You Are Going to Discover About the Things You Still Dont Know So Behold and Learn About the Truth.
1. Watchers- the watchers are the angels who guides and protects people from getting lost on their ways.
2. Angel of Death- this angels are commanded by our God to kill and harvest souls.
3. Messengers- this angels are the emissary of our God to bring God's messages to mankind.
Angels, Demons, Consciousness, Miracles and Our Body
Our body's are the temple of God because, our body are just vessels of our God's spirit. So the God's spirit which gives life on our body whose just made from dust. We must take care of our body's because having tattoo's, piercings, sex exchange operations and etc. If we truly love our Father and God the most, we must protect our body from having enhancements and destroying it. For those who truly love our God the Father and our lord jesus christ be contented of what you have because in that manner you are showing how you truly respect and love our Father and our lord Jesus Christ. Example have you ever seen a church with so many vandals and any accesories? Our body was given to us by our God like a piece of test paper, if you have done so many good things to your fellow people and stay loyal to our god, surely you will have 100 points but if you have so many bad habits like alcohol drinking, smoking, piercing, tattooing, sex addiction and so many more bad habits im sure that our God will surely give you 0 score for destroying the body that he lent us.
We humans do not hold the 100% control of our own bodies because sometimes we are being controlled by Angels and Demons. Our mind and consciousness everytime there are ideas which the Demons and Angels gives us. For example you are walking at the streets and you have seen a beggar and an idea or someones whispering came in on your mind. If the whisper or idea says that you must help the beggar and show some love to your fellow men, that idea was from an angel and if the idea or whisper says you have to be violent to the poor beggar, that idea or whisper came from an demon indeed. And also beware because demons can control us when we are emotional. If we are emotional our consciousness and mind becomes weak thats why sometimes other people commits accidental murdering because of their weak mind state of being emotional. So in every ideas that comes to your mind whenever you are ok or emotional, have faith in our God and consider every thing before you act.
On your mind and consciousness, everytime if some idea or whispers came into your mind and it orders you to commit murder, theft, lust and all the bad things on the world defy it all the time and that demon will surely come out on your body. Because that demon knows that he cant destroy you and after that our God our Father and our Lord Savior Jesus Christ will reward those who shows faith in them and defying evil acts.
If you are a faithful servant and child of god, who always do the good acts or things. Just look upon the heavens and pray to our God and wish any kind of miracles for you and your family. If a miracle happened in yourself or on your family. Thats the miracle of our God. Because for those who follow our Gods sacred rules will be rewarded.
If you are a worshippers of idols, statues, man made portraits, wrong religions, false gods and every living thing or things in this world, because demons can make miracles too. Demons being rejected by god wants us to be rejected too, thats why if you wish some miracles from a false gods statues, idols, portraits and etc. The demon will create some miracles to cheat your beliefs and also lost your way.
If some miracles that saved lives and and ideas or whisper that guides us to do the right thing, that was the angels work. The Angels are the most faithful servants of god. Our God loves all of his creations thats why he send his faithful servants to guide and protect us. If we want some god's miracles just follow his rules and look upon the heavens and pray with love and respect to our Father our God and Our Savior lord Jesus Christ.
If you truly love our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, and you want to be with him until the end of the days. Just read the whole bible and make sure to follow our God's rules and be faithful and loyal to our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, you are going to be one of those souls who will ascend to the heavens.
Dont believe on science beliefs because science is the #1 enemy of god. Just believe to the scriptures on the bible and you will be saved and to those who believes science will surely go to hell because science is just a man made beliefs. One of the verses on bible says Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the LORD. For gays and lesbians there are still time to change because and follow gods creation, because to those who reverse the creation of our god are demons work to lure you away from god.
1. Murderer- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to commit murder.
2. Thief- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to commit Theft.
3. Lust- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to commit lust and adultery.
4. Jealousy- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to commit being jealous or insecured.
5. Liberation- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to commit sins and dress like showing almost your private parts.
6. Reversing- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to reverse everything like gays and lesbians, because in that act those demons are insulting our Gods Creation for reversing it.
7. Enviousness- this demon will give you an idea or whispers upon you to envy other people.
8. Demonic Miracles- this demon will make some miracles for you to become lost and far from god.