
The beginning

There was a singularity from that gave birth to the reality.

There was nothing how can there be nothing, what is it that made this possible the infinite singularity, there will always be questions, what is the one that made all of this possible, how can this reality be possible.

Who is responsible for our reality to exist.

Is this reality fixed the day it was rolled what makes us think we are in control of our life.

Xxxxx years we achieved all our goals what is the end goal of a civilization we live forever we save the reality we evolved to save an entity from collapsing we break out of it we become them what is next it's keeps going on is there an end?

Yes and no everything exist nothing escapes there is no escape what is that never ends.

Xxxx years there is a consciousness an entity is born he is confused and alone in the dark as times goes by he experiments and tries to see if he could find any being like him in order to do that, he had to grow and expand and explore the surrounding finally he finds a way but in order to do that he has to sacrifice one thing that made him, his conscious and hope that some part of his conscious remain so that he can make himself whole again he detonated, as there was no other way, finally the grind begins the fragments were so small they were scattered everywhere slowly the fragments turned into separate organisms with their own mind but it was so small that it was far behind in the assimilation of a complete fragment slowly the process begins.