

That was all this person could think. The person who was once their friend, has shown up to school as two different people.

"Can you believe it? And that's how I snuck him to school!"

"No, I can't believe it."

She completely ignored them and turned back to her 'brother'. "Now that I think of it, what name should we use for you? I know we have..." She pauses, thinking deeply "Calvin... but do we have any other names that we can use for you?"

The girl puts her hand on her chin and starts thinking, soon the boy does the exact same. The friend looks at them, still trying to process the situation. They had known the original for years now. They had been through a bunch of things together. They grew and changed as people over the years. They made a promise one day that they were willing to accept each other no matter their struggle or who they may become. One thing that was not expected though was a god damn clone!

"Hey! Lei! Do you have a name suggestion?" The girl turned around to look back at her friend. They thought about it for less than a second before blurting out, "Jumin."

"Nah, we're not Korean. I guess Calvin it is then."

"Calvin is a nice name." The boy nodded as if agreeing with himself.

"It is! It is! It's a nice name, isn't it?"



Yup, they definitely are the same person. The two of them seem to be enjoying this interaction. It seemed like they were in a completely closed-off bubble from everything else.

"Hey, do you guys know how this situation happened?" Lei asked.

"Nope!" they respond in unison.

The girl looks around the cafeteria, thinking. "It may be weird to say, but I have a theory. Like the night before I..." She trails off. "It may sound weird but I hit my head REALLY hard against the wall! Maybe that is what caused it."

Afterward, none of them spoke for a bit. The sound of the cafeteria surrounded them as they thought of something to do.

"Ahh, K-kylie." The brother started speaking. "You know, it's kinda weird addressing someone else with what used to be my name."

"I guess it would be! Should I also change my name?"

"Wouldn't that confuse everyone? Now that I'm thinking of it, what are we going to do about my existence? After all, you existed here before. People know your name and who you are, but I don't have an identity yet..."

"Then I guess I'll find a way to make everyone acknowledge you!"

They both smile at each other, seeming determined in what they will do next. Suddenly Lei realized something and quickly grabbed the girl.

"Hey Kylie, what time is it?"

The girl checks her phone and the time flashed 7:18, two minutes before class starts.

"Crap! Alright, you two figure yourselves out later, we got to go."

Lei sprints to their class as the two 'siblings' go off to theirs.

Hello! I will try to update this story every week on Sunday or very early Monday. I hope you like my story!

Murokocreators' thoughts