
The Unsettled Love Story

Weddings are a ritual that binds two souls for eternity. An arrangement that requires each to serve one another with whatever they have and will have in the future.Assets come together, liabilities find an equal balance and equity remains a challenge. A funny arrangement, isn’t it? It is hard to assess who has an upper hand. All we can say is that there are two hands holding each other while grinding a cliff with no rope and direction. So you hold, pull, make mistakes, stay, look for possibilities, unrest each other while comforting at the same time. But the more there is to climb, the better the view turns to be. Well, in marriage, there are no guaranteed views even after the hardest climb because it is never about the destination, it is all about the way you got there. Marriage is the greatest day in the life of an individual because from now on your individuality is shared with another person, and you both will do your best to bring out the best in each other. My name is Vani, and with great grace, I would like to invite you to witness my greatest day, as I hold his hand and keep on holding to it for the rest of my life. I have found the true love of my life. We have been in a relationship for 6 years. We had a good share of laughs, care, fights, and other things under the Sun. Finally, the doomsday is next week after eight months of rigorous effort of getting approval from my mom. I want the day to be perfect and as remarkable as it could get. Everything that will be noticed by our guests is a precise decision taken by us together. I am finally getting the chance to wear my mom’s wedding lehenga on my noteworthy day. She claims the most benevolent lehenga in the whole world. After all, she is the world’s best designer and she figured out how to improve the excellence and enchant the outfit for me with her own innovative thoughts. Yeah! I needed to drop a couple of pounds to fit myself into it. But I am amazed at how she has taken really good care of it, and from this day forward, it will turn to be my responsibility. While talking about whether to redesign the choli or not with my mother and unloading the wedding bag, today, I found a journal and a few letters to my father in my Mom’s cabinet. Furthermore, I am sure you know what I did with that diary. I took that journal to my room covertly and there began a page-turning journey that went on for a lifetime. The letters weren’t dated but they all surely were about me. Whatever I have known of them, I never really could find someone like them - after so many years, my mother’s adoration towards my father resembles a recently married couple. The density, depth, and intensity of love from their generation are astounding. The romantic tale of my folks has seen an incredible portion of high and low points, but they somehow learnt the trick to always come across together. But they say every love story is not a fairy tale. Love like theirs is just found in stories. Since I still have seven days left and most of the major tasks are taken care of, I’d like to change the course of my life with everything I’ll unravel in this diary. I do realise that pursuing somebody’s personal journal is an awful habit yet I can’t prevent myself from doing it, after all, what more would I ever reveal for myself than what I already know about my parents. I know they’re this happy couple who stood by thick and thin by the end of their time and hence, I just wish to know this secret element as a weekender read before I walk down that aisle towards the new uncertainty of my life. Hence, dear readers, this is Vani, Sole Chairwoman of Ghunmay Corp. Signing in today to testify to the most beautiful love story I have ever come across, yes, a love story because as I’ve dug into the pages, I believe that’s how she has written it too, a narration of forever love.

LoveleenaGhai · 現実
3 Chs

Chapter-3 (The Unsettled Love Story)

The entire class was amazed. It's only the first week of college and the lecturer gave assignments to their students. Well, I must say this morning came up with loads of desires from Anaya. But, she is willing to fulfil them all because she never learned to give up or let go that easily, and the best part is, she wants to manage whatever came up in her manner.

Classes were dismissed and everyone left in the wake of getting their assignments but Anaya sat up. The quietness of the room choked her. The only sound her ears could pick up was the relentless ticking of the clock and the scream of her thoughts. She was afraid of how she would submit her assignments within three days. It was next to impossible for her because of her partner.

'Sagarika, oh god!'Anaya sighed.

She was stressed because now she has to work with her roommate who is a careless girl and a major party freak. Later, after an hour, Anaya went back to her room where she saw Sagarika all dressed up for the night out, lying on bed and chatting. During her giggles and laughter, Sagarika noticed Anaya walking in silently and she seemed to be tense.

"How are you doing,Anaya?" Sagarika asked.

Radio silence.

"What's wrong, Anaya, I'm asking something. Are you ignoring me?"

"No, not at all, just wondering about assignments. Umm… Sagarika, aren't you worried?"Anaya asked.

"Chill honey! It's just an assignment.Why are you stressed? We will do it together. Don't worry. Anyways, would you like to join us for the party tonight?" Sagarika asked.

"No! No, I'm not coming… I have to study."

"Oh! Come on, don't be so boring Anaya…" Sagarika shrugged her shoulders.

"No, please Sagarika.."

"Ok fine! Just don't wait for me, I'll be coming late." And she left.

Anaya stayed mum as she realised how it's high time for her to understand that she needs to learn how to observe, realise that everything connects like join-the-dots. The best is what she could be.

The night sky was clear as she went out to have a walk along the seashore, staring at the huge and really deep sea.

'I guess I'll never get tired of looking at the waves.The sea has a way of making me feel thoughtful and I developed a theory- that waves are somewhat similar to life.' Anaya thought to herself.

I sometimes think about how one can be so careless? I mean look at Anaya's roommate, I have never seen a girl in my entire life, which can cause trouble for someone at this peak. I don't know how Anaya is surviving and sharing the same room with her. But as the sea makes us feel like we're a part of something big- something incredible, Anaya is the one who is like a revolution; her strength is just too immense.

Anaya now was just left with two days and Sagarika didn't even give a damn about it, busy partying and clubbing, she forgot that she was having some assignments in the group to complete. 'Hesitation is the cause of fear,' Anaya told herself. 'You let it get to you, and you end up nowhere.' Anaya that morning, without delay, left for her college. She knew Sagarika has nothing to do with the project but Anaya is just so focused on her career that she just can't let this opportunity go because of the lacking interests in Sagarika.

Making different designs, sketching bodies, lining dress designs on rough and tearing those papers showed how Anaya is quite nervous at this moment. She doesn't understand how everything is going to be done on time.

This was like just another afternoon when solitude crept through her veins, and she was struggling to maintain that unaffected face. Millions of unanswered questions clouding her mind; yet she cannot afford to make it obvious to her immediate companions. Does she know what's stealing her peace?

A complex web of mass emotions and nervousness…

Looking at things more closely than most people do and making connections between different things and ideas, going beyond ordinary ways of thinking Anaya started arranging things in new and interesting ways. She was supposed to write and draw something but her frustration let her down and she tore all the papers. For the very first time, she is going to do such a big project without anyone's help.

This project is not an ordinary one but the biggest opportunity for her to be a designer of a fashion week, which is soon going to be held in Mumbai.

While sitting in her class, Anaya was about to start her work, and suddenly her professor entered and saw her juggling with stuff to begin her work. Prof. Sharma realised how hardworking and nervous she is. Since the day she came to college, he had always seen her working and researching and curious to know something new. He decided that he must help such students in her project.

'Knock! Knock!' He created a sound only to distract her.

"So, miss Anaya, working alone?" Mr Sharma asked

"Oh! Hi sir, no, I was just thinking, how to begin with ideas and things."Anaya replied.

"Where's your partner? Isn't she working with you?" "Professor, she's not well… So, I thought I should start working on the ideas we have planned together." Anaya hesitated.

"Are you defending her? I saw her with the student of IT fifteen minutes back… don't lie to me, Anaya." Professor retorted.

"Well you're a hard-working girl, so keep going on and never forget The Best Is You."

And the moment the Professor said the best is you, Anaya took a step ahead, her conscience whispered, 'So chin up and walk ahead. On the way, pick up a pound of confidence and a carton of optimism and move on. Because, darling, only then will you know that you're capable of much, much more than you thought you were.'

Anaya now is positive and completely charged up that she decided to work alone and complete the project. Now she didn't need anyone's help, and finally, she realised she could do it.

Prof. Sharma noted Sagarika is completely out of touch with the project and she has nothing to do in addition to party and hang out with that IT student, so he decided to take her out of Anaya's team.

It was now just one day left to submit the assignment and everyone else in the class was working and discussing their ideas. Anaya is burdened as she has to complete the work of two alone. She got up from her class and left thinking about her dreams, her future and her family, focused on how this one assignment can change her life. In the project room, continuously battling up between the selection of her designs and projection of dresses, Anaya somehow managed to engage herself in tasks instead of the baggage of thoughts.

No wonder, Anaya was so hard-working but at this moment where she is just a beginner in the fashion industry, she was thinking that this isn't going to be that easy.Though I know Anaya loved challenges, she could defeat this contest too. And there comes a moment when finally Anaya completed her designs successfully. While styling mannequins, Prof. Sharma looked from outside the door and felt that this girl has some spark and is going to be a rising star in this industry.

"And time made her realise,

Do what's best for you."