
The Unknown RealmGod

This is a story how Husbelto got hit by a weird lightning that gave him a system after he went and battle against evil. Even though the system was unbiased on the points and the mission but the Realm he has accomplished was outstanding. He became the World most likely a god/demon like a new start of being a pharaoh in disguise.

RamboGod · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 8: Tales of the heroine Queen

The system gave me a brand new mission and that is to save the tribe queen from the hunter alive for 10k experience coins and dimension gate keeper and another quest called the Awoken Warrior, the reward give beyond what it's called because it's 400k experience hollow coins and a legendary twin sword of dragon and Phoenix.

The Awoken Warrior probably the hardest mission out there, but what are hollow experience coins. I wonder.

Romulus put his werewolf hand on my shoulder and try to squeeze it, to see how powerful I was. He was shocked and see that I was beyond his expectations thinking I'm weak and a coward.

He made a request to me and said please save my wife from the hunter, I beg of you. He further bow down to me and his men too. His men's scream saying "please save the queen before she become as a sacrificial weapon.

I ask them what a sacrificial weapon.

They said that once a hunter put monster blood and soul to a refine weapon. They're soul can't leave from any weapon but they will die if the sword been broken.

I said ok even though, I was going to do it anyway.

Arapaho took my hand and pull me toward her room for a conversation. When I went to her room, she said to look at the door and don't look back until I say so. I remember that when I was fighting her father that the killing intent hit her body and enchanted her body figure like a super saiyan 3 would do,but her tank-top was nearly destroy, she said she was ready.

She was ready after 2 minutes at looking at the door and she took off her shirt and pants. I look around her and saw her curves are perfect but she has so many scars around her body that it was outrageous so I ask the system is there a pill to remove scars and be more beautiful?

She said yes but it will cost 2K experience points and I ask it.

I ask Arapaho to put back her clothes and she explains what truly happen with her and her mother that she was the only one that escape the true horror of the hunters.

I went to the entrance of the forest and change my gears to one of those hunter even though the system scan their outfit anyway.

The system showed me the way to guild and everybody look at me, even the female gave me fallen in love look with my charm even though I might change my appearance a bit later on.

When I went inside the guild everybody that was drinking, eating and fighting showed a menacing glare look at me, from top to bottom. That it shivers my spine like a snake or a spider was crawling up or slithered up on my back.