
The unconcerned king and his descendants

The Dragon Empire is the most powerful empire in the universe. The Dragon Emperor’s rule the Dragon Empire and they worship the Dragon Gods. The story goes on how the Dragon Emperor protects his Empire from the other Gods. The first MC of the story is always unconcerned about his Empire. He is so unconcerned that he doesn’t even try to find some new powers. He doesn’t rule his Empire as it should be. So one day he gets a lesson for it by the Dragon Gods. The story goes on how he discovers and finds his power and becomes a legend in a short time before his death. The story goes on even after his death. Will his son be an unconcerned king like him or he will be the completely opposite of his father?

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Survivors wrath part 1: The sun sets on the Dragon empire

After the battle of Millis, the unconcerned king died. His only son of Luminous ascended the throne.

He was only 15 years old and didn't have much power like his father. The archpriest of the sacred Dragons temple said that he is gifted or born with the power of Justicia the Dragon of wisdom.

His father gave him the power of Futious and Kinggious. But currently, he can only use the power of Kinggious cause it was transferred to him directly by his father and there is no requirement to use the power, unlike the power of Futious.

After the year of Luminous's throne ascension, he faces an opponent of incredible power named Kai sense.

He is known as the General Knight of God Khaizir. God Khaizir is known as the powerful god of the west.

Kai invaded the Dragon Empire and had already taken over the Demon continent from Luminous.

He sets his foot into Millis at last. He tells Luminous to surrender, but he declines it immediately.

Then Kai attacks the royal fort, Dragon's Shield. Luminous also deploys his attacks.

Kai uses God's lightning to break through Dragon's shield and heads toward the royal castle DDRIG. Luminous uses 50 dragons fragments to stop Kai, but it didn't affect him that much.

Then he uses Kinggious to counter-attack but the counter-attack was nullified by 10 Knights (it's one of the powers of Kai that creates 10 artificial but powerful knights).

Then, kai ferociously attacks Luminous. He struggled to prevent the attack on the last try he takes the control of kinggious and attacks Kai.

Kai gets damaged by the attack and his horse gets killed, but it didn't bother him that much cause he has the power to summon heavenly horses.

This power is known as unlimited rides. He uses his power of holy light to weaken kinggious's power and attacks Luminous with his spear Evil destroyer.

He takes a lot of damage and is forced to retreat. Likewise, he returns to his castle injured.

When his mother Eliza Halsey Dragon sees him in that condition she tells him to run away, but he refuses by saying that, how can he run away when his empire is going through a disaster?

His mother tells him that if he doesn't run away, he will lose his life and the Dragon Empire will lose his Emperor, and its only hope.

Luminous tells her don't you believe in your son, I will defeat Kai and will protect this Empire. She replies no, I don't believe in you, Kai is far stronger than you.

You shouldn't underestimate him. You aren't strong enough to defeat him.

If you want to defeat him you have to unlock the power of Justicia and Futious and remember you have to become stronger than your father.

Then she says I know that you can do it now run away I will hold him off. Luminous replies no mother, you are coming with me.

The Queen then orders the Dragon General Euclidious Salvier to take Luminous with him and run away. The Dragon General takes him and fled away from the royal castle.

Euclidious Salvier was appointed as the dragon general when Shalba Laquine became the Demon continent's permanent governor.

He admired Shalba for his fighting skills, but never got a chance to talk to him.

Shalba once refused to take him as his student. He never forgot the feeling of being rejected.

So, he decided to train hard to defeat Shalba in swordsmanship. But he never got a chance to spare with him cause he never goes to the finale of the Dragon swordsmanship tournament.

He never gave up on his dream, trained harder and harder, and finally reached the tournament's finale.

The finale was about to happen in a week, but that's when Kai attacked the Dragon Empire and the Demon continent.

There is no news of Shalba after the attack of Kai on the Demon continent. So Euclidious still awaits for his match with Shalba.

On the other side, Eliza faces Kai and tells him that if you want Luminous then you have to go through me.

He replies to Eliza that "I am not cruel, so I don't have to kill you and Luminous."

Eliza gets shocked and asked Kai "why are you sparing me and my son's life you know that he is the Dragon Emperor he can attack you anytime, so it's better to kill him right now than why are you showing us your kindness?".

He replies that "my religion taught me not to kill any women or helpless men".

"So you are trying to say that Luminous isn't going to be any problem," Eliza asked Kai.

He replies yes. He then orders the soldiers to escort the Queen to her palace.

On the other side, Luminous escaped into the Gracious Kingdom to seek help from King Steve Gracious.

But he said, "he wants to help him but the cause of the riot that's going on in the Gracious Kingdom he can't help him, but he will give him some of his highly skilled soldiers".

After concluding his conversation with King Steve he leaves for the Imperial Kingdom of Nippon with Eureka Gold, the Lady Commander of Gracious Kingdom.

Eureka Gold joined the knights when she was just 12 years old. She lost her parents in a war with the Imperial Kingdom of Nippon. Since then, she just wanted revenge.

She wants to kill Hoshimiya Tanjiro. He was the commander of the Hoshino battalion. His battalion attacked Hazerd city and killed countless people.

Her parents were also among them. When the battalion attacked, she was eating her dinner with her parents.

That's when Hoshimiya Tanjiro breached her house and arrested everyone. Later they were transported to Nippon and that's when his father uses his remaining magic and killed plenty of Imperial Knights.

After killing them, they took shelter in an abandoned house.

But her father knows that more Imperial knights will come to arrest him, so he left his family and rushed toward the imperial knights who were coming toward the abandoned house.

Her father gets killed when he tried to attack the Imperial Knights. So, her mother hides her in the basement and surrenders to the knights.

Her mother was arrested in front of her again and was beaten cruelly. She couldn't witness the scene and screamed. As the result, the knights found her.

But by the favor of luck, the Gracious Knights arrived at the scene, and she was rescued, but they were unable to save her mother.

From that moment, she hated the Imperial Knights and promised her dead parents that she will take her revenge.

So, when she heard that the Dragon Emperor is going to the Nippon kingdom, she insisted King Steve to grant her permission to go with Luminous.

On his journey to the Nippon Kingdom, he learns to shape fire, air, earth, and water as he wants.

He learned the technique from Abu Andrew, who was the deputy head recherche of Gracious Kingdom. Abu thought him the technique of elemental control.

Abu was the head recherche of the magical development institute. He wanted to teach his elemental control technique to everyone in the kingdom.

That's why he opened a campaign to teach his magnificent technique, but due to some reason, the king forced him to shut down his campaign.

But he tried to reopen his campaign once again by defining the King's order. So, the King stripped him from his position and suspended him for a year.

But the suspension couldn't stop him so as soon as he joins the institute as the deputy head recherche he tries to reopen his campaign but this time he does it in a secret way.

He thought to teach everyone the technique for free, but due to his campaign location, he was unable to attract anyone.

So, he starts a business. He began to take a fee for teaching the technique, and it worked, and people started to come to his campaign.

However, it didn't go on for long. The knights found out about his secret business and arrested him.

He was once again stripped from his position but this time he was suspended for eternity, which means he was suspended permanently.

The king captivated him in the underground cells for his crime. But when Luminous wanted to learn some new techniques.

The king released him from his cells and appointed him to teach his elemental control technique to Luminous. He was so happy when he got his first capable student.

He never thought that he will teach his technique to a Dragon Emperor. So he couldn't ask for more than this from god.

He prayed to god every day to give him a capable student and at last, his wish was fulfilled.

So thanks to him Luminous can now shape fire, air, earth, and water into Dragons.

He also unlocked the power of Futious and Justicia on his journey. He can now maximum transform to the 4th transformation of both Dragons.

He can only do that due to the volunteer group Dragon fangs. They helped him to maximize the transformative power of Futious and Justicia.

Gracious King Steve ordered the Dragon Fangs to help Luminous to train on his way.

All the members of Dragon fangs were former Dragon Empire residents who shifted to the Gracious kingdom to improve their lifestyle.

(To be continued )

I haven't abandoned the story I will continue it after finishing my current story. If you liked the story make sure to check out my ongoing novel My Dark Isekai Project.

Thanks for reading the chapter. I will come back soon and will continue uploading more chapters.

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