19 Part 19 - Burn, Baby, Burn

"So you're telling us that Leroy just up and charged into battle because he was bored!" Jimmy shouted.

"I mean, he's not really been off the ship since we've joined, cap'n. Leroy likes to be active, and he's not been able to do much." Jenkins replied cautiously, scared of angering the captains; he was still getting over his last captain.

"What about the fishing I assigned him?"

"Look over there." Jenkins pointed behind Jimmy.

There, piled to a brim, was an entire basket of fish, expertly caught by Jimmy's fishing student, Leroy.

"I see, this is a problem. He's going to catch up to my skill if I'm not careful."

"Mister Jimmy, I don't think that's the problem here." Tim Tim pointed out.

"Are you back already my little bunny?" Veronica shouted from below the deck.

"Who the fuck is that? The only female on board my fucking ship is Belsari, our local pyromaniac?" Nargo questioned.

"She said she was a friend of Tim Tim's. She's Gary's daughter, cap'n #2." Jenkins explained.

"I'm just gonna ignore what you just called me. Anyways, Tim Tim, who knew our innocent bucket boy could pull." Nargo said gripping Tim Tim's shoulder tightly. "Now please explain why she's on my ship."

"I don't know what you mean by pulling, but she's on here because we were going to get her back to Gary safely." Tim Tim whispered, slightly intimidated.

"Are you fucking thick?" Nargo asked, dumbfounded by Tim Tim's virgin innocence.

"Sorry, I thought it was a good idea. If you want Mister Nargo, I can personally take her back."

"Guys, we have more urgent matters to discuss." Sam intervened.

"Let me go get the others real quick." Nargo said, dashing away with Ronin to swim across the river again.

"Whilst Nargo's gone, take this time to relax. He should be back in about ten minutes." Jimmy suggested.

Veronica served some coffee as a thank you for allowing her on the ship.

"I don't suppose you have any salt, Veronica." Jimmy asked.

"Uh... not at the moment but I could go to the kitchen and get some." Veronica replied, confused.

"That would be greatly appreciated."

She returned and the whole crew stared in horror as Jimmy poured an entire bag of salt into his coffee. Veronica, as therapy, started stroking Tim Tim's head, as did the other crew members.

"Why are you guys stroking me? I'm not a pet."

"Shush, little bunny. Everyone needs this after witnessing the sacrilege perfomed by your co-captain." Veronica replied.

Nargo and the rest of the crew finally arrived, saw Jimmy's coffee and proceeded to start stroking Tim Tim's hair as well, even Ronin. The moon had finally lifted into the sky and the crew discussed their plan of action.

"We could always wait for the two sides to duke it out and take on the damaged victor." Barbosa proposed.

"We can't do that, monkey man. My brother is in that battlefield, and knowing him, he's chosen to fight the stronger beings so that's an immediate no from me." Jenkins said.

"Also, I want the head of that bastard Kozo so if the marines take it, I'll refuse to help you any further." Sam said.

"Ok, then. That means we have to jump into this fight. The battle has been going on for roughly half an hour so most of the fodder should have been incapacitated. I wish we had a scout to tell us the battlefield situation." Jimmy said.

"If you can find me a bird then I can communicate with it and it will see for us." Tim Tim piped up.

"What are you? A fucking princess out of those fairy tales?" Nargo chuckled.

"Nargo, this isn't the time for jokes. Whatz D Face, go capture one so Tim Tim can tame it." Jimmy ordered.

"Yes, it would be my pleasure fine gentlemen and lovely gentlewomen."

Whatz D Face then simply vanished from sight.

"After we know the situation, we can plan accordingly." Jimmy said.

Five minutes passed and Whatz D Face appeared as suddenly as he disappeared, only he was covered in scratches that were slowly being recovered.

"You wanted a bird, so I got a bird. I don't even care anymore." Whatz D Face broke down releasing the bird.

Tim Tim whistled a gentle tune and the bird that was trying so desperately to escape, stopped in its tracks and headed towards Tim Tim. The bird landed on Tim Tim's shoulder and Tim Tim started chirping instructions to it. The bird was jet black, similar to Ronin and small. All in all it looked like a raven.

"Fucking hell! He is a princess!" Nargo said, struggling for words due to his surprise.

"Fly now, Jack. Be careful!" Tim Tim said.

"You named it Jack?" Jimmy said, clearly disappointed by Tim Tim's name choices.

"No, it was the name given to him at birth." Tim Tim replied.

"Wow, you're so amazing and cute!" Veronica said, holding Tim Tim tightly in her arms.

Whatz D Face, just recovering from his traumatizing experience, looked up, saw this and broke down again.

"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll send you to Vaeg." Nargo threatened.

Something buzzed and Vaeg's voice came through, "It's Doctor Vaeg! Say it with me now D-O-K-D-A-R! Upon my physical return, I would like to personally invite you to lunch, so we could discuss this topic a little further. Yours truly, Vaeg."

"When did he...?" Nargo looked around confused.

"They're pre-recorded messages, don't worry. They only activate when conditions are/aren't met." Belsari explained.

"Why are you helping the maniac?" Jimmy asked, concerned about Belsari's mental well-being.

The speaker switched on once more, "MANIAC?! Fucking MANIAC?! IS that what you call your friendly doctor? Your crews life insurance, your second chance at life. A FUCKING MANIAC! I'm really starting to question you Jimbo. You're pushing away your chance at salvation..."

"How did he know it was me?" Jimmy said, scratching his head.

"Can you turn it off at least?" The crew complained.

"Ah... well you see. I can't. I lost the switch." Belsari said, blushing in embarrassment.

"You know what, forget it." Jimmy decided.

Finally, Jack the raven came back, erasing all arguments. The bird started chirping and Tim Tim summarized.

"What Jack here is saying, is that most of the battlefield is dead bodies. Only strong people, but he didn't see Mister Leroy at all, so he's not necessarily dead, but he's also not definitely alive."

"Let's get out of this dock and head to where all the ships are, I've got an idea. And yes Belsari, it includes fire." Jimmy said.

The ship was slowly manoeuvred out of the abandoned dock and finally released onto open waters. In the direction the Omugana village, the sea was fiery orange, smashing viciously into the village docks and smoke climbed high into the sky, strangling the twinkling stars light before it could penetrate and illuminate the village. The rest of the ocean, however, was calm and tranquil, delicately reflecting the moonlight.

There were about fifty ships all lined up, displaying the marine's flag. Another ship, anchored at the beach, had the black daggers flag, no doubt containing the treasure they were searching for in the perilous mountains of a harsh, wintery island a few days ago.

"Nargo, Tim Tim and Whatz D Face, take the spare row boat, grab as much treasure as possible and return immediately. Belsari, burn those marine ships down, although it may take some time." Jimmy ordered.

"It will be too slow, and they'll catch on. I've got an idea though." Belsari handed over her flamethrower to Barbosa. "I'm entrusting you with this sacred weapon of fire. It will grant your wildest dreams."

"I-I don't know what to say. I'm honoured by your trust." Barbosa started tearing up.

"You don't have time for a touching conversation just go! The treasure hunter squad is already rowing to the beach as we speak!" Jimmy said impatiently.

"I'll be back in a flash."

Barbosa did a magnificent leap to reach a marine ship, rushed over to the furthest one and let loose of everything that had been stressing him up until now. Tears of joy ran down his face as ship after ship was engulfed in flames within milliseconds. However, when he set the last ship on fire he tripped over and slammed head first into the water.

Jenkins dived in after him and got him back onto the ship.

"Whew, that was a close call! I'd just like to say, I understand how you feel now Belsari. I feel I understand you so much better after that. Also sorry, your Kotohi's a tad bit wet." Barbosa sniffled.

"If you liked it that much then I will make another flamethrower, designed just for you my friend." Belsari declared.

"How about no! One pyromaniac is bad enough, let alone two. Once you can both show restraint then I will allow it. Not a word about it until then." Jimmy intervened.

"Captain, you're so mean!" Barbosa and Belsari pouted.

"Don't try that on me."

"Anyways, where's the treasure hunter squad?" Barbosa asked, scratching his head.

"Dude, you were gone literally thirty seconds ago." Jenkins said, drying himself.

"I surprise myself sometimes with my speed."

Suddenly an explosion of dark energy surrounded the treasure hunter squad on the shore.

"That doesn't look too good. I'm sure they'll be fine." Jimmy muttered to himself.
