

The Twins' Pet (Warning mature content 21+) G: Fantasy Dark Romance. ( Werewolves X Human) Story about fated love, strong bond, sweet love, noble sacrifice. SYNOPSIS: ========== Vol 1. Crescent Moon When love and lust twist together in perfect harmony, the power arise, fill the souls, filling every vein with a burst of adrenaline. "My soul will rise in your embrace," said Sadewa, looking at Liffi's iris with passion. "Sadewa," Liffi whispered. "For I'm yours, and you're mine !!" whispered Nakula passionately, his breath feeling warm against Liffi's earlobes. "Nakula," Liffi sighed. Black or White. Freesia or Hibiscus Musk or Vanilla Fresh or Sweet "Which one do you choose, Liffi?" The strong love bonds between her two mates make Liffi reluctant to choose one of the twin. So who will Liffi choose? The fierce, wild, and powerful Nakula? Or ... Sadewa, who is smart, calm, and authoritative? Wolves really do mate for life. Start reading, taste their sweetness, feel their bonds and be the part of their stories. Rest assured this ordinary love story can make you feel extraordinary. — BELLEAME. Mature content-explicit written, harsh words, and violence which may not be suitable for some readers. Please be wise in reading this work, reader's discretion needed. This novel cover is mine. Copying and pasting of this article is prohibited in any form!!! I will process the plagiarism legally. Thanks a lot. Happy reading, Belleame.

BELLEAME · ファンタジー
27 Chs

White Wolf

Sadewa fell several times when walking. They had walked slowly for half an hour into the forest. There was no place Sadewa could go to other than his pack territory.

Liffi helped Sadewa get up and support him to walk again. They reached a house. Sadewa recovered slowly from all his wounds. But the wound on his stomach still looked bad. Moonlight began to look dazzling, illuminating the path leading to the house.

"Why is there a luxury house in the middle of the forest?" Liffi was surprised.

"I built it. This is my private house." Sadewa replied.

"Ah .. yes, I forgot you are very rich. Indeed, rich people can do anything." Liffi clicked in amazement.

The house looked very warm with the yellow light emanating from the garden lights. The walls were made of wooden logs with glass accents on the window joints. The dim light of the moon entered through the large windows. A modern house with a rustic and cozy impression welcomed them.

"Come in, Liffi."

Liffi returned to help Sadewa climb the steps until he finally landed on the soft sofa. Luxury beige sofa with deer fur lining. Sadewa laid down, enjoying the incoming moonlight, and began to heal his wounds.

"Drink up !!" Liffi gave a glass of water to Sadewa, Sadewa quickly took the water until it was empty.

"Do you have dry clothes, Sadewa? We both look so pathetic." Liffi smiled gratefully. They both save but looked messy, wet, and full of blood. Sadewa had even lost his clothes and was only shirtless.

"You can find clothes in my room, Liffi." Sadewa pointed to the room at the end of the corridor. Liffi nodded before leaving.

"Wow, how impressive." Liffi looked in amazement at Sadewa's room.

Super large soft bed, supported by a minimalist but luxurious impression. Not to mention his wardrobe, which was more than 4x the size of Liffi's apartment. Suits, clothes, shirts, and ties neatly lined up. Expensive watches and shoes had their own case.

"Stop being amazed, Liffi !!" Liffi patted her cheek lightly. She took a long-sleeved shirt and hurried to take a shower.

Liffi came back with a basin full of warm water, she wiped all of Sadewa's injured body, cleaned it. Sadewa was still shivering and breaking out in a cold sweat. Even though all the wounds had closed but the internal wounds had not fully healed. Several of his organs were swollen because of the hit and his bones were crushed.

"Why are you crying?" Sadewa, who noticed tears flowing from Liff's eyes, asked.

"I'm sad to see you hurt." Liffi sobbed softly.

"I can hold it." Sadewa put their foreheads together.

"You hurt because of me ... if only ... I didn't interfere. I just became a burden for you, right ...?" Liffi cried, her hand squeezed Sadewa's arm.

"Shhstt ... No, don't cry, protecting you is my instinct." Sadewa wiped Liffi's tears and hugged the girl.

"How is it? The moon is only half open ... How can you get back to health?" Liffi glanced at the moon, the round circle still half black.

Sadewa was silent.

"What can I do for you, Sadewa?" Liffi continued, her face filled with anxiety.

Sadewa stroked Liffi's beautiful face, observing her silently. That face was too attractive ... it really caught his attention, making Sadewa wanted her much this time.

"Will you do it with me, Liffi?" Sadewa asked, a red tone filling his cheekbones.

"Do what? If it can heal you I will definitely do it." Liffi calmed down a little and started smiling.

"I don't know if this will work. Anyway, I really want you right now."

Without waiting for Liffi's answer, Sadewa smooched Liffi's lips, kissed her closely and deeply. The strains felt very refreshing for his body and soul, making Sadewa wants to feel more and more.

"Let's go to the room." Sadewa carried Liffi's tiny body into his room.

Liffi stretched as Sadewa began to feel every curve of her body and the surface of her skin. The fervor of lust and the roar of heat were created in tune as they made love to each other. Liffi's breath felt like heroin that aroused the nerves of happiness in Sadewa's brain.

The smell of the hibiscus flowers was sharp, getting stronger as Liffi cried over her feelings of happiness. Sadewa and Liffi's bond was formed long before they knew it. Because for a werewolf, mates were their destiny, they were bond long before they even knew each other.

"Look me in the eye, Liffi." Sadewa lifted Liffi's chin, the blue color looked so deep.

"The color of his eyes really makes me forget myself." Liffi was still immersed in Sadewa's charm, staring into his eyes, deep sea blue color.

"You are very beautiful, Liffi." Praise Sadewa, he kissed Liffi's wrist, the smell of hibicus flowers. Fragrance that really indulges his sense of smell. Sadewa wanted to take a slow sip, consuming every inch of Liffi's body that released the sweet pheromone.

"Sadewa ...." called Liffi softly, her voice trembled enjoying Sadewa's fondling, his kiss rose gradually from the wrist to the neck.

Sadewa kissed Liffi's neck, making Liffi moan softly. Her body stiffened because her sensitive neck was receiving stimulation from Sadewa's wet lips. Liffi stretched slowly, her hand holding Sadewa's chest. Their body temperature continues to increase as their desires were fulfilled.

"May I?" Sadewa asked permission from Liffi before releasing his lust in Liffi's body. Liffi nodded in response, her face flushed bright red.

Sweat dripping slowly ..

Liffi's claws made a red mark on Sadewa's back, but they slowly disappeared.

Liffi continued to squeeze the sheets, enduring the hard pounding of Sadewa's muscular body.

Pain and soreness stabbed deep into her body. But Liffi still enjoyed it.

"I love you, Liffi." The hot, luscious whispers indulged Liffi's senses.

Her virginity blood stained bed sheet, Liffi didn't care. This night was too good to be sorry.

Moonlight began to enter through the cracks in the bedroom window. Shine the unity between Sadewa and Liffi. Feel the beauty formed by the two. Their souls were united, producing a power that Sadewa could never imagine.





Liffi woke up, she patted the bed beside her looking for Sadewa's presence. Empty .. Sadewa wasn't there. Liffi rubbed her eyes slowly, trying to adapt with the dark night. The only source of light comes from moonlight entering through the window.

Liffi smiled, her face radiant with happiness when she found Sadewa. Liffi slowly got up, took a blanket to cover her beautiful body. She walked closer to Sadewa.

Sadewa looked at Liffi with his blue eyes. Then looked back at the moon. Liffi stood beside him and smiled. Her hand gently stroked Sadewa's snow-white fur. Sadewa poked his head against Liffi's head. Liffi enjoyed it, very seductive white musk.

Liffi looked at the moon from the window and sat beside Sadewa. Laying her head on the back of the white wolf. Enjoy the beauty of the full moon that is shaped perfectly round.

"You succeeded, Sadewa."

Sadewa now has found his true form. The white wolf, as white as the first snow in the winter.

***** THE TWINS' PET *****