
The Unparalleled kid

DaoistevJ5bw · ファンタジー
1 Chs



Greetings, I'm Dave, the hero of this tale, with an IQ surpassing 243! With sheer power and cunning, I have taken over the entire world! None can stand against me, for I am the supreme ruler! But my ambition knows no bounds - my ultimate goal is to dominate the entire universe! I yearn to become the most formidable being in all existence!

Suddenly, a crazy earthquake jolts me awake and I'm flung right outta bed! I realize it was all just a dream, and I get up and start getting ready for work. While I'm cooking up some grub

Hey, lemme tell ya about the world I'm livin' in! It's a crazy advanced place, where technology is so crazy cool that it's changed everything. Transportation, communication, healthcare, and entertainment are all different now, thanks to all sorts of awesome inventions.

The cities are huge and fancy, with skyscrapers that touch the sky and transportation that's smooth as butter. Robots and AI are all over the place too, doin' all kinds of jobs that used to be done by humans. Even things like making music and art!

Talkin' to people all over the world is easy as pie, thanks to high-tech communication networks and social media. You can even put on these crazy goggles and see all sorts of virtual realities without even leavin' your room!

Healthcare is way better too. There's all sorts of super fancy equipment that can see inside your body and cure diseases that used to be uncurable. We're even gettin' our energy from renewable sources like the sun and wind, so we don't have to worry about hurtin' the planet.

But with all this power comes some serious responsibility. We gotta make sure our stuff is secure and private, and we can't just go around makin' more trash with all these fancy gadgets. So we're workin' hard to make sure we're bein' ethical and sustainable, so the world can stay awesome for generations to come!

I remember that tomorrow's a super important day: it's the two-year anniversary of my relationship! I almost forgot to plan something, but I check my calendar and breathe a sigh of relief that I've still got a day to get things together. I quickly hop online and start setting up a totally special day for me and my boo. With everything sorted out, I finish getting ready and head out to tackle the day!

In an instant, the ground shook violently as another quake rocked the land. Such tremors were becoming more common, brought on by ceaseless resource exploitation and the ensuing natural calamities. But hope glimmered on the horizon, as a new world had been discovered that would be a perfect fit for us humans. In just five years, we would commence our journey to this new planet, leaving behind our old home for good.

Little did I know that the end of humanity was upon us. The sky was filled with meteors, cascading down like a fierce rain, signaling the start of our downfall. Suddenly, a colossal meteor came hurtling towards me, and in that moment, my life was extinguished. But as I drifted into the abyss, I saw a deep, infinite void that resembled the descriptions in books of space. It seemed as though I was ascending towards heaven, until a beam of light illuminated my surroundings. A woman was running towards me, cradling me in her arms before carrying me off into a lush forest. And when I opened my eyes, I realized that I had been reincarnated as a small baby, with knowledge of the