
Blind Date 1

That's great, this a good opportunity to expand your coast. please connect me.

Tumi you have a boyfriend, I reminded her as I cocked my head to the side.

Tumi has a boyfriend in SS2A. His name is Wole. Wole is a senior do Tumi enjoys immunity from other seniors and their bullying. You need to see the way he lavished money on her on valentine's day, I was so jealous. We are were just managing in the admiring committee.

Please haven't you heard the saying that don't put all your eggs in one basket... Tumi countered.

Besides I'm hundred percent sure that Wole is cheating on me so, she shrugged her shoulders.

We were seating in the cafeteria eating some spring rolls and yoghurt.

Ring, Ring the bell rang to signify the end of first break.

We hurried back to our classes to continue our lessons.

The rest of the week was a breeze, I couldn't stop thinking about David and our date on Saturday. I had already washed and ironed the clothes I was going to wear that day.

Then came Friday night, dragging as usual. I came back home exhausted from braiding my hair. I ate my dinner and went up to fling myself on my bed, my head ached badly.

I took my bath, changed into my pyjamas and took some painkillers for the headache. I was trying to sleep when I heard my phone vibrate with an SMS. I picked up my phone and saw two messages, one from Tumi and the other from David. I answered Tumi first before answering David..

Just like that the sleep disappeared from my eyes when I saw his romantic good night text. I couldn't fall asleep anymore because I was so excited. my first date. It is couples weekend service at church tomorrow so my aunt and uncle will be in church practically the whole day. I would have time to go on my date without any fear, under the pretext that I went to study at Tumi's house if I was caught. But I hoped not to be.

I was able to get a few hours of sleep before my alarm clock went off. I got up, said my morning prayers and started to do my chores. My aunt and uncle were equally surprised that I woke up early on a Saturday but they tried not to show it.

After breakfast and dishing out a few instructions, they finally left for church.

David and I agreed to meet at a restaurant "The Ostrich" down town about two blocks away at 3:00 pm.

By 2:30pm I had already dressed up and ready to go.

I texted Tumi to give her the details and tell her the backup plan Incase anything goes wrong. I left Ade in the custody of our nice neighour, Mrs Rita with the hope that I will be back before my aunt and uncle return.

I took a tricycle to the restaurant and I arrived around 3:02 pm. immediately I dropped, I called David and he told me he was already inside. So eager, I mused that's a good sign.

I went in and I sighted him right away. a broad body like that is easily recognized in a crowd. He was seated in the left corner of the restaurant looking as handsome as ever. I knew I was dressed nicely but I felt out of place going on a date with this Greek god.

He stood up to greet me and hugged me tightly. he smells so nice.

He guided me to my seat and we sat down. The waitress came immediately to take our orders.

We ate and talked.

I found out so much about him. He was an only child raised by a single wealthy mother. He was amazing quite alright but no everyone can go through life without scars.

Time flies when you are having fun.

we realized that it was already getting dark so we left. it was already 5:45pm. David insisted on taking me home and who am I to refuse such a gentleman.

When we got to my house, he paid the driver and accompanied me to the gate. luckily my aunt and uncle were not back yet because I couldn't see their car.

Thank you David, I really enjoyed today.. I told him honestly.

the pleasure is all mine

I blushed again as I looked away.

I have something to ask you though he said causing me to look up and stare into his mesmerizing eyes.

what's that?

He took a deep breath and said " I want you to be my girlfriend" I know it's a bit sudden but I have grown to like you alot this few hours.

I felt my eyes widen, I wasn't expecting this at all.

I stuttered David... I...

He placed his finger across my lips and leaned in to whisper

you don't have to answer now, I want you to go and think about it and give me an answer on Monday.

I nodded my head with relief. I hated being put on the spot for anything.

Thank goodness David is so understanding although he is a few years older.

I have to go now, he said and wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer. I felt my breath hitch and my heart stop as David pressed his lips gently against mine.

My brain literally froze, my first kiss. it was more spectacular than I imagined but sadly it didn't last long.

David pulled away almost immediately.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that

no it's okay, I countered.

He released me still holding my hand gently. He glanced at his watch and gasped. it was already 6:00pm. I have piano lesson in 10 minutes. I have to go now.

ohhhh I said looking forlorn.

Don't feel sad na he said, pulling at my cheeks. he planted a quick kiss on my cheek and turned to leave. He stopped a tricycle and got in before turning to give the final wave.

I waved back and released the breath I didn't know I was holding. I kept on standing and watching until the tricycle disappeared into the night.