
The Truthseeker

One must first gaze upon the soul. Then, one must reach for it. To reach is to feel, and after that is to become one. Such is the way to become a Pathbearer. * Ablaze in flames, torn by loudness, and vanishing into thin air, a once prosperous land now turned into nothingness. Seeing the vision of the destruction of his kingdom, Veritas strived to sacrifice everything to prevent that outcome. As Veritas grows throughout the story, so does the mysteries around him. Seeking to determine the real truth, Veritas uses his wits and craziness to fight everything in his way. This is a tale of uncovering the truth beneath the hidden mysteries that lie in the world. A world that revolves around the Soul. A journey of ascension, fighting against the madness and questioning one's own identity. Yet, what lies ahead may not be what he thinks.. This is the story of the Almighty. The Whisperer of the Winds. The legend of the Visionshaper. Truthseeker. -- Reuploading on ROYAL ROAD

DauntlessBrother · ファンタジー
133 Chs

The Sun Rises Anew.

The sun shone along the halls of the luxurious castle, reflecting upon the glass and ornaments inside. The decorations were pleasing to the eye as the soft sunlight washes through them, and the halls looked as if they were basked in an ethereal warmth.

Faint footsteps could be heard in the background, seemingly getting louder with each step.

Although it sounded like someone in a rush, the elegance echoed along the opulent space of the hall.

The footsteps belonged to Veritas, who had messy white-hair, wearing whitish sleeping garments, and barefooted.

He was heading in the direction of the guest room. He hastened his steps so as to not waste any single second.

A few minutes had passed and Veritas had arrived at the door leading to the room. The door looked marbleish-white, pristine, and exquisite. It was made of high-quality Alabaster wood, a type of material that looked like the mineral but still contained the properties of wood.

Veritas looked at this whitened door, then after a few moments he banged his hands on it.

"Wake up! Bello! Wake up, It's morning!"

With the loud banging of the door, Bello couldn't fathom the noise and quickly opened the door.

"Why are you banging so loud, it's like 6 in the morning!"

However, Bello's pretty and tired eyes realized that Veritas had looked in a state of alarm, it was as if he had come bearing important news.

"It's your brother, he's up.."

Bello was immediately woken up by Veritas' statement. He quickly went back inside and got dressed in clothing that the maids of the royal family had given him.

Upon seconds of waiting, Veritas saw Bello's black garments. They were a normal piece of clothing composed of a black shirt and mundane black pants that looked very comfortable to wear.

With that, the two of them headed towards the medical ward with haste.

Bello was once again amazed by the grandiose of the castle's interiors. He saw ornaments that would probably cost a lot of Elrodite, and paintings that depict individuals and sceneries from Elrod's history.

They were currently inside the area where the guest rooms are located. This was on the eastern part of the castle, located on the fourth floor.

They passed by the hall and saw maids along the way, greeting them with peace. After a few seconds, the two turned left and headed downstairs towards the main hall.

As they descended down the stairs, they took a right and went straight towards the stairs to the second floor. There was not really that much to say about the 3rd floor, but it contained the library, and armoury.

On the second floor was where the medical ward was located. However, Bello could not comprehend the different turns and switches that Veritas had led him to.

'This place is too big!'

Along the way, Bello saw yet another library, the dining hall, a storage space, and finally.. the medical ward! It took them about 10 minutes or so, traversing the corridors and turning every once in a while.

Veritas opened the door that led to the medical ward and called out to his mother.

"I've brought him.."

In the room, Aletheia was standing near and speaking to Alune who had a nervous look on his face. Alune's elegance was comparable to that of the Queen, his beautiful and fair face could be quite confusing for the unfamiliar eye.

Aletheia was wearing a white robe, her dark hair complimented the colors of her clothing. Meanwhile, Alune was wearing a patient's clothing, it was a white long-sleeved shirt and soft cotton pants. His long black hair was led down along the bed.

Upon the opening of the door, Alune stared at the sudden arrival of Veritas and Bello.


Immediately, Bello ran up to Alune and embraced him dearly. Alune was surprised by this but he gradually gave in to his brother's pleas.

"I'm fine Bello. You don't have to be worried now."

Aletheia then stared at Veritas and gestured for them to leave them be.

Veritas understood this and went out of the room with his mother.

Outside, Aletheia looked at Veritas and saw his relieved face. Then, she placed her hand on the top of his head and caressed it, slowly bringing him to an embrace.

They were still kids after all..

After a few seconds, Veritas motioned to escape from his mother's comfort.

With Aletheia's warm smile, she asked Veritas to come with her to the dining room.

"Son, shall we go to eat?"


After that, the two of them vanished along the halls and headed to eat bountifully.

Upon finding a maid, Aletheia told her to keep track of the two brother's and assist them in traversing the vast maze of the castle.

The maid simply nodded and headed to the direction of the medical ward.

A few minutes passed and the two reached the dining room and awaiting them was the King who had been reading a newspaper.

Upon noticing the arrival of the two, the King set down his newspaper and waited for them to take their seats to eat.

"All is well between the two?" Julius asked.

"Indeed." replied Aletheia.

"Then, we shall go eat. I'm quite famished."

After that exchange, the family of three began eating their breakfast. The sun shone with warmth on that morning, signifying the start of the day.

The scenery of Elrod was beautiful, with the winds flowing ever-so gracefully at the city. The warmth of the sunshine and a bright atmosphere could be seen amongst the people.

The Diamond, Gold, Silver, and Copper Boroughs began to get busy as people had started to wake up.

Individuals started going to their respective works, children began to wake from their slumber, farmers were feeding their livestock, and many more.

There are people that went jogging early in the morning, there are knights that began their stretches, a wife and husband began to fight, the drunkards were finally on their way home, and the royal family was eating their breakfast.

Alas, as the sun rises anew, another day would soon begin for the people of Elrod.


Inside the office, Julius was dealing with a mass of paperwork.

Although his eyesight was already clear, Julius still wore glasses as it made him feel more comfortable.

It was still early in the morning, so he wanted to finish up the paperworks already in order to do some things in the afternoon.

With that, he quickly took notice of the sudden knock on the door.

"Come in."

He expected it to be his consultant, or his son, but to his surprise it was the two brothers that had arrived last night.

They seemed respectful and nervous at his presence, Julius took a deep breath and inquired of their purpose.

"I see that you are well, Alune Agalia. May I know of your purpose for coming here?"

Julius set aside his glasses and put his pen down.

"Your majesty, is it true that you are offering my brother a position for the Knighthood?"

"Indeed.. Although he would not get a position yet. Bello has to study first at the Knights Academy and graduate. Ah- do not worry, I will handle all the funds and paperwork."

"To do something of this scale.."

Alune bowed deeply, forming a 90° angle with his body.

"My King! I am forever grateful for this opportunity for Bello! We brothers of Agalia will serve you with our utmost loyalty!"

Bello saw his brother's actions and bowed like him.

Julius then waved his hand at the two brother's allegiance.

"No need for such pleasantries. Return my kindness with effort and results." Julius said, staring at Bello's direction

Taking notice of this, Bello stood straight up and puffed his chest out in confidence.

"I will! Your majesty!"

Julius then thought for a second and then guided the two once more on what they needed to do.

"First, you two must rest, go home and rest as much as you can. After you rest, you can bid farewell to the people you know and update them of your status. Upon doing so, pack everything you need and head to Residence Hall in Gold Borough. Seeing as you're familiar with Veritas, I shall send him to guide you two. Once you've arrived, Veritas will tell them the details and everything will be settled."

"You might have to sign a couple of papers too."

"As you wish.." Alune retorted.

With that said, the two brothers gestured to leave and slowly walked towards the door leading to the halls. They thanked Julius once more, and carefully exited the room.

Julius, still dealing with the mass amounts of paperwork, wore his glasses and sat back to think.

He thought about the big potential that Bello had, and how useful of a Path that he possesses.

"Bello.. you will soon be a pillar for this kingdom's army."

On this bright and normal day, the people's lives went on as usual..