
Chapter 1-Mysterious Being

In a lab located in one of the many realms drifting in the boundless void, a man was wearing a simple red robe with only a crimson red flame, with a black outline on it.

This man, even with his appearance as a man in his twenties had the profound aura of wisdom only originating in those who have lived for billions of years.

He was gazing at a floating dark grey body enclosed by hundreds of thousands of arrays, evidently generated by the man standing there and was imbuing the body with strange energy produced as materials in the room disintegrated.

Then after a time anywhere between a day or a millennium, the man took out a vial of black liquid that seemed to reflect all light, while also absorbing all light creating an unusual enigma of contradiction.

The man poured the mysterious black liquid into the body that was hovering in front of him before establishing more arrays, heightening their numbers to the billions and even starting to manifest 3D arrays as well, but there were only around 100 of those arrays.

As the black liquid permeated the body it began to slowly shift towards the centre of the body before quickly accelerating, as if the force attracting it got stronger as it got closer to it.

Then when it arrived at the centre of the body it ultimately found what was tugging it closer like a lure. At the centre of the body was a pitch-black sphere and not black in the sense that it was a colour or that it was dark but that it was the absolute essence of nothingness and emptiness, like the void.

This core was also surrounded by arrays created by the man who poured the black liquid into the body, but their duty was to help enable the fusion of the core and the black liquid rather than to provide energy.

The black liquid then slowly merged with the core as the arrays encircling it began shining brighter than even the most luminous stars themselves.

But halfway through the fusion of the core and the liquid, something that the man didn't realise happened, will change the fate of this world as a small glowing infinitesimal spec entered the body and also fused with the core.


Somewhere floating in the void was the body of a creature that had dark grey skin and a male muscular 6ft tall physique with shining crimson red eyes with strange black patterns in them as if they were arrays.

"Wha-where am I?" muttered the creature to himself as he drifted in the void surprised by the scenery that surrounded him.

"Who am I?" the creature's mumbling continued without end for a time as he had so many questions that couldn't be answered.

After some time the creature noticed he was drifting closer to one of the realms floating in the void and so he tried to get to it by kicking off of....the void?

Now moving fast towards the realm he braced himself by crossing his arms in front of him as he crossed the realm barrier and started to plummet to the surface.


"Fuck! That was a long fall, and I didn't even get to see where I landed," the creature shouted before resting on the ground for an hour and then finally getting up and looking around.

"I wonder where this is," the creature said to himself before deciding to head north to find someone or something to get information.

After a couple of hours, he saw a town appear in the distance making him ecstatic as that meant that he could ask someone where he was and get information easily.

Although he was slightly uncertain that they wouldn't speak the same language he could still gather information by looking around the town.

As he entered the town he was spotted by a local who could see his confusion and approached to help him.

"Heya! How can ah help ya?" asked the man friendlily as if they get visitors often.

"Do you know where this place is?" asked the creature happy that they speak the same language.

"Uh…you came tae our town not knowing where ya are?" the man said slightly confused by the strange visitor but shook it off.

"Well this here town is called Sistema and it's located east o' the city Holalix."

"It's aff in dat direction and they are having a battle festival where people ill fight for money in brutal combat!" cheered the man as if he was excited to see some of the fights.

"Will I be able to get more information there?" asked the creature while thinking that he should go there since money will be needed to survive.

"Ya, it got a library full a books and stuff to read plenty a information there," said the man before walking off since he won't be of much help now.

The creature then started heading west right away since the faster he gets there the sooner he starts making money.


After half an hour of walking in the direction of the city, the creature saw that a middle-aged man was cornering a girl that seemed around the age of 17 and had a lustful expression on his face.

"Help! Anyone! Please help me!" the girl cried as she backed away from the man who was wielding a sword in his right hand.

"Huh, what's going on here?" asked the creature confused as to what was happening.

"You, help me! Please I'll pay you, just get rid of this guy!" the girl shouted as if she had found her saviour.

"Ok then," the creature said as he shrugged before reaching his arm out towards the man and clenching it before pulling it back.

"What was that supposed to d-ahhhhh!" the man said before screaming and in pain as his right leg dissolved into energy that went over to the creature before entering his body to be stored for later use.

The man immediately fell to the ground in pain as the place where his leg used to be was empty and he was losing blood incredibly fast from the wound.

Before the man could crawl away, the creature walked over to him before morphing his arm into a spike and plunged it into the man's chest causing blood to go everywhere.

Once the creature was sure he was dead he took his arm back out before turning it back into a normal arm again, though now it was crimson from the blood.

"Wha-what are you?" the girl asked terrified as she had lived a sheltered life previously and so was not used to seeing so much blood.

Hearing that question triggered something as the creature remembers his past as he was thrown out by his creator for being a failure.

When he was finished he was much weaker than the rest of his kind because of some unknown reason.

Moments after his creation

"Damn it, those materials were wasted on this failure!" said the man who was making these creatures in the lab that was floating in the void.

"He can't even think! Never mind be of any use to me!" the man continued his rant.

"He's just a hollow piece of trash!," the man says before calling for someone, "Solaris! Come over here!".

"What do you want Kygroxis?," asked the man called Solaris who could only be described as a being of pure majesty with amber eyes. His glorious blond hair with his 9ft tall, robust physique and fair skin that perfectly matched his armour that seemed as though it was made from a star, with its light orange metal and dark orange cloth underneath and his symbol of the sun with a sword pointing down in the centre.

"I need you to get rid of this void-being for me," Kygroxis said casually as if he was too busy to do it himself.

"Why do you want it gone? Aren't these very valuable?," asked Solaris surprised by the fact Kygroxis wanted to get rid of one of the void-beings that are extremely hard to make.

"This one is a worthless hollow piece of trash, it can't even think properly," Kygroxis said annoyed by the waste of material.

"Makes sense that you need to get rid of it as its materials are quite volatile if destroyed," Solaris said as if he understood before grabbing the void being and leaving.

"And just because you're my uncle doesn't mean you can boss me around like this!"

"Yeah, yeah, this is the fifth time you've told me that this solar cycle," Kygroxis said as his sarcasm permeated his voice.

Back in the present, the creature we now know is a void-being just mumbled, "Hollow," in response to the question the girl asked him.
