
The Unexpected Bride-Book One in Taming of the Shrew

Not born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Sharlene Cunning-ham is a mediocre individual working for a successful jewelry company. Known as the errand girl of her boss, although she is a private secretary, she is a studious, hardworking, and excitingly bubbly person. Dramatic, Sharlene is a born professional busybody. Applying for a free Pap smear check-up in a newly opened and growing in popularity hospital in her neighborhood due to a promotion of Women's health, Sharlene's mediocre life explodes with more color when her Pap smear examination is confused for an insemination examination. Pregnant, Sharlene storms into the life of Nicholas Ross, the hospital investor. What happens when these two opposite people find themselves in an arranged marriage? Excerpt: That was not possible. No. Sharlene could and would not believe this. How in the world had this occurred? Was it from space? Had she woken from a terrible dream? Is she on another planet or dimension like the mangas, novels, and webtoons she invested most of her time in real? But, by continually pinching the soft part of her wrist that had already turned red from the constant abuse, Sharlene knew she was on the earth and facing reality.

KimAmai · 都市
53 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Nick could not take his eyes off of Sharlene. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not. It was like a magnet was pulling him to her. Sitting at the top of the long table, he listened to the presentation given by a man in front, but his eyes were on Sharlene.

And he could see how much his unwavering stare affected her because she was fidgeting in her seat.

Looking attentive as she dropped detailed notes on her notepad in front of her, Sharlene tried to concentrate. However, when a handsome specimen like Nick, for example, was looking at her, it made that simple act hard. She was too aware of his unwavering stare that her fingers began to shake.

Her blush intensified and made her beautiful face shine brighter.

The man presenting finished, and everyone clapped, including Nick, which was more of an involuntary action since he focused on Sharlene. If that had been his earlier self, he would have scolded himself.

Time was money.

Attention guaranteed results.

He used these two phrases as momentum for better performance.

Nonetheless, he kept right on staring at Sharlene.

As soon as the clapping seized, a woman representing another department walked towards the front and began presenting her idea with the assistance of slideshows.

Nick averted his eyes from Sharlene and onto the speaking woman when he heard her mention something important.

Rapidly blinking, for he had caught himself daydreaming, a slight frown graced his lips. He had become distracted. Nick welcomed the change, for the distraction in question was lovely.

Again, his eyes had found her person once more. Her features were as stunning as when he saw her for the first time. He silently appreciated how she looked.

Framing her oval-shaped face were loose strands that escaped her messy bun. It was undeniably untamed, for she kept brushing it from her eyes. The slight tremble of her fingers hadn't gone unnoticed in doing so.

Nick hid a smile, for his presence was affecting her as was hers.

Wearing light makeup that consisted of soft pink and brown that enhanced the color of her eyes and lips, Sharlene was spotting a natural look today.

Occasionally, she stole glances in his direction. But it was too brief for him to read the emotions in her eyes and face.

One thing he noticed from the moment he laid eyes on Sharlene, she was like an open book: easily understood and read, unlike his person.

The woman ended the slideshow with marketable and persuasive words, which gained her amused and interested expressions. Clapping came naturally, but unlike the previous speaker, she received an extra ten seconds in length because she was the last presenter.

The lights were adjusted, and the projector turned off. All this was done by Timmy, who had returned to the room after helping his staff members tidy up the equipment in their department.

Nicholas was in a daze.

He joined in on the applause, but his mind was elsewhere, or, better said, on someone who had the most gorgeous smile someone had ever seen.

He quickly gathered his bearings after Madam Sinclair curtly cleared her throat. Her action was understandable because the applause had seized. Everyone anxiously waited for his remarks.

He quickly looked away, not because he wanted to, but because he did not want to draw unnecessary attention to Sharlene. Now with the lights on, his earlier staring would be suspicious and invoke wrong misunderstanding. And so he avoided her presence for the time being.

Breathing in, he stood, and every person's eyes, except Sharlene, followed him as he walked to the front.

Nick's voice carried an air of authority but assertiveness.

"I have to say everyone has been working hard in developing the theme for the upcoming event. No doubt you were informed by the COO how serious and demanding it will be this year."

Everyone nodded.

Some blushed and inwardly squealed, while others admired his calm countenance and aspired to imitate his business ethics and prowess.

Sharlene was no different from the silent admirers. She blushed as his baritone voice drifted across the room.

"I commend you all for your hard work."

Glancing in smiling Madame Sinclair's direction, he appreciated her efforts despite her carefree and laidback attitude. He did not appoint her as his COO because of her outward appearance but the determination she had inside.

Madam Sinclair was despised by many because of her aloof and crude personality. Overlooking these qualities, she possessed a hard-working attitude and business ethic. She knew when to buckle up her socks when hard work came. Her flaw of being a perfectionist rewarded her quest for a perfect secretary.

He glanced at Sharlene, knowing already she was the backbone behind this inspired theme. The figuratively puffed-out chest and arrogantly titled head of Madam Sinclair was a giveaway.

"I listened to everyone's presentations, and only two themes and designs stood out: The Fourth Department revision and updated version of Forever Shinning and Dew Drops Spring from the Third Department. They will be assigned to work together to make the final pieces for the showcase."

Madam Sinclair's smile broadened.

She would have squealed from joy, but her image was more important.

'This bubbly and carefree Britt was useful after all.'

She inwardly praised and insulted Sharlene, an accustomed and annoying method she used.

Sharlene glanced at grinning Rita and the rest of the notable figures from her department. They had won with a tiebreak.

"Thank you, everyone, for bringing your fresh and inspiring ideas. The company may use the ideas from the other departments as the basis for small projects to come in the future. Meeting adjourned."

Murmuring, everyone digested the turn of events.

Nick turned back to stare at Sharlene, but a frown graced his lips when a slim but astute fellow walked over to speak to her.

The smile on her face was lovely, and he was curious about what the man was speaking to her about. However, before his mind wandered, his curiosity was disrupted by a woman's voice.

"Thank you, sir, for allowing us to share in this massive project."

Turning around to face the short woman who presented earlier, Nick politely responded. He recognized she was a new employee.

"We tend to work better when we challenge ourselves. Do not disappoint me."

"Of course not, sir."

Soon, everyone began to leave the room, excluding Madam Sinclair and Sharlene, who were boisterously talking to a short black-haired Asian woman. The man speaking to Sharlene earlier also did not leave the room.

He and his team began to pack up the equipment.

"Thank you for arranging this meeting, Miss. Sinclair."

Nick spoke when she had drawn close to him.

"It was a pleasure, sir."

Her smile was cunning and seductive, something he always found unnecessary. She was an outspoken and spontaneous woman. She did not hide her attraction for him.

Not wanting to have another awkward conversation with the woman, he muttered.

"I will leave you in charge, so make sure everything is in order because I will not return to the company anytime soon. And about the files I received earlier, I will reconsider."

"Of course, sir. It was to be your final decision anyway."

Satisfied with her response, he left her disappointed person and rushed towards the door since Sharlene and her Asian friend had just left. Meeting her today was a miracle. He did not plan to let it slip by.

Speed walking through the hallway, he breathed a sigh of relief, for they were yet to reach the elevator.

Throwing away his pride, he shouted to gain her attention. If only his mother were here right now. She would not let him forget the experience. He was also thankful no one was walking in the hallway.

What a blast the company forum would have if they heard the CEO shouting his lungs out!

He dismissed the embarrassment he would face and focused on gaining Sharlene's attention.

Again he shouted.

"Miss. Cunning-ham! Miss. Cunning-ham!"

She quickly glanced behind her when she heard his voice.

The smile on her face turned shy, and she began to blush. Her friend looked at her with raised eyebrows before turning to him.

"May we help you, sir?"

The small woman had asked him, her Korean accent light and smooth.

"Ah, yes."

Averting his eyes towards Sharlene, he spoke softer while remaining at an appropriate distance.

"May I have a word with you, Miss Cunning-ham?"

Watching the two friends sharing a whispered conversation, he raised an eyebrow when her friend suddenly gasped. She scrutinized him from head to toe.

Her following words were no longer inaudible to him.

"He is the one?!"

"Not so loud, Riri."

Whisper yelling, Sharlene's blush intensified, but Rita paid no mind.

"Oh, my gosh. I can't believe I am meeting him this early! And he is the CEO?! Our boss' boss?! What are the odds?!"

Sharlene could only shake her head while Rita waved in confused Nick's direction.

"Hi, sir. My name is Rita Kim, Sharlene's best friend. Do remember me. And to answer your question in Shar's stead, she will gladly speak with you."

Sending a look that spoke 'are-you-just-leaving-me-here?' in her direction, Sharlene was worse than a rabbit caught in a trap.

Ignoring her glare, Rita hurriedly added.

"I just remembered I have tons of work to do. Call me."

Whispering her last words for only objecting Sharlene to hear, since it was a signal that meant she was obligated to share the juicy bits of the interaction and possible conversation, Rita bade farewell and walked into the awaiting elevator.

The moment the doors closed behind her person, Nick finally found his voice.

"What did you tell her?"


Squeaking, Sharlene suddenly cleared her throat while placing a strand of her hair behind her ears. She had been staring at the elevator doors with an absurd expression.

Her best friend leaving suddenly with only a playful wink in her direction had caught her off guard. She soon faced him with a shy smile on her face.

"What did you want to speak to me about...ah, sir?"

Smiling, for her expressions were cute, Nick offered.

"Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me or with your special case, chocolate?"


Sharlene's heart spiked, for this invitation was the least she expected.

Passing a hand through his hair, Nick sighed.

"I know I have already asked you on a date tomorrow, but meeting you here today is an opportunity."

"An opportunity for what?"

With furrowed eyebrows, Sharlene was confused.

"To get to know you better."


Her eyes sparkled as she finally understood.

"So, will you go with me?"

"Ah, well, what about work?"

Smiling, he dismissed her worry with a shake of his head.

"Do not worry about that. I am sure my COO can handle everything just fine. I will see to it."

Sharlene wanted to give herself a mental slap.

'What was wrong with my IQ today? Was graduating as valedictorian in college a show? He isn't the CEO for nothing.'

She scolded in her mind.

Unaware of her inner thoughts, he stretched his hand with an encouraging smile.

"Shall we?"

"I guess."

Hesitantly, she placed her small and shaking palm in his large one. Sharlene had thrown caution to the wind in a sense. Although she did not know how Nick would handle the situation with Madam Sinclair, she felt she could trust his words.

Gazing into his eyes, she was touched and captured.

They both were.