
What do you want for yourself?

Kylie put her stuff down at the place she usually sits. Today, for some reason, the cafeteria felt emptier than usual. She just shrugs, thinking it's probably because the break is about to start. As she was about to go grab some food when someone poked her in the back.

"Yo." Calvin raised his hand in a sort of half-wave.

"Ah, you're here. Do you want me to grab something for you as well?"

Calvin looks at the trays of other students, trying to see what was available and if anyone had anything interesting. "How about the melty cheese bread?"

"Alright! Stay right here." Kylie puts down her stuff and gets up to leave. He sits next to where she put down stuff and watches people walk by. He saw a girl from chemistry walk by, going to deliver a cart or something. There was a boy from his math class that used to sit near him at lunch before he decided that there was somewhere better to sit. There are a lot of people he knows, but if he were to talk to them, they would be confused. No one here knows him. Maybe someone is thinking, 'who is that person? Why are they here?' Yet, it is unlikely anyone will even notice him to begin with. It felt lonely.

Before he could think about things any longer, he felt a warm bag hit him.

"I got the melty cheese bread! Also, look! There was also cheddar broccoli soup."

"Wait, there was? Damn, I should have gotten that instead."

Kylie put down her tray and passed him an extra juice. "By the way, they ran out of apple juice so I got you orange juice instead."

"What about the apple juice on your tray?" Calvin points to her tray.

"Yeah... that's not for you."

He sighs and starts to eat the bread. "So did anything noteworthy happen while I was gone?"

"Hmmm, not really. I tried to list out things we need to figure out and some plans on how to tackle them, but currently, I haven't made much progress."

He takes a sip of the juice. "So what do you have so far?"

"Hmmm, I guess I want to see how we can get you some legal documents. Like, most things in life, you need to be able to prove who you are to do those things, so I feel like that would be the first thing to do, but I don't know how to do that."

They both sit there thinking for a bit. Kylie opens up the soup and starts eating it. It is now slightly cool. Suddenly, Calvin slammed his hands on the table.

"Hey! I got an idea."

"Um-hm, tell me!"

"What if..." He pauses and gestures around. "What if we electrocute me?"


"Okay think about it! When people are born, they have to be registered into the hospital right?"


"So maybe if I get sent to the hospital, then the doctors will see I'm not in the system and add me in."

Kylie puts down her spoon, "Okay, listen. I don't know if this will work or not, but come on! There is no way you don't see how stupid that is."

"It's fine! Hey, there is the mechanic club room, right? Let me see if I can visit it real quick!"

Kylie pulls on his arm to keep him from getting up. "Hey! We can't have you dying here! You can do literally anything else, but that! Think of our plan! Don't. Be. STUPID!"

"Relax, what's the worst that can happen?" He breaks free from her grip. He stands up, bumping into a girl passing by.

"Oh sorry, are you okay?" The girl looks at him worriedly, trying to see if he is hurt.

He straightens himself up and nods.

The girl giggles, "I'm glad everything is okay! You know, you're kinda cute. Maybe we should talk more."

He looked up at her shocked. He didn't know what to say, so he instead bowed his head as a way of saying thank you. She didn't notice and instead went back to talking with her friends. He sits back down and pulls his hood over his head.

Kylie tries to hold back her laughter. "So... Are you still going to electrocute yourself?"

He doesn't respond and instead just glares at her.

"Well, I don't really have any other plans right now. I'll try to find someone who knows about the law or search something up that doesn't make the school think I'm about to commit fraud. Maybe for now, we should shift our focus onto something else."

He sits back up. "Like what?"

"Well for one, where will you live?"

He stares at the ceiling, thinking. After about half a minute of silence, he just shrugs.

Kylie eats another spoonful of soup before continuing, "I would like to be able to live together, but I don't really know how we would manage that."

"Maybe we can just re-sneak me back in?"

"Nah, too much work."

They both put a hand on their chin thinking. Kylie thought about what she were to do if she was in his shoes. She has no one who knows her in this world, therefore she has no one to take her in. But on the flip side, she would also have no one to stop her from leaving and doing whatever she wanted. Whatever she wanted...

"Hey Calvin, forget about everything for a bit. What do you want for yourself?"


Kylie looks down for a bit before turning back to him. "You have the opportunity to leave everything behind now, and not have anyone stop you. You can start over completely. Away from people you hate, away from the bad memories, away from everything..."

"Hey... " Calvin pats her on the head. "I can't say I know exactly what I want, but is that what you would want?"

Kylie was taken aback by the question. She was about to blurt something out, when she thought about it. "I don't want you to leave."

Calvin smiles at her, "You know, more than anything else, I want to be able to finish everything I started. I mean, I guess I don't need to be here to do that but I don't exactly need to leave either."

Kylie turned her head away from him, "Even with all the things that happened here? This may be the only time you have to run away? Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah... I want to go to this school, talk to the people I think are cool, and go on a date with cute girl! And even so, I guess I am familiar with this place so I kinda feel scared to leave."

"Yeah, I guess I can understand. Hey, what will you do if an old friend comes up and talks to you? They'll treat you as someone else completely, the friendship you guys share will be gone, and you won't be able to ever rebuild it the same way again. Will you be okay with that?"

"Hey now, are you trying to get rid of me?"

"I'm not! I just don't want you to regret this!"

"I'm not going to regret this. Plus, you and Lei will be there for me, right?"

"Yeah..." She sighs, "Alright. As long as you're happy, then I'm happy."

The bell has rung, and with that lunch has ended. They both get up and wave goodbye to each other.

"Oh yeah! And the old phone I have in my room, do you remember that? I'll give that to you so we can talk more!"

"Alright! I'll see you later then!"
