
Chapter 7

BANG BANG BANG. Wren woke up to a loud banging on her door. Confusedly, the girl rubbed her eyes.

"WREN OPEN THIS DOOR," Angela's voice rang out angrily, then the banging ceased. There was the soft click of the lock and then the door flew open. "How dare you lock this door!" Angela growled, her body bristling with anger.

Wren frowned, still confused, "I'm sorry, mother, I must have locked it when I was changing last night and forgot" she tried to fix her messy hair a bit.

"It could be that, or…" Angela's frown deepened as she narrowed her eyes, noticing the form of a person in bed with her daughter, "You little slut. Couldn't wait until you were married, could you?" She scoffed, crossing her arms, "Once you're done, go see your father. He's been looking for you," The older woman grumbled before storming out.

"What..?" Wren sighed; her mother was a strange woman. Glancing to her left, Wren squeaked in surprise. Next to her laid a man, and staring up at her were a pair of pretty green eyes.

"Good morning princess," Evan said with a small wink; the man had been up for a little while. He had been watching her sleep, he loved how beautiful and peaceful she looked. He enjoyed seeing her seem at least a little happy.

"Why are you still here?" Wren whispered, running her fingers through her hair. "If my mother finds out it wasn't Andrew in my bed, she's gonna whip me black and blue," she groaned softly, flopping back into bed.

"I fell asleep with you; we were just too cozy," Evan said joyfully, his arms wrapping around her waist and pulling his face against her cool stomach.

"You're too carefree for your own good," Wren huffed softly, gently playing with his hair. Her face felt hot as he let out a soft groan against her stomach.

"And you're too dramatic for your own good," Evan snickered softly, placing a gentle kiss on her tummy. "It will be fine, I'm sure no one will look into it." He moved up and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, which she returned. Wren loved the soft warmth of his lips on hers.

"You're impossible, I-" Wren was cut off by another kiss, more passionate this time. This kiss was intense and made her melt. "I need to go see my father" She sighed softly, resting her forehead against his after breaking the kiss.

"Show him your neck, let him see what Andrew did. Maybe your father will help" Evan murmured, leaning down to gently kiss the still dark bruise on her neck. Luckily, today her throat was not half as sore as it had been.

"I promise I will, but only if you can slip out of here without getting me in more trouble," Wren said teasingly, her hand moving to gently cup his cheek. She found the man to be quite handsome.

"That won't be a problem, but I'm coming back tonight. I'm not giving that man the chance to hurt you," Evan said with a soft growl, hugging her possessively. Wren was shocked by this. She had just met this man, and yet she had never felt so close to another person.

"Be careful," Wren sighed, giving him a tight hug. She hesitated to let go of him, being in his arms was the only time she felt safe anymore. When she did let go of him, she got up and got ready. By the time she was done, the strange werewolf was gone.

Quickly, Wren made her way to her father's study. Time had been kind to her father as well, Wren liked to think it was because he didn't yell, unlike her mother. Then again, Varlo hardly ever bothered with either of them. The man was very private; the only time he ever really socialized with his family was at dinner. Wren knew he and her mother didn't share a room anymore, he had added a bedroom onto his study.

Wren knocked gently on the door, "father?" She asked, waiting for permission to enter.

"Wren? Come in, child," her father's voice called back. The door opened with a soft click, his study was quite spacious. In fact, it was spectacular. He had a beautiful antique desk as well as lovely bookshelves that lined the walls and contained old books he had collected over the years. It was also ordained with a large chandelier and beautiful large windows.

"Good morning father," wren hummed softly, smiling at her father, Varlo, who sat at his desk, scribbling something down.

"Morning?" The older man asked, pausing, and turning to look out the windows, "oh! Good morning indeed, dear" he smiled back, putting his pin down and standing up. He walked over to his daughter and smiled, gently cupping her cheek, "you look lovely today, but... what happened to your neck?" He asked worriedly, lightly tilting her head to look closer at it, a frown forming on his face.

"Thank you father," Wren smiled at the compliment, she mainly took after her father in looks. Both of them had the same blonde hair and soft features. "Andrew did it last night... he got mad. I refused his advances," she said, her smile turning into a frown as well. She wasn't sure how her father would react to this.

"I see... I'm sorry, dear. Are you alright?" The man sighed softly, "are you still happy with the engagement?"

"Yes I'm alright now, Father" wren smiled and nodded, she felt nice that he was concerned for it, "I don't want the marriage father. I'm afraid he's going to escalate."

Varlo nodded sadly, "I understand my dear, I'll talk to your mother about it." He gave her a small smile before moving back behind his desk.

"Thank you father, I really appreciate that," Wren said, happy to have this all taken care of. "Did you need anything else?" She asked politely, liking her father even more now.

"No, that is all. I just wanted to check on your wedding process, though that does not matter now" Varlo smiled, "you may go about your day now"

"I'll see you at dinner then father. Have a good day" Wren smiled, turning happily and walking out of the room. Her outlook about the day and her life had gotten better.
