
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · 都市
53 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The soft music playing in the background was uplifting, the calming atmosphere making the awkwardness lessen. The quaint cafe, a safe distance from the company building and occupying a window seat, sat Sharlene and Nicholas. They were talking about their likes and dislikes, wants and don'ts.

At first, when they entered the cafe, Sharlene was unsure of how the moment would go. Her nervousness had made her blush intensify while he guided her through the building, where every eye turned in their direction.

Not one for attention, she dredged their time together would be pleasant. However, after ordering their drinks, he, a medium-sized cup of espresso, and she, a large cup of iced chocolate, the conversation started light.

Speaking about the weather--mundane things, Nick tried to make her comfortable as possible.

Five minutes later, she was no longer fidgeting but enjoying his company. She soon grew relaxed, probably because of the smile splitting his face in half and the friendly aura surrounding him. Sharlene was puzzled by his outward appearance since society had deemed it different.

"So, you do not like humans?"

At that moment, they were discussing his lack of communication with humans in general and his odd habit of speaking when only necessary. She realized he was sharing one of the known facts of himself with her, which warmed her heart.

His smoldering stare still made her blush, for his eyes never averted from her since they were sitting opposite each other.

Shaking his head after sipping his coffee, he passed a hand through his hair.

"Not exactly. I am not comfortable with speaking to others that are not my family."

Placing her half-filled glass on the table, Sharlene was appreciative she was learning about the real man Nicholas Ross behind the false rumors.

"That is understandable. I feel the same way too. I have an odd habit of forgetting people's names if they are not my family or friend."

Understandably nodding, Nick inputted.

"Is that why you had forgotten about our date when I called you a few days ago? Does this mean I am far from being a friend then?"

"Is that why you had forgotten about our date when I called you a few days ago?"

Recalling the conversation she had shared on the phone with him a few days ago, Sharlene blushed.

"Sorry about that."

"It's alright. Maybe I will be someone who you can call a friend next time."

With a teasing smile, Nick was empathetic.

Sharlene shyly agreed.


Smiling, Nick took another sip with an uplifted spirit.

"Great. So were you raised in a large family?"

Swiftly, he changed the conversation when he felt she had tensed.

"Yes. Well, that was before everything happened."

As she said that, she averted her eyes to her lap and broke their unwavering eye contact.

Frowning when he heard such words and saw such actions, Nick wanted to ask, but his ringing phone cut him short. Grabbing it from his suit jacket pocket, he sheepishly spoke as he stood.

"Excuse me."

With a smile of permission from Sharlene, he walked away from the table and out of listening range.

Grabbing the cup with both hands, Sharlene finally released the breath she had been holding.

Being in the company of Nick was exhilarating in a good way. Maybe too good, for her blush was yet to recede. She could not stop the silly mechanism.

Patting her red cheeks with her cold hands, she silently scolded herself for bringing up the saddest thing she had endured as a young girl.

'You dummy. How could you disrupt the mood like that?'

She berated as she gingerly sipped her drink.

Sharlene had seen the curiosity shining behind his eyes and knew he would inquire, but she did not mind. For some odd reason, she felt like she could tell him anything.

'Do I trust him?'

Her eyes widened because she realized she trusted a stranger, yet he did not feel as such. Her emotions were conflicting. Was it because of her pregnancy?

Leaning her head against the table, she continued to converse with herself.

Five minutes later, Nick returned with a frown creasing his eyebrows. His presence instantly broke her out of her contemplation.

"Something urgent came up, and I have to fly to Italy by tonight. And because of this dinner tomorrow...," Nick sighed. "I apologize, Miss. Cunning-ham. I am already turning out to be the worse date even if we haven't started yet."

Feeling a wave of disappointment, for she was looking forward to having dinner with Nick tomorrow, Sharlene did not know how to react.

"Oh. Um. I guess we can always do it another time?"

Her statement came out more of a question, and Nick frowned.

Sensing her slight mood change, he mindlessly sat and grabbed onto her hand. With widened eyes, as his large hands swallowed hers, Sharlene turned redder than a tomato, but he was oblivious.

"No. I made a promise that I intend to keep. So, if you are not busy, will you spend the day with me? I have a function to attend later, but I'll inform my PA to go in my stead."


Sharlene stuttered.

It appeared he was always catching her off guard.

Was he coming on too strong? He even surprised himself, for he never knew he had that side of him. Working 24/7, Nick never dedicated himself to dating or seeking a significant other. Sacrificing work hours was against his morals. Despite his mother hinting at settling down many times in their conversations, he took no heed because other things mattered.

Today he changed his concept without a second thought. Nick secretly looked forward to the future with optimism.

It seemed Sharlene's presence brought him out of his shell and comfort zone. Seeing her face red, he glanced down at their intertwined hands.

Quickly, he released her hand.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

Rapidly shaking her head, Sharlene shyly murmured.

"No, you are not. It is, I..."

Turning her head away from his unwavering eyes, she cleared her throat.

"No one has ever taken an interest in me as you do. I mean, for starters, we do not know each other. I am pregnant, and you are the father. I did not know you were my boss's boss until she mentioned you coming to the company. Gosh, I was shocked when I saw you in the hallway. I thought I was in trouble. Who would have thought the Nicholas Ross was going to be my husband? I am rambling, aren't I? I do that a lot when I am nervous. Not that I am nervous about your company. I mean, oh god."

Hiding her face in her arms, Sharlene became flustered.

"Why do I always do this when I am nervous?"

Astonished, Nick passed a hand through his hair, something he realized he had adopted while in Sharlene's presence. He found Sharlene's comment about herself quite surprising. 'Did she never date anyone before?'

Oblivious of his slightly inflating ego and determination, he smiled from ear to ear.

"How can no one take an interest in a gorgeous woman like you?"

Blinking thrice, Sharlene was astonished by Nick's choice of words.

'What an unexpected thing to say to change a conversation. Did he mean it?'

She thought as she peeped at Nick through her fingers.


Amused, Nick nodded.

"Yes. Especially your eyes."

"My eyes?"

Stupidly, she questioned.

With a slight chuckle, Nick realized she become flustered quickly.

"Yes. Why don't you move your hands so I can see it clearer?"

Inwardly gasping, Sharlene was stunned.

'Was this what people called sweet talk?'

She pondered while obediently removing her hands from her face.

With a full-blown smile, he was satisfied with seeing her entire gorgeous face.

"That's much better."

"I don't know what to say."

Murmuring, she placed a strand of her hair behind her left ear.

Nick stood and stretched his hand towards her.

"You don't. When I return from Italy, we will have that dinner, but until then, I want to spend time with you, Miss. Cunning-ham. Will you allow me to?"

Receiving assurance from his kind smile, she nodded. Placing her hand in his, she permitted him access to her well-being. Grabbing her purse from the back of the chair, she allowed him to pull her behind him as they left the cafe. Glancing down at their intertwined hands, then his back, Sharlene realized spending time with Nick would not be so bad. The organ in her chest was already racing with excitement.

Today would be enjoyable.

And it was.

From the cafe, he had brought her to the arcade, that is, after calling one of his people to deliver comfortable clothes for him. Everywhere they went, whispers and glances of people followed.

The paparazzi were trailing them and curious, especially about the smiling female walking near his side. No doubt rumors of his unknown girlfriend would be on the news the next day.

He had reassured her they would not get two steps close to them or spread misinformation. That was true because of the intimidating bodyguards following them and his status.

After winning numerous prizes, including a teddy bear he instructed one of the bodyguards to carry, they left the arcade to drive to the amusement park. There, they enjoyed the less dangerous rides, ate cotton candy, or like Sharlene since he expressed his dislike for sweets, which surprised her because he was so kind and gentle to her.

After that, he brought her to a private gynecologist, which made her feel special.

Learning she was carrying a healthy baby, which would be due in eight months, in March of the following year, the smile on Sharlene's lips was contagious. With another appointment set for the other month, she shared her joy with Nick.

After that, he gifted her with shoes and a dress. They were comfortable, chic, and appropriate for the occasion. Then he brought her for lunch in a five-star restaurant to conclude their time together.