
Chapter 6: Privet Drive, number 12

Dante woke up very early the next morning. Like every Harry Potter fan, he always imagined what he would do in the world of his favorite book. Dante, in particular, had big plans for this fantastic world, but for that, he needed contacts, renown, power, and knowledge. Nobody changed the world alone, and Dante knew exactly who he needed. Dante had already understood this in his past life. Despite being a brilliant medical researcher, he still had to flatter businessmen and attend numerous charity events that served only to inflate the egos of the rich and snobbish.

Dante was not a person who only thought about himself. On the contrary, as an orphan, Dante did not have a truly happy childhood. His friends from the orphanage were often what made his life bearable. As he was always in several classes above his own, they were the only friends Dante managed to make. Unfortunately, the life of an orphan is not so easy, and many times a kind giant does not appear to save scared orphans. Many of his friends were lost to drugs, prostitution, or were killed young in robberies. This only made the only thing Dante really valued, besides his books and research, his childhood. Despite never wanting to have children, he considered childhood sacred. A large part of his personal money was donated to events that sought to bring joy to children.

While getting ready in his room, he began to be tormented by these thoughts and memories. Today, Dante was going to fulfill a dream that the children of his orphanage always had and unfortunately very few managed to achieve. Perhaps this awakened these memories and thoughts in his mind.

Dante sighed as he ran his hand over the silver mask on his table. He had been in that world for approximately six months. His average level in magic should be close to a fourth-year Hogwarts student. However, his level of healing magic, potions, alchemy, and transfiguration were probably of the sixth year and probably much higher than the average of normal wizards. It wasn't really difficult, it was all very instinctive. Movements, focus, and magical control were something that an 11-year-old child should learn. It was not even a challenge for Dante to reach the fourth year of Hogwarts. He had graduated from Muggle school at the age of 10, and many of the knowledge were interchangeable. For example, the mastery of light from Lumos and Lumos Maximo, his knowledge about the behavior of light, such as refraction, diffraction, and reflection gave him exceptional mastery of this spell. To the point that Dante, after some explosions and attempts, managed to create his first own spell that he called: 

"Lumos Illusio", the translation would be something like "Light Illusion". This spell allows the wizard to create a luminous illusion, as if it were a living memory or imagination projected in the air. The light can take various forms, from images to bright words. It is a powerful tool for deceiving enemies or creating magical moments.

Dante could create an almost identical copy of himself, and to some extent create quite realistic illusory objects. He had taken several pecks from the phoenix Salaark after deceiving her for half an hour with a tray of fruits and herbs that was nothing more than an illusion.

The house-elf knocked on the bedroom door, taking Dante out of his daydreams.

Al" - Young master, Aldar has prepared everything.

The elf was carrying a huge black suitcase probably made of dragon leather. Inside it was stuffed with Muggle money. Dante planned to buy the house in front of the Dursleys, Number 4 Privet Drive. This was crucial for his future plans. Buying after the death of Harry's parents would be very suspicious, so he needed to get ahead, and this would serve for another part of his plan as well.

Dante put on the mask. It allowed him to change certain aspects of his body. Although limited, it was enough for him to pass as a 26-year-old young doctor who had just lost his wife after giving birth to his very sick son, Dante.

As soon as he put on the mask, it began to merge with his body. Dante felt as if the mask was entering his bones and stretching his skin. It was not pleasant, but it only lasted a few seconds. At the end of the process, Dante transformed from an 11-year-old child to a handsome tanned young man of 1.82 meters (72 inches) with broad shoulders, a thin face, and a little thin with dark circles as if he were mourning his wife, and short hair in a military cut now in a much more common shade of dark red, almost brown.

Dante looked at himself in the mirror before transforming his armor into simple clothes in the style of the 80s, black shoes and pants followed by a flawless white shirt and a black leather jacket with more pockets than he could count.

D" - Damn, I think I look like a 90s heartthrob. Well, I don't have time to modify now.

Dante picked up the suitcase full of money at his feet and extended his hand to the elf to take him to Privet Drive.

The elf, more than quickly, grabbed Dante's arm and in a whirlwind and some vomiting on Dante's part, they were on the famous street in a British suburb.

Dante wasted no time and asked the elf to become invisible or return to the tower until he was called. The elf bowed and obeyed.


During his research, Dante discovered that in 1980, the average price of an upper-class house in the UK was only £19,273, which really surprised Dante.

The house across the street, right in front of Number 4 Privet Drive, was a simple house. According to Dante's research and the information collected by the elf, it was inhabited by a friendly middle-aged couple whose children had moved to a nearby country a few years ago at the request of the company they worked for. The elf heard during his investigations that the couple was saving money to visit their children, whom they missed a lot. Dante, being the good Samaritan he was, decided to lend a hand to the couple, and being generous, he would give enough money for them to live close to their children, of course, all offered by Salazar Slytherin.

The discussion was not long. Dante just knocked on the door and made the proposal. In less than half a day, the deeds and keys to the house were already in his hands. He couldn't blame them, when a stranger appears with a suitcase full of cash and offers six times the value of your house, hardly anyone would refuse.

Dante said goodbye to the former residents and hired a renovation team the same day. He had money, so he preferred to live comfortably. He would spend a lot of time in that place, at least 11 years. The only unusual request, besides of course a cinema room and a beautiful indoor pool surrounded by a lush garden in the background, was a second apparently empty basement.

Dante had been experimenting with his tower all this time. It was incredibly compact, simply because it could grow downwards into the earth, almost completely hidden. This honestly made Dante doubt whether the term "tower" was appropriate for the construction; it was more like a den. But arguing about Salazar Slytherin's sense of nomenclature would get him nowhere, so he just let it go. The real body of the tower was the ring on Dante's finger. He just had to throw the object on the basement floor and the tower would form as if it were those fast videos of a plant sprouting and growing, but with a colossal building. The basement was for the tower. Dante just had to modify the entrance to resemble a room in his basement, and of course, he had some work to do to fix and move the piping in his house, but that's a story for another day.

The construction took 2 months. Dante had approximately 4 months until the start of the first book. Harry's parents died on the night of October 31st. Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow, where the family was hiding, and with the death curse Avada Kedavra, killed Harry's father, James Potter, and tried to exchange the life of the mother, Lily Potter, for the life of her son, but the woman chose to die for her son, forming a powerful and ancient act of sacrifice.

Therefore, Harry's parents, James and Lily Potter, lost their lives on October 31, 1981, while protecting their son from Voldemort's Curse.

I still have four months and approximately 5 days. I could try to save them, but that would be dangerous, not to mention that they were hidden and the war was at its peak. Who in their right mind would believe a stranger who appeared saying that they were going to die and that the traitor was a beloved childhood friend rat? Albus Dumbledore could read his mind, but Dante was not ready to reveal himself as a dimensional traveler, at least not yet.

He raised the glass of lemonade he was drinking. The summer would be in full swing, with longer days and warmer temperatures. The flowers were blooming, and people were enjoying the sunny parks and gardens.

Well, almost everyone. Vernon and Petunia Dursley across the street seemed disgusted with the joy in the air, and in Petunia's arms, a small baby seemed equally bothered as if the laughter and sounds of summer bothered his ears.

Dante had already introduced himself to the neighborhood. He was Prometheus Esposito, a young widowed doctor whose wife had just died giving birth to their sick and weak son, Dante Esposito.

He received looks of pity and condolences from almost the entire street, however, Petunia Dursley's condolences seemed like an interrogation that would shame an entire team of criminal experts and well-trained investigators. In the end, she seemed to have accepted his answers and looked at him as if he was minimally adequate to be breathing the same air as her, not much, but he should serve. Dante was sure he made that same expression when he was a teenager smelling a used piece of clothing and it wasn't stinking.

The number of times Petunia had woken up or disturbed his studies to make an urgent medical consultation on her baby made Dante wish he had thought about it before formulating his cover story. The baby was incredibly healthy and apart from the regular colic of every newborn and being a little too chubby, nothing the baby felt justified the woman's intrusions or concerns.

Dante was already used to it, in his old life the moment someone in the neighborhood found out he was a doctor, his door was crowded with, among many quotes, patients.

So the next four months passed in apparent peace. Dante studied magic, socialized as Prometheus Esposito, and spent many hours of sunshine outdoors. However, on the night of October 31, Dante couldn't sleep. He was nervous, he had already witnessed deaths in his work, but now he was letting an innocent couple die. In the morning of the next day, his plans would begin, and tonight Harry Potter's parents would die.

At midnight, Dante raised a glass as if toasting and said:

"To Lily J. Potter, and James Potter, and their son Harry Potter."

Dante knew that at that time they should be dead, and the second-generation dark lord defeated by a baby.
