

"What is happening here?" the vice principal asked.

"Aunt" the girl said but the vice principal glared at her.

"I mean mam, this girl intentionally bumped into me and then started screaming like a crazy girl and created a scene here" the girl said. Woah what a liar.

"This is not true mam she is lying" I protested.

"So the thing you just said was not true Ahana?" Vice principal asked. Oh so her name is Ahana

"It was all true mam. She is just lying now you can ask others also" Ahana said gesturing towards the others who were also standing there.

"Students tell me the fault of was of Ahana or this girl?" Vice principal asked.

"The fault was of this girl mam" Someone from the crowd said.

"Yes mam I saw the scene this girl purposely bumped into Ahana" another person said.

Then the whole crowd started saying it was my fault. Ahana was standing behind Vice principal and smirked while looking at me.

"So miss." the vice principal said turning her head towards me.

"Kiara" I told.

"Yeah Ms. Kiara do you want to say something in defense for you" Vice principal asked.

"Mam they are lying" I said.

"Oh so you mean this whole crowd and Ahana are lying and you are the only one who is saying the truth" Vice principal lashed out at me.

"Yes mam" I replied because it was the truth that they all are lying but I don't know why.

"Ms. Kiara please stop lying, first I would have gave you a not so strict punishment but now as you have lied you will get a little more strict punishment. You will get two weeks detention starting from today and I don't want to hear another word otherwise I will increase your punishment" Vice principal said. I just nodded my head.

"Now you all can go to your classes" Vice principal said and everyone walked away. Then vice principal also went back.

"From now on don't even dare to mess with the queenka of this college" Ahana said while smirking. I just ignored ahana and went straight to my class. I was 5 minutes late when I entered the class has already started.

"Why are you late Ms. Kiara?" teacher asked.

"Mam actually I couldn't find the room I am sorry" I said.

"Okay no problem now please be seated"The teacher said and I bowed. Then I sat on the front bench which was empty. Then the teacher continued teaching and I turned my attention towards the class. After 1hour the bell rang again signaling that the class has ended. Then I went again to my locker and thank god this time I didn't bumped into anyone. I quickly went to my next class and sat on the front bench. From here I can concentrate more into the class. So I like sitting in the front bench. The next class also went by as usual and then the bell rang and it was time for the lunch break. I gathered all my things and went to the locker. Then I put all my stuff inside and went to the canteen. I bought a burger and some French fries. Almost all the seats were full, but I found an empty seat and sat on it. I started eating my food quietly.

"Well guess who is here" Someone said I turned around and saw Ahana with a bunch of girls.

"Well isn't it Kiara, she is in my class" A girl said from the group.

"But how do you know about her Ahana" the same girl asked.

" She messed with me today in the morning" Ahana said.

"Woah how dare she" Another girl said more like yelled.

"Don't worry girl, she got her punishment" Ahana said.

"She better would have get otherwise we would have taught her a lesson" Another girl said.

"Calm down ,calm down girls" Ahana said.

"Why are we wasting time on this girl we should go and enjoy our lunch the boys could come any second" Another girl said.

"Yes come girls let's sit on our table" Ahana said and everyone went away. I ignored them and kept eating my burger with one hand and with another hand I started using my phone.

Then after some minutes a bunch of boys probably the seniors came in. They all sat on the table where all the girls were sitting. All the people crowded onto their table. Are they some kind of popular teens or what. I just ignored them and scroll down through my instagram and ate my burger. After some minutes I felt some cold water splashed on my head. I looked up and saw one girl from those popular group.

"What the hell"I yelled as I stood up from my seat.

"Relax girl I was just going but my hand slipped by mistake and my coke fell on you" the girl said and then took one of my fries from my plate and chewed. I just ignored her and started to walk away but suddenly she stopped me.

"Where do you think you are going?" that girl asked.

"To clean up the mess you have made" I replied in a duh tone. The hall erupted with laughter. Oh my gosh everyone was seeing us. OKAY I just need to keep calm and get out of here before any teacher comes. I then again started to walk away get pulled again by that girl. What's her problem. Why can't she just leave me alone.

"No one ever talked to me like that before so just apologize" the girl said.

"Well I am not going to apologize to you" I said and turned around but she pulled my arm and again stopped me from moving.

"Leave her Anika, just let her go" A boy said I moved my head towards him and saw Aryan. What is he doing here. I guess he is also in this college and my senior.

"Why should I just let her go, she should learn a lesson to not to mess with me" Anika said.

"Well I didn't messed with you, infact you are the one who is just not letting me go" I said like a matter of fact.

"You again talked to me like that how dare you bitch" Anika said and took my fries from my plate and threw it on my face. I controlled myself to not do anything due to anger. All the people in the canteen started laughing.

"What is happening here?" A teacher came into the canteen and asked.

"Nothing mam we were just playing" Anika said. Wow what a liar.

"But it doesn't look like playing." the teacher said.

"Mam actually t--" Anika was saying but the teacher cut her off.

"I don't wanna listen anything. Kiara you go to bathroom to clean yourself up and anika you come to my office now" the teacher said and went away. I also quickly walked to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up. After some minutes I went out of the bathroom and started walking towards my locker to get the books for my next period. I was walking but got suddenly pulled through my arm into an empty class.

"What the hell" I said in an annoying tone well more like yelled.

"You scream so hard" A boy said. He was with the other popular people I guess.

"Why you just pulled me here?" I asked.

"Well because, it's your fault I am going to the club alone in this evening." the boy replied.

"How is it my fault?. I don't even know you" I said.

"Anika, she is my girlfriend" the boy said.

"So what,how is it related to me" I asked.

"Because the teacher punished her to do some work and because of that work she will not be able to come club today" The boy replied.

"It was her fault not mine" I said.

"Because of you the teacher punished her" the boy said.

"She deserved to get punished and what should I do now ask the teacher to not give her that work" I said.

"Well the teacher will not listen to you" the boy replied.

"But you can do something" the boy said again.

"What?" I asked.

"You can come with me to the club so that I will not be alone" the boy said.

"No I will not go with you"I replied.

"I am not asking you, I am telling you" the boy said.

"Dhruv where are you?" someone yelled from outside.

"I will pick you up after the college gets over in front of the college gate okay be ready" Dhruv said and walked out of the room. What a creep I am not gonna meet him. I will go directly to the home.

I also walked out of the room and went to my locker. Then I took out my books for next period and went into the classroom. I sat on the front desk near the window. I just revised my notes while sitting. After some minutes the bell rang and all the students came in.

The teacher also came in started teaching us. I tried to concentrate in the class but couldn't as some students behind me were whispering me about the things happened today at the canteen and before second period also. I just ignored them all and focused on the teacher. Finally after what felt like hours, the bell rang signaling the class was over. I rushed to the next class and the whole day went like this.

After that it was time for the detention. I took some of my homework so that I could do it at that time and went to the detention class. I really hate Ahana , because of her I am going to the detention otherwise I would be at home and chilling in my room but I am here attending detention. I sat on the corner seat and opened my book and register, then I started doing my homework. After some minutes Mr. Anand came in. I guess he is the teacher for detention class. I turned my attention towards my homework again and started doing it.

"Well guess who I met again" Someone said I looked upwards to see who it was. Aryan and Dhruv were sitting right beside my seat.

"Kiara what are you doing here?" Aryan asked.

"Obviously because of Ahana, she told us before the story in the lunch Kiara is that girl"? Dhruv replied. I just rolled my eyes and continued doing my homework.

"I didn't knew I was going to club with a nerd" Dhruv said.

"Excuse me, I have told you before I am not going to come" I replied.

"I also told you before I am not asking you I am telling you" Dhruv said.

"But Dhruv you were going with Anika to the club" Aryan said to Dhruv.

"But the teacher gave her punishment so she will not come" Dhruv said.

"So I am now going with Kiara" Dhruv continued.

"But she doesn't want to so why are you forcing her?" Aryan asked him.

"Aryan I am not forcing her, I know she wants to go with me" Dhruv said.

"Oh hello mister I don't want to go with you, I would rather prefer sleeping all day than to go with you" I replied.

"Yo--" dhruv was gonna say something but Mr. Anand said.

"Students this your detention period. So just keep quiet, you can talk after going out of the college" Mr. Anand said.

"You are saved because of the sir but don't worry I will deal with you after the college" Dhruv whispered to me and then he sat again onto his seat beside aryan.

I continued doing my homework. Meanwhile I get some glares to me from some students, I didn't know why but some girls just glared at me with fury. I heard someone chuckling behind me. I turned my head towards him.

"Why can't you keep quiet ?. I am trying to concentrate" I asked.

"I am so sorry I disturbed you" the boy said but still continued to giggle. I just ignored him and continued doing my homework. Finally my homework was done. Just when I closed my register the bell rang signaling the detention period was also over.

"You all cam go now" Mr. Anand said and went out of the room. The other students also went out.

"I am waiting outside for you and don't try to run away from me" dhruv said and went away.

Oh god what I have gotten myself into. What should I do now?. This is my first day in college and this much things happened. Now what else is left.
