
Chapter 31

Kyle looked at the time and planned to wait at Vista Park for Bella seeing that she should be behind him. He took out his phone and called her.

Hi, Bella here! She answered as she drove and grabbed her phone out her back pocket.

Bella this is Kyle. I'm not comfortable with you alone taking that rogue to the border so I'm going to follow you till you get there and he crosses okay. So don't get paranoid if you see a strange car behind you, I'm in a different car. Kyle said

Kyle you don't have to do that, I can take care of myself you know. And besides I have his family with us. His wife and two pups! Bella said

As I said, I'll be more comfortable with following you till you get there okay. There's no talking me out of it! Kyle repeated

Fine! Where are you? Bella asked sounding annoyed

I'm at the entrance to Vista Park waiting on you in a black Porsche! Kyle answered

Okay I'm five minutes away! Bella replied and hung up.

Less than five minutes after, Bella pulled up next to Kyle. He saw Bella get out the car and walk to the trunk. She took out a huge overnight bag with her handbag and began to walk towards his car. While she did this, Kyle saw that Greg got out and went into the driver's seat while a woman from the back, got into the passenger side.

Kyle immediately got out and opened his trunk. Bella placed the bags in and walked to the front door and got in.

" We need to stop for food in about six hours for his kids!" Bella said as she threw back her head and pulled down her shades over her eyes.

" You're giving him your car to drive! What if he steals it and drives away?" Kyle asked shocked

" Well I'll have a good down-payment of a new one with the big bag of money in your back seat" Bella answered

Kyle began to follow the brown lycanthrope as he pulled out of the carpark and drove off at a normal speed.

" Why are you so kind to him and he's not even your kind Bella. You know most species look after their own!" Kyle asked

" Because I was never brought up to see species but only people. My dad is human and my mom is supernatural so who am I to judge one species from other. To me, everyone is the same people whether they are human or supernatural!" Bella replied

" So you're half supernatural? I never knew!" Kyle said smiling

" There's so much that you don't know about me Kyle! And you blew your chance of ever finding out when you lied to me and used me for sex!" Bella said

Kyle instantly stopped the car.

"That's what you think I did to you Bella?" Kyle asked as his heart ached tremendously.

" Kyle drive, we're losing them!" Bella said surprised by the sudden stop.

Kyle began to drive up and then he spoke,

" Bella that's not what happened at all. The truth is since I bounced you with my car decades ago, I searched for you because I felt something for you that day. After years of not finding you, I gave up hope that I would ever find you. Then I saw your powers in the restaurant and I knew it was you. When we met you at the bar, I was flabbergasted. I didn't say anything to you because I truly didn't want you to be mad at me for ruining your life. I couldn't lose you again so I didn't tell you" Kyle said

Bella was speechless. She didn't know if to trust Kyle or if he was telling a lie. She knew she had feelings for him and also believed that he was still keeping things from her.

" Kyle let's not talk about this for the rest of the trip okay. Let's just be friends until we finish our mission and then we'll see where things lead us. Can we do that?" Bella asked softly

Kyle wanted to talk more and ask her about her relationship with the Alpha but decided to not push her.

" Fine but I'm playing my music!" Kyle said and smiled at her and turned the radio up on loud. The song ' Born to be wild by Sheppenwolf' blasted from the car.

" You know I believe he's one of us right?" Kyle said as he began to sing loudly as Bella looked at him seriously. He thought she didn't like the song or even knew it. Suddenly he heard her,

" We were born, born to be wild. We can climb so high, I never wanna die. Born to be wild…" Bella sang and swung her hair.

Kyle was laughing loudly and singing along. They did that for several hours as he drove and he realized that a feeling of completeness overcame him and he stopped singing and listened to her. It was at that exact moment in time that Kyle knew that if he didn't have Bella in his life forever that his life would have been worthless.

" I think he's pulling in to get something to eat and for his kids to use the washroom" Bella said when she saw her car pull into a fast food restaurant.

" I'll go fill up on gas, tell the rogue to get behind me and I'll pay to fill your tank" Kyle said

" His name is Gregory Hinds, Kyle!" Bella said in a serious tone

" Tell Gregory Hinds to pull behind me and I'll pay to fill the tank!" Kyle rephrased

" Thanks! What do you want to eat?" she asked as she got out the car.

" Whatever you're having, it doesn't matter!" Kyle said.

Bella nodded and walked away from Kyle's car and into the front passenger seat of her car. Seconds later, he saw her bend down retrieved her wallet. Bella stood and waited till Greg turned and waited for Kyle to drive in the gas station and then she walked into the restaurant.

" And she leaves her wallet in the car with a criminal!" Kyle muttered under his breath as he drove off towards the gas station.

Ten minutes later, Kyle saw Bella coming towards the cars with two bags in her hands. She dropped off one next to her car for Greg's family. He saw when the pups began climbing on Bella and she took out cookies from her skirt pockets and handed them before the parents grabbed them away and let her leave.

She walked to the car and put the bag on the hood and began to take out two boxes of food and two soda with some cookies and water.

" All they had were fries and chicken with biscuits so that's what I got us!" Bella said and leaned against the car and began to eat.

" That's good!" Kyle said and took his box and began eating also.

" So what do you do for a living Kyle?" Bella asked making small talk

" I'm a stock trader but I mainly do business for myself and my family" Kyle said while drinking some soda

" And you?" Kyle asked

" I'm in the investigative field" Bella answered

Bella saw Kyle's face begin to get red and his eyes watered,

" This chicken is spicy?" Kyle said

" You're kidding me! The pups are eating the same chicken and look at them running and playing!" Bella said and pointed out

" How do you know that they're not running around from the burning sensation?" Kyle said while gulping down his soda.

" You're pathetic! Let's go!" Bella said and got in the car with Kyle after seeing Faith put the kids in the car.

Within minutes they were back on the road heading towards the borders. After five hours, Kyle saw Bella shivering in the front seat and laughed

" Serves you right for wearing a short skirt and a vest with flip-flops to go on a twenty hours trip. Why don't you throw on something over what you have on? You have that huge bag in the back!" Kyle asked jokingly

" Because Kyle, I didn't walk with an additional clothes other than my costume which is in the trunk of my car!" Bella said softly

" You have to be kidding me! So that bag on the backseat is filled with only money" Kyle asked incredulously

" Yup, only money! I'm staying at my parents place so I didn't see the need to walk with anything other than my costume to change" Bella answered

"There's my jacket in the back seat if you want it?" Kyle asked

Without saying a word, Bella quickly spun around and grabbed it and threw it over her. Within minutes Bella fell asleep as her body warmed and Kyle's scent lingered in her nostrils. And several minutes after she was asleep she began to snore loudly as Kyle lowered the radio and sang along with the music from the radio.