It's been a while since she saw him. Rafaela tried all her best to look for him, but failed. But she is still determined to keep searching. One day, a dark angel appeared before her. Ever since they met, they developed a forbidden bond. And this mysterious angel had a long time secret he wanted to tell her. Will he be able to tell the truth? If he were, how could Rafaela handle it?
A cold wind blows.
It blows freely as the leaves rustle in the air.
Soon, it reaches a beautiful angel.
An angel whose hair golden as the sun and eyes blue as the clear sky.
But even how beautiful she is, her expression never changed.
It's obvious what she's feeling. Sadness. Or grief. Or maybe even lost.
But.. it isn't the first time the angel felt this. Everything that her emotions surround her now started ever since the disappearance of her partner.
She thought he was just lost. But never dead. And still even searches for him day and night, both heavens and in the Land of Dawn.
Other angels are worried about her told just to give up looking for him. But she never listened to them. She's still determined to look for him.
Due to that determination, she decided to go to look on the last place where all angels like her are forbidden to go. The Dark Abyss or the Dark Side.
But the angel never thought what are the consequences of what will happen to her. Even if it may cost her own angelic life to look for him, she will do it.
Now, the angel is nearing the Dark Abyss. She stopped for a while and began to think for one last time for her decision.
And she decided to pursue looking for him.
As she was about to enter the Dark Abyss, a dark figure came out from the abyss and sprang towards the angel. But the angel was prepared and was able to dodge the figure.
Now they're facing each other.
The angel smiled a confident smile and said,
"This is for you, my long, lost partner."
And charged after the figure.
But the figure isn't even going to let himself down and charged after the angel.
And that's where a battle started between the Light and Dark.