
the Walking dead: Surrounded

作者: GrizzlyCraig
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Angus lived on the farm working peacefully until one day the dead rose. travelling the land he meets new people and dangers disclaimer the walking dead does not belong to me. only original characters there will be polyamory and gory scenes no system no reincarnation

5 タグ
Chapter 1Chapter 1

Angus lived on the old family farm in Edgehill Georgia, USA

He was the youngest of the family at 19 years old

His parents have moved to Atlanta to live with his elder brother who was a realtor.

Now he just spent his day taking care of the place



Wheat and a small vegetable garden

Cutting trees in the bush

But one day things changed

Turning on the TV one morning at breakfast there came a broadcast to

All citizens

Shelter in place

Do not leave your homes

Seeing this Angus was startled

Grabbing his phone, he called the neighbour Caine to see if he knew anything

Angus- HI Caine, have you seen the Broadcast on the TV?

Caine- yeah, last night some of my cousins called saying that there were psychos attacking and eating people in the streets of Atlanta.

Angus- shit that's not good, anyway how are your supplies for this shelter in place?

Caine- we are good for a good half year since we can stuff, but I am packing the trailer to head up to Wyoming with the rest of the family, we will be taking back roads to bypass the cities. Anyway, take care and good luck.

With that Angus hung up and decided to call his brother Henry who was taking care of the parents.

Angus- hey Henry, is everything good with you and the folks in Atlanta?

Henry- HEY Angus, things re becoming crazy here, we have just received a quarantine notice and those who break it will be shot.

Angus- shit those fucking pricks, alright keep me updated and if you get a chance come to the farm, I have food supplies for a while and more still growing since it is summer.

Henry- alright brother take care


With the calls made Angus begun gathering supplies to fortify the barn and house.

Grabbing boards and covering windows

Reinforcing the chicken and pig pens along with bringing in larger food throughs.

As he worked, he could hear the rumbling of thunder even though the sky was clear


Two days pass

Angus is now listening to the radio broadcast

Hello everyone, I am Robert cooper with your daily update

It has been 3 days since the outbreak of people rising from the dead

Large cities have been put on complete quarantine

You are asked to continue sheltering in place so that the government officials do not mistake you for infected.

I repeat please remain inside your homes

This is Robert Cooper and I will speak to you folks tomorrow.


Hearing this Angus walked up the stairs to his bedroom and grabbed 2 large shoe boxes from under his bed.

Opening the first you could see a custom-made Smith & Wesson model 29 .44 mag revolver with an 8 round capacity and 7-inch barrel

In the next box he opened contained plenty of 44 cartridges estimated to be 300 rounds

Putting these boxes on the bed he grabbed a shoulder holster from his closet and began loading the revolver along with putting extra ammunition in a pouch on the holster.

Prepared for potential conflict he went back outside to continue working


1 day pass

Coming in from working Angus found a message on his voicemail.

Playing it, he heard his brother and parents speak

Hey Angus its your family

We called to let you know we love you and to stay safe.

Hearing this Angus was startled and tried to call back but no one would pick up


1 day past

This is Robert cooper, and I bring sad news, just yesterday the Georgian state ordered a bombing of Atlanta to prevent the spread of infection.

As of this moment I know of no survivors

The dead just rose from these poor people

May god protect us all

Good day

Hearing this broadcast Angus felt unimaginable grief consume him

He now knew why his family left that message

They were dead


And most likely now a member of the risen infected.

Deciding he needed a drink Angus went to his fridge for a beer but found it empty

Throwing out his care of the shelter in place Angus got into his pickup to head to town.

Passing by Caines place he saw that the truck and trailer were missing along with all of the barn doors being open

Getting to the town he was unnerved by the complete silence; the streets were completely bare.

Approaching Joes Grocer, he noticed that the door was broken down

Cautiously he unholstered his revolver and begun approaching the store

Inside he noticed that a few aisles of chips were tipped over along with a splattering of blood.

Calling out he did not receive a response

Grabbing empty boxes from under the counter and leaving a wad of cash on top, he began filling the boxes with canned goods, potatoes, onions, other seeds and booze

But just as he was making his way out with a box, he noticed a stumbling figure come from the back room

Startled he dropped his box and grabbed the revolver

"Stop Where you are! Or I will shoot!"

The figure just growled and when it came closer Angus saw that it was the old proprietor of the shop Joe. But he was different

Joes face was infested with maggots, and he was missing half his lower arm

Yelling to stop once more Joe did not stop so Angus shot him once in the chest

Joe stumbled backwards but still kept advancing towards him.

Freaking out he shot 4 more times but Joe still kept coming and lunged at the panicking Angus.

Falling backwards Angus rolled to the side so he could avoid the chomping jaws


Grabbing a fallen can of beans

"You Stupid son of a bitch! Just die already!"

, he then swung into Joes' head multiple times till he stopped moving.

After Joe did not show any signs of rising again, Angus reloaded his revolver and leant against a wall to catch his breath.

"Fuck, I thought they were pulling my leg but Joe was already dead?! How does that work?"

"Anyway, it seems that only by damaging the head can these things be killed."

Looking at the gun he soon came to a decision. This is helpful for animals and other humans for r these undead, I should use a blunt object so I don't run out of ammunition.

Putting this thought on pause he went back to looting the store

Beans, spam, vegetables, candy bars…. All of this and more went into his truck

Stopping at a few houses on the way home he found that no one stayed, they were all gone

He could only assume that they were alive since the vehicles were gone and there did not seem to be any other walking corpses.


After getting home and unloading his loot, Angus went to the tool shed

Inside he began swinging different tools to see what would fit him best

The Ball-peen was too light

Crowbar was unwieldy

Sledgehammer too heavy

Wood maul was good but too close range

Just as he was about to settle on a heavy shovel his spotted chains hanging on the wall which gave him inspiration

Not only are the hooks on the end hefty for good damage, but by swinging the chains around he can stay away from those chomping teeth also increasing the attack. Also, it would be good for scaling buildings.

Choosing one that was 8 feet long he went outside to practice on the trees.


1 week passes

After a week of preparations Angus looked at his address book for family members.

The only one that would be living lived towards Mert County, cousin Ed

Since the phones did not work, he would not be able to find if he lived or not in advance, but travelling would better than living here all on one lone some.

Loading his pickup and trailer with 2 months of food, camping gear, tools, gun ammunition parts and cleaning kit, he also attached a large crate which could hold 3 hens and a rooster.

Looking at the truck he was proud of his jimmy rigging of bars over the windows, and the reinforced hood for ramming into the undead.

Waving Fairwell to his home he left.


Travelling north on a gravel road he noticed that the houses he passed were broken into along with the undead stumbling around

Stopping at one such house

Angus readied his chain and began searching the house for undead

Seeing none he pulled his truck around back so that others passing by won't steal it.

Having done so he then blocked off the front door and began looting the house

There he found 1 shotgun with a dozen slug shells along with 2 machetes

The pantries were near empty only with a small bag of salt.

With the sun falling and darkness creeping closer, Angus decided to lock up for the night

Locking up the back door, Angus made way for the attic and locked the door ready for sleep.

A few hours pass of peaceful sleep

But when the moon was high in the sky, Angus was woken to an eerie sound in the night.

Getting up from the bed he approached the window and opened it to listen to where the sound was coming from.

Paying close attention, he found the sound was a gurgling noise and looking towards the west he felt his blood drain from his face at what he saw

he saw a group of 10 undead shuffling in the direction of the house he was in.

putting on his leather jacket he grabbed his revolver and chain and made way for the front door.

--the undead cant breed, so no multiplication unless the living become undead. It will probably be better in the long run to take these out so I do not encounter them again. —

Coming to this resolution he marched out to meet this horde before they got to the mail box.

Swinging the chain, he bashed the first one from 6 feet away

Retracting the chain quickly he began beating the undead till they stood still

Counting the undead that he killed he counted 9.

Turning around in a panic he saw the 10th creeping up on him

Flinging the chain at the walker in a panic, the chain wrapped around it head getting caught in the jaws.

Pulling the chain the walker fell to the ground.

Aiming his revolver he quickly fired a round into the bastards' skull.

After making sure the walkers stayed dead, he went back to the attic

Staying cautious for the rest of the night he took short naps while sporadically waking up to scan the outside.


Another week passes on the backroads until he has to go through a small town.

Driving through the main drag he was surprised to see no walkers

Just as he was turning west, he heard a scream.

Stopping the car, he listened for it again and pinpointed it coming from the hardware store.

Stopping the truck and taking the keys with him he ran to the store

Barging through the partly open door he soon saw a young woman pushing a wire rack in-between herself and a very tall and lanky walker at least 7'5"

Immediately reacting he swung the chain at the undead.

With the walker dead he looked at the lady

"Thank you! this mutated zombie came from out of nowhere, my name is Sara. You?"

"Mutated Zombie? Anyway, no problem. My name is Angus"

"Yeah, mutated! You probably have seen those regular undead that stumble around in the bodies of dead people? Mutated is where the body is changed so that the zombie can run faster, be stronger, better hearing, sight etc."

"Fuck that is scary! I remember fighting one that did not make any noise and it almost snuck up on me, would that be one?"

"I would think so, anyway where are you from? I grew up here in Tyrone. Do you mind if I travel with you, there is no one else here."

"I came from Edgehill, but are you sure you want to be asking to go with strangers? Especially when the world has gone to shit?"

"yeah, its probably not a great idea but I just can't survive alone out here, even if I have to suck your dick let me come with you." pleaded Sara

Angus palmed his face at her answer kind of understanding where she was coming from but was still frustrated with her being so incautious.

"Alright, alright. I will let you join me, help me loot this store than we can grab your stuff." Said Angus

Sara nodded eagerly before grabbing bags and boxes filling them with nails, tools, earplugs and muffs and many other things.



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  • 世界観設定
