
The Vampire and The Addams

Reborn as the oldest vampire in existence, Vlad Dracul wakes in his coffin. Body weak, mind in disarray, descending into madness, only to find solace in the mind of a young Wednesday Addams. Disclaimer: I only own my OCs, everything else belongs to those who came first. (https://www.patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter), but only if you would like to support my work, and maybe get to know me, a little.

hunterxxhunter2011 · テレビ
48 Chs

An odd feeling

(Wednesday P.O.V.)

Everything was going well.

Vlad was off engaging in his, what are sure to be interesting, endeavors. The last time I checked, he said he was acquiring information. Trying to sound professional.

If I laughed. I would have laughed.

He is many things. Professional is not one of them. At least, unless he chooses to be.

That's the thing about Vlad. Before him, all of my matters seem miniscule. Not through any actions of his own. It simply what is. It had always been like that. From the very beginning, it was as if he could see a world that my eyes could not reach.

Very annoying.

However, the longer I spend experiencing my new senses, and control over my mind and body, the more I can understand why he always felt so "big".


His level of awareness to his place in the world and the impact of his involvement eclipsed my own.

He could see when to move. When to speak. And had all the time in the world to decide what to do, before most could form a coherent thought. His mind was just that fast and his body would could execute.

While I had one thought, he filtered through several.

Wisdom born from experience, allowed him to decide the best course of action.

Perhaps that is the reason he gained my trust.

He never said it, but I had always been acutely aware that he had many options.

Even when he was "stuck" physically. Mentally, based on the level of information he could "acquire" from the minds around him, it would not have been impossible for him to seek out others to make a connection.

But he did not.

He stayed with me.

I am not that fascinating.

By modern standards.

Then, when he is free to do all he wants in the world, he still chose me.

I could see no ulterior motive no matter how hard I searched my mind for answers. He gained no advantage with me. Any information he wanted on me or my family could have been gained through his mind reading. He did not even have to let us know he was there.

I was completely unnecessary.

An odd feeling.

To know that you have absolutely nothing to offer someone who can seemingly take anything they want.

And yet, they still decide you're worth their time.

A very odd feeling.

Now, it is a choice that I find myself making as I stand before my family.

Watching their, everything.

Ticks, quirks, twitches.

I can see it all.

Analyze it all.

If before I could see them clearly, now I can see through them.

They can hide no secrets, nor deceive their motive.

I have surpassed them.

And yet, I feel no different.

About them, or myself.

All of their being is exposed to me like I'm looking through a microscope at their body language. And yet, I feel no sense of accomplishment.

Everything I see, I already knew.

They love each other, my parents. They love Pugsley, no matter his uselessness. They love me. Unconditionally.

No matter what I do, just looking at the way their eyes scan my face. The minute expressions of concern due to lack of tells, relief that I have returned from wherever Vlad took me, and acceptance of my presence.

They are truly irksome in their affections.

Perhaps I should try and convince Vlad to "enhance" them as well.

At least that way, I can re-level the playing field.

With this large of a disparity between our capabilities, the desire to compete has lessened. The passion that can only be acquired by besting my mother at her own game has receded to the back of my mind.

Now, the only thing that keeps me attached to them, is my choice.

Just like Vlad to me.

The choice to regard those you.....care for, despite the fact that they may not be useful to you.

My therapist would be proud. Maybe. She is very incompetent.

"Based on what you have said, killing Garrett Gates was an accident. An accident for which you, father, should have been found guilty based on the evidence acquired and your own testimony." I speak, while pacing back and forth with my hands clasped behind my back.

"However, instead of charging you for impaling a boy on a sword, they instead let you go?" I look towards him. "Why?" I ask, though the answer is already clear based on the details given during my mother's exposition. This is simply to get them on the same page. Not dramatics. That is Vlad's modus.

Before my father or mother can respond, I continue. "It is because, they could not hold you. Not without bringing attention to the case. Attention which would result in an autopsy being performed on the body." I can see I have their full attention. A captive audience, on multiple levels. . .Because they are trapped in the chamber.

"Dilated pupils, foaming saliva, mental confusion," I speak, my eyes on my mother's.

I wait a beat. I can literally see the wheels spinning in that mind.

She is quick. Not supernaturally so. But still, as expected of my mother.

Her eyes snap to mine, as her hand squeezes my father's tighter.

"But how can that be?"

That was the perfect question to ask, Mother.

"There's only one way to find out."

Getting out of the school was not difficult.

Not really.

It's night.

The night has always been a friend. One of my few. With my senses, avoiding others was expected.

What I did not expect was to run into another of my friends along the way.

She literally appeared in our path as we made for the exit of the academy's of-so-hallowed halls.

Her steps were silent, and so was her scent.

I did not even notice her until she was only a few feet away. Let alone my parents and Pugsley. They did not notice until she was already smiling brightly in my face.

Her control over her body is truly impressive. Her animalistic tendencies make her level of physicality one that I can only applaud. She would be a fantastic hunter.

I begin to ask how she found me.

However, I stop myself.

No need to ask nonsensical questions.

Her senses are stronger than my own.

Tracking me would have been a simple matter once I appeared above ground.

As she skips to a stop in front of me. Her hands clasped in front of her as she rocks back and forth on that balls of her feet. Her smile is infectious.

Luckily, I am immune.

"Making a hasty escape? Going on the lamb?"

I cannot be certain if she knew what she was saying, if she was just hungry for lamb, or if she really did believe the saying was "lamb" instead of lam. The pleased smile on her face however tells me that asking is unnecessary. She clearly wants to get to the meat of the matter.

"Going to find proof of my father's innocence." I state matter-of-factly.

"Now that you are here..." I trail off. While I'm certain I can settle this matter on my own. Her presence could prove to be valuable as a lookout. I doubt anyone besides Pugsley and I will be digging, while my parents will more than likely distract one another with their incessant need for public displays of affection.

Someone capable to watch my back might be..good.



(A/N: Additional chapters are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter. Check it out.)