
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · 都市
84 Chs

Teary Eyes

Loveth was thru mopping the third floor as it was her turn to sweep, clean and tidy the third floor.

She saw Mrs Olivia stepped out and stared to her irritably and she quickly greeted her, "Good morning ma," but Mrs Olivia didn't responded to her greeting, as she clearly hated Loveth.

Her husband finally stepped out too, into the sitting room on the third floor and he stared to Loveth with a smile, while Loveth quickly bowed her head lowered and greeted him, "Good morning sir."

"Yes, How are you?" Mr Richard asked but his wife quickly spoked to him.

"Honey, have your partners finally called you?."

"Not yet sweetheart."

Loveth quickly left the third floor as she didn't liked Mrs Olivia and didn't wanted to get into any trouble with the woman.

Stepping into the elevator, Loveth went down to the first floor, as she was determined to fucused on her work and didn't wanted to have anything doing with Patrick again, as she didn't also liked his family.

Mrs Eleanor had already warned her to stay clearly off her son, And now Mrs Olivia also clearly hated her too.

Loveth wondered how many sister's Patrick had as she knew he was the only son, and Andrew's mother was also his sister.

She sighed and made her way to the dinning room to arrange it as the rest of the family hadn't stepped out yet for breakfast.

Arranging the seats out, Jane finally walked into the dinning room to meet her.

"How was your night Loveth?."

"Fine, Good morning, And yours?" Loveth smiled to Jane as Jane wasn't acting to rich, and to high like one from a high societal family status.

"Fine" Jane responded, and walked to take a seat, while Willow finally walked out into the living room and paused as she approached the dinning room and stared to Loveth and Jane irritably.

Willow didn't like starving to work. So she forced herself and went to the dinning room and took a seat out.

"Serve my breakfast" Willow Instructed Loveth as she sat down and dropped her expensive handbag to the dinning table top, beside her.

"Okay, good morning" Loveth greeted Willow, but Willow ignored responding as she adjusted her white shirt properly, and her red skirt too.

"She was greeting you" Jane informed Willow of not responding to Loveth's greetings and Willow stared to her.

"I know. And is not necessary for me to respond to her." Willow replied nonchalantly and she stared away from Jane whom sighed.

"Why do you sound like you hate her?" Jane questioned and Willow sneered back to Jane with narrowed eyes.

"Excuse me. Is it by force to reply to a maid's greetings?."

"She's human and not only a maid" Jane corrected and just then Loveth stepped out carrying a plate of noddles and she approached Willow and carefully served the plate to Willow's front.

Feeling the cold intense aura in the dinning room, Loveth sighed and quickly left there to tidy the kitchen, while Willow ate her breakfast in silence and Jane stood up to leave the dinning room, as she wouldn't blame Willow.

Willow stared to Jane's retreating back and hissed as she ate her breakfast quickly. Just as she was thru eating, She noticed Loveth didn't served her water. And as she wanted to summon Loveth out, Just then Mrs Eleanor stepped out as she was expecting some visitors, Some of her husband's business partners that had turned family friends too.

"Good morning ma" Willow quickly composed herself and greeted Mrs Eleanor first and ignored screaming out Loveth's name, while Mrs Eleanor smiled to her as she walked out to the dinning room to join Willow.

"How was your night, my wife?" Mrs Eleanor asked and Willow smiled sweetly to her, just then Loveth stepped out from the kitchen and stared to Mrs Eleanor and Willow whom stood up.

"Fine ma, And yours?" Willow asked politely.

"Good my wife." Mrs Eleanor smiled back and she shifted her gazed to Loveth.

"Good morning ma" Loveth quickly greeted and Mrs Eleanor nod.

"Prepare my tea and once you're thru, You prepare my bath. We will be having some visitors today by 12noon, inform Aria to prepare a palatable lunch."

"Okay ma" Loveth responded and as she turned to leave, while Willow spoked to her.

"Serve me water and clear the plate."

"Okay." Loveth walked back to the fridged and serve Willow water and she went to the kitchen to prepare Mrs Eleanor's tea

Thru with preparing the tea in the kitchen, Loveth stepped out and serve Mrs Eleanor her tea, before she head to Mrs Eleanor's room to prepare the hot bath.

Thru preparing the bath, Loveth stepped out to the dinning room to inform Mrs Eleanor about it, and she saw Mrs Olivia, her husband, with Andrew and Jane already seated round the dinning table expect for Patrick making her to gulped, and she quickly bowed her head lower.

"Ma, am already thru preparing the bath" Loveth informed and Mrs Eleanor sighed.

"Is alright, You can leave" Mrs Eleanor dismissed her, but Mrs Olivia quickly called her back.

"Leave to where mother?. Come here and prepare our tea, Andrew what will you like to have?" Mrs Olivia asked and Andrew stared from Loveth to his aunt.

"Tea Aunt. Tea is okay" Andrew spoked.

"You heard him. Now go quick." Mrs Olivia dismissed Loveth with narrowed eyes and Loveth gulped and walked back to the kitchen to prepare their tea, while Aria finally stepped into the kitchen to assist her.

"Mrs Olivia doesn't like you. I think is best you don't annoy her nor approach the young master" Aria advised Loveth, as she heard when Mrs Olivia has spoken to Loveth rudely.

"I know, thank you."

Loveth and Aria finally walked out, carrying different trays of tea and they served the family seated in the dinning table round

Loveth felt relieved as she was thru serving them, and she retired back to her room on second floor as Nova and Nora already stepped down to assist.

Loveth thought about Patrick. Even though her heart yeans to cuddle with him and speak to him personally again, she knew she couldn't as she wasn't up to the societal status of the kind of wife his family want for him.

She remembered the day Willow caught her in Patrick's bedroom and remember how Willow and Patrick had both kissed in her presence. She felt betrayed and hoped to concentrate on her works and grateful she didn't saw him leaving.

"Once this one year elapsed, Am going back home and cannot continue to work here" Loveth affirmed to herself as she stepped out from the elevator and wiped off her teary eyes, as she walked back to her room.

"I cannot be the young master wife, So is better I stop thinking about him." Loveth scolded herself, and she entered into her room to rest.

She couldn't withstand the piercing cold gazed of Mrs Olivia and she prayed for the two weeks holiday, Mrs Olivia and her husband had to stayed in the mansion to elapsed, so Mrs Olivia could return back to her home, and she would be free doing her jobs.


Patrick returned back home late in the evening and as he walked into the living room, he meet his mother seated in the living room couch with her long time friend, Mrs Esther Edwards.

"Good evening ma, Mom" Patrick greeted as he sauntered to meet them, and he approached his mother and gave her a kiss to her cheek. He had been doing that since he was a kid and withdrawing from the habit had been much of a problem as he was already used to it.

"Welcome home son" Mrs Eleanor replied.

"Welcome, Master Patrick, How was office today?" Mrs Esther asked.

"Fine ma. I have to head up now. How's your family ma?" Patrick asked politely.

"Fine son" Mrs Esther replied as she was 60+ in age and his mother's friend too.

"Okay." Patrick turned and he stared around the living room as he walked towards the elevator.

He hadn't seen Loveth and he wondered how she was faring.

Just as the elevator door dinged opened, Loveth stepped out and stared to him in surprised.

"Good evening sir" Loveth greeted and she quickly bowed her head lower as she walked away from him, While Patrick didn't had the chance to respond as he was thinking about her, before the elevator door opened.

Patrick sighed and he entered the elevator and went up to the fourth floor.

Willow was already inside as she arrived home early.

Ever since Willow caught Loveth in Patrick's room, she always arrived home early before him and round up her shoot quickly as she didn't wanted to give Patrick any chance at all.

She felt at peace, leaving her previous guest room and moving into Patrick's bedroom and her mind, facial appearance and mood had brighten knowing Patrick wouldn't dared to visit the maid in the maids lounge too.

Hearing the sitting room door slided open, she knew he was back and she walked out to welcome him.