
The Unknown World:For the sake of my sister's soul.

Anime/ Manga series. Hikari Mayumi is a young freshman that has been accepted to one of the top universities in Campbell, she wanted to live a life of a normal freshman, having a part-time job, hanging out with her friends, finding a boyfriend, and graduating. That is her dream. One day as she was living her best dreams, Hikari got a phone call from her parents saying her little sister has gone missing. As the eldest sister, she got to return home and find out what is happening. As she struggles to find out, she encounters a few people who have been in the same situation as her, and she begins to investigate the disappearing high school students, alongside a few friends she encounters. They all set into a dark and ugly truth about the other dimension world. Hikari set her goal to save her sister and the others from the dark place. Her journey might just begin.

Maryam_Aldariya · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Part 17 : Time to go.

"Hanabi? Where are you?" I shout as I run down a straight path. Everything was on fire, something is happening and I can't find my sister.

Tokyo city has been burned down, a huge thick smoke filled the air. I don't know where to go.

"Help us!" A lady asking for help. Her legs were stuck in between a big pile of rock.

"Calm down, let me help you." I kneel and reach for her hands. But I still couldn't reach her.

"Help us, please! Somebody help!" she screams nonstop, I knew she was having a panic attack when her breathing suddenly becomes fast.

"Miss, calm down. I will get you out of here okay? Stay with me and just breathe. Take a deep breath and relax." I try again and reach out to her but my hands couldn't touch her. It's like I'm invisible and she can't see or touch me.

"Okay. This is weird." I stand up quickly and squeeze both of my hands together and try to touch the rock. My hands went through the rock and this is crazy.

"What the hell?" I try again. I wasn't satisfied with the same thing. I take a deep breath and calm myself down. I look up to the sky and the sky was red and the big black smoke going up. I looked at my surrounding. The building collapsed, and the road cracked. It was a disaster here.

"Little girl, I see you come here to help us," says Jarrel. He was sitting at one of the coffee shops. He doesn't seem to care what is happening in this world.

"Jarrel?! What are you doing here?" I walk to him and stand right in front of him. He smiled and look at me.

"This is our job. To take and bring each soul to the afterlife. But they need to be judged based on their good deeds and bad deeds. Come and sit." he pulls a chair and pulls my hand gently and making me sit beside him.

"Wait? Is this the real world? This is not some kind of two or third dimensions, right?" I asked. It was scary to be in here.

"You are smart. This is not your world but the second dimension. In this dimension, people are too busy worshipping their fake God." he pointed at the small statue hanging on the shop wall. It existed.

"Is that the anukla god? We have similar history about this god."

"Yes, little girl. It is the same. That fake god travels into your world and tries to build another worshipper. He needs people to worship him, 'cause that's the only resource for him to be god."

Explain Jarrel, he took out a small jar from his pocket and place it on the table. The jar was sealed with an unknown language.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Take a look at the anukla." he smiled. I take the jar and try to shake it gently. I can hear the noise coming from the jar. I take a look at the bottom and I saw a rat. It's an ugly, nasty rat.

"Disgusting. It's a rat? The anukla god is a rat? Are you kidding me?" I put back the jar on the table.

"Hahahaha! See. This is the true form of the anukla god. This rat is evil and can manipulate people's minds. This is the mighty anukla." he took the jar and put it back into his pocket.

"But I don't get it. People in this dimension suffer because they have been toyed with by a rat. And it's the rat's fault. Not them." I try to get Jarrel to understand the line between a human and their beliefs.

"Little girl, walk with me and I will show you this rotten world." Jarrel stands up and walks out of the shop. I followed him and looked at my surrounding.

"This world is doomed because they mainly pursue their desire. You see that kid?" he pointed to a small kid, crying.


"Take a closer look," says Jarrel. The small kid wasn't crying but he was laughing. He laugh so hard until he made the sound of crying.

"His laughing? Why would he laugh looking at his sister's body?" My heart and stomach feel weird looking at the kid. I don't get a good feeling from this.

"This world works with the outsider planet. They merge into one and reproduce their kind here. They were planning to take over the real world. Your world." describe Jarrel. We continue our walk to a massive ship. And the ship was on fire. I can see aliens running around and trying to leave the dimension. They tried to open a keyhole in the sky, but they can't.

"They trying to break into your world," says Jarrel. He looks mad.


"Hold on." Jarrel pulls me close to him and he jumps up so high.

"Oh my goodness!! We're going to die!" I screamed. I hold on to Jarrel tightly and close my eyes.

"We're not going to die. But they will." Jarrel pulls up his right hand and closes up the gap between this world and my world. He sealed off the travel path and he sealed every door in this world. His power was much greater than anything.

"Bring back all the lost souls in this world." a huge red light started to appear one by one. Until a lot of the red glow is so bright. I close my eyes cause I couldn't stand the brightness.

"Let's go. It's judgment day." Jarrel pulls me close and we both fall back to the ground. I almost lose my mind and I'm so scary falling from this high. But he doesn't seem bothered by it. I cling to him so hard and I'm scared if I let go, I die.

"Open your eyes," says Jarrel. We reach down to the ground. My whole body was sweating and cold at the same time. I feel nausea and vomit the moment I stand with my two feet. It was terrible and scary.

"I don't feel so good," I say. Jarrel smirked at me and his fellow guardian waiting for us. Then one of his guardians rings a small bell. Suddenly the world shook. He rings the bell until the third time and it was scary. The world collapse and a thick fog appear. The world becomes silent from screaming, cursing, and everything.

Another guardian walks up and hit the ground with her wooden long stick. She hit it one time, and the soul of everyone rose from the ashes. She hit the second time, the soul begins to come forward in a straight line. There's a sea of people waiting. Another guardian brought up a long list of papers to Jarrel. He took the list and begin the judgment.

"We shall begin," he says. His voice echo to the entire open space. No one dares to speak.

"Open up the gates." he summons two of the gatekeeper to open the gate. It was heaven and hell. Then suddenly the gate of heaven close up by itself.

"Hmm. So none of you are faithful to the All Mighty." Jarrel takes a look at the people's past life in for a minute. He reviews everyone's past life in just a matter of minutes.

"I'm done reviewing your work, but before I begin." Jarrel turns and looks at me.

"It's time for you to go home. You don't belong in this world." he kissed my forehead and I feel a sudden pull from my back and I fall. When I opened my eyes, I was still in the library.

"How is that even possible?" I massage my forehead for a while and looked at the time. It was 3 pm. I stretch my body and seat up properly. Todoroki still remain at his seat, I took my phone and dialed Hanabi's number.

"Todoroki-san, I head out to the washroom okay." I give him a heads up.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and fake a smile.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for letting me sleep for 30 minutes."

"I wasn't really keeping track." he respond. I headed out from the library and quickly hit the call button.

It rings and she answered.

"Hello, Hanabi. Where are you guys at?" I asked. I was still shaking with everything.

"We in the city, you're coming right?" she asked.

"Oh, I see. Yes, my shift almost ended. Let me know okay?"

"Okay great! I text you the address. See ya." says Hanabi.

"Okay." I hung up the phone and release a sigh. It was a relief sigh And I suppose to meet them after my shift ended. I walked to the outside washroom, the sky was sunny and I entered the washroom. A few universities were chitchatting and getting ready. I take the fifth sink and wash my face. I looked in the mirror and my face is pale without makeup. I untie my hair and let it down. As I was doing my own business, three seniors came up to me and surround me at the sink. I tried to ignore them, I don't want to cause any problems or demerits.

"You're the girl who works with Yuji-Kun, right?" one of the seniors speaks up.

"Yes, I am. Is there any problem?" I asked in my stern voice. I stare at them in the mirror.

"Could you help us? We truly want his number. So maybe as a junior of Campbell, you could provide his contact number to us?" suggest the leader.

"I'm sorry but I can not give out his information without his permission." I try to wash my face again, but one of the girls holds my shoulder and pushes me to the toilet door.

"We're not asking. We demand it." says the senior. They seem desperate. I smiled at them and just brush them off.

"If you want it so badly, just go ahead and ask him. Maybe he might give up his contact number and heavens know he might like one of you." I am completely being sarcastic. I return to my sink and close up the tab.

"You bitch!" the leader tried to take me down by kicking my legs. But I manage to dodge her meaningless attack and slap her.

"Senpai. You should know best to not simply bully people. It makes you the ugliest person." I smirk and walk out of the washroom. I didn't know they haven't given up, two of the girls come out running to me and they push me down. I fall to the ground.

"You're the ugly bitch! Sora punch her." says one of the seniors. I quickly get up on my feet and without hesitation, I slap them hard.

People like them are the reason why I learned martial art, to defend myself from being bullied or save people from them. These people are the worse and the lowest! I hate it.

The two of them were stunned when I land a hard slap on their face. They were not taking any steps. They stopped.

"Alright, senpai. That's it. I don't want to cause any problem with you." I take a deep breath and walk away from the two of them. But the leader quickly pull my hair from my back and push me down, I pull her hand and I managed to do a stance and put her down completely. A basic stance to drop attacker from our back.

"Ah!!!!!" I drop her to the ground. It was pitiful to used it against normal people but I got no choice. The two seniors were scared of me. They stayed still and just watch me smack down their friend. Soon after a lot of people started to gather around us, watching and even recording our fight.

"Just drop it!" I shouted. The leader wasn't letting me go and soon after Todoroki and the others came out, he helped me by pulling the seniors from me.

"Knock it off girls." He said, while the others guy tried to stop the other two girls. A profsessor came and drag us to the council room.

My hikari is a badass one so I wanted to show her tough side.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting my story~

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Maryam_Aldariyacreators' thoughts