
The Vampire's Lord Mate is Reincarnated! BL/Yaoi

What were you to do if, one day, you are not only invited to work in a new find supernatural city to investigate paranormal crimes, but gets hit on by the velvet wearing Vampire Lord of the city every chance he gets?! I was happy of finding good use for my knowledge over the supernatural beyond my books and blogs, and if there is a place a shy nerd for mystical creatures like myself can fit in, that would be one of the Foggy Cities that popped into existence all around the world, especially the gothic full of vampire one, the New Stormhold. Only that… it seems that my own past hold secrets from me, and that perhaps that smirking overconfident Vampire Lord has more to do with it than someone I should not have never known has. The only problem is, am I willing to pay the price for finding out? Because it may have been already too late the moment I stepped inside this city. And met his crimson hungry eyes. ~~~~~ ML:*cups MC shin, getting real close to whisper* You smell really nice… Let me have a taste mon chéri … MC: O-oh yeah? T-thank you b-but I- ML: I may as well have you for dinner instead… MC: *blushs, panic alert, alert!* Voice 1 : Oi, wait right there, I want him too! Voice 2 : No no, I saw him first! MC: …. ML: As if you all could have a taste of what is mine, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. BTW is 1v1 relationship, not a harem, the others are only very… enthusiastic about it hehe.

VCris · LGBT+
60 Chs

Chapter 25

"I must say, I simply looove places like this, cozy atmosphere, friendly environment, great food, amaaazing coffee." I hear Adam say from the small metal circular table beside us, but I'm too busy munching on my own food to answer with words so I just hum in agreement.

I do love this kind of places too, with a european up on the street brick construction style while having wummy food and drinks with one of those croissants that are munchy with cream and are filled with heavens juiciness inside, and the still fuming coffee made of beans to top it up, paradise in a mug I tell you, especially after needing a pick-up wake the fuck up drink after the nights I have been having.

Ok that sounded more lewd that I intended, but I think that my mind is just too focus on that these days because I'm basically accompanied in every corner by this france sexy vampire that knows what he was doing every time he puts a smile on that freaking beautiful face or leans on a wall while looking at me.

I few centuries to get it perfect I suppose.

But still… the weather is nice, the food is great, the talk is flowing, and the company is pleasant, so even though, out of stubbornness, I still wanted to be upset and depressed about my current situation, the other part wishes to give this feeling a chance, and after a few laughs, talks, and with a full belly and a sweet coffee with caramel filled edges, I naturally go with the flow and, seeing an opening, speak up.

"So… you are able to eat normal food hey?" I say while giving my coffee a small sip, pinky pointing up while lifting the mug, attracting Lucien's attention as he gives a small smile while looking at the gesture, but that reaction escapes me since I'm looking at Adam at that moment.

"Uhm? Oh, right, riiight, yeah, I can, ticked that off your list now uhm? So, what are the remaining options now hon?" He says, playfully raising up and down his eyebrows.

"Well… there are still so many options… a werewolf or werebeast in general is a good guest, but, uhm…"

"You can say it hon." He genuinely says.

"Well, you lack their height and body type, that is just something wild in werebeasts that is easy to spot if you know where to look, on their behaviors, on how they try to hide that they keep flaring their nostrils all the time and they tend to like one type of food way too much…" I say, and both our gazes land in the full of ham sandwiches, plural, that the werewolf of the table is devouring, proving my point.

"What?" He asks with his mouth still full, which makes me and Adam exchange glances with a knowing smile on our faces.

"Well, that is hard to deny I guess, though I've never seen a werebeast before."

"They are harder to get by, basically the same as the werewolves but, well, with other animals, and herbivore ones are even harder to come by."

"Yeah, never heard of a werehorse before, so I can imagine that haha."

"Yeah, not looking like the east sea mermaid then all is well."

"East sea mermaid?"

"Yeah, that one that is the opposite of ours from the west and central seas."

"How so?"

"Well, I mean, instead of a fish tail and the torso of a human, it actually has the legs of a human with the torso of a fish…" I say with a playful smile, letting the image of a fish with legs sink in in his mind.

"…Oh, ew, no way, that would look way too goofy, don't tell me they exist too? I will never go swimming in the sea ever again if something like that lives there!"

"I don't think those ones exist in specific, buuut one can never be so sure you know…"

"Oh no please don't, now I will have nightmares with fishes with legs running after me tonight haha!" We laugh and take a moment to drink our coffees before they go cold.

"So, so, what else?" He says, taking the lat bite of his meal while prompting me to go own, but then the boys intervene by asking:

"What else what? Care to explain what you two are talking about?" Says Lucien, only for Will to continue:

"Five minutes in and you two are already speaking in code… Glad you are two are so close already, but I'm regretting a little if that means we will be left out."

Adam snickers. "Oh, come on, don't be such a baby, we are just actually playing a little game, Alex told me I did not look human, so I challenged him into finding out what I am."

"Well, you are being harsh on him, after all you-"

"Shhh, don't give him easy tips otherwise it will be too easy."

"…" At that Will looks at me and says before being kicked under the table. "Even I had a hard time finding out since-ouch, what was that for?"

"By the way, what's up with that arm?" I hear Adam ask, changing the subject before Will can give him away, and for a moment I do not realize that he was talking with me until I understand his words, looking down at my bandaged arm by reflex, oddly forgotten.

"Oh, this?" I'm embarrassed to have forgotten about it, even more since the bandage probably needed changing for a while now, but part of me questions how could I have let it slip, frowning my forehead, and how it did not hurt at all at this point.

"Let me have a look mon chéri, we cannot leave it unattended." Lucien says, in tune with my own thoughts, and is already reaching out before I can have a say in it.

"Ah, L-Lucien, I don't think this is an appropriate place to do that, it will bother the customers and…" And he is not listening at all, I mean, I saw how bad the wound was, with a missing chunk of meat and all, no one would want to see the leftover of that while eating now would they?

And yet there he is, taking the bandage off with smooth moves around my arm, but what comes to view shock us both, and leaves us in silence for some time until Adam, looking from my face to Lucien, cannot help but ask out loud:

"What is it? Is it that bad? Let me see!" Curious he leans forwards towards our table, but once his eyes land on my arm his eye widen, then a frown overtakes his features as he says what me and Lucien have been pondering about while staring at it.

And that is…

"But the arm… isn't it completely healed?"