The old man who asked, held both hands behind his back while peering deeply into the eye of the stubborn youth in front of him. Both were standing midair, every single one present had a clear sight on them.

The youth, Zuque, looked no more than fourteen. His thin body was trembling, but he didn't look away. "I won't do it, I don't agree with Master; emotions have to be nurtured and attachments shouldn't be completely cut off. Doing so is unnatural and not my Dao. Master, please understand." His voice trembled, pleadingly.

The eyes of the dignified elders grew dark, some disciples rejoiced, others lamented.

The old man looked at the youth with unrestrained aversion. His white and gold robe shined with a light that blinded the youth.

Zuque felt a tug in the middle of his chest and when he could see again, The old man was already standing in front of him holding his bright inner core with a bloody hand.

"As the Sect leader, I command; Ugo Zuque is to have his meridians destroyed and his inner core taken by the sect as compensations for the resources he used. He is, from now on, expelled from my Blue moon sect. His tribe shall also exile him and his close relatives from their fief. Failing to follow orders will result in the same sentence for all their young and old."

Zuque heard a woman wailing in the distance and a man urgently taking hold of his body as his vision grew dark.

'It was just a difference in opinion...My master from infancy until now... why?' Zuque thought as darkness enveloped him.
