

The next day they were to busy to try again. They checked out of the villa and left a sizable deposit to lease the villa from the motel and keep the service staff ready in case they decided to come back later.

With a new vacation home paid for indefinitely, they boarded their private jet Xander brought deciding to pick them up on the way back home. They sat around at thirty thousand feet telling each other stories about their spring break.

Anya demanded to visit the villa next spring, Ryan laughed and told her that the girls were going to bring everyone there for next winter break. And that her an Xander could use it next time because Willow and Tara wanted to go to different magical settlements for their next vacation.

Deciding she won something she asked Xander to show her the private bedroom cabin again. When they locked the door, Ryan put up a barrier and asked. "Would either of you beautiful ladies wish to join the mile high club?"

They blushed and put a smile on his face for the rest of the trip home. By the time they woke up, the jet had landed at the Sunnydale airport. After they put their clothes back on he released the barrier spell letting an angry Anya and tired Xander out.

Seeing this Willow told them. "Turn about is fair play. You two took the bedroom so we had to improvise. Besides, you don't see us complaining, do ya?"

She left a spluttering Anya and Xander who had a lopsided grin on the plane. Carrying the kitten cage and her purse to the car, she held her head high as if she accomplished something grand. Smiling Ryan shrugged saying. "I'm following the ladies with the keys to my car and heart."

With that, he followed Tara out of the plane to his car. Xander sighed and followed Anya to his truck. The onboard service attendants' helped him carry his luggage and went to help Ryan.

When he saw this Ryan told them." There is a suitcase on the couch of the plane. It has the bonus pay for you and the pilots. If their willing, you can take your own families out on a trip on me. There are tickets for all expenses paid trips to the Bahamas and Hawaii for each off you and your families. A little thanks for all your hard work."

Hearing this, they all sported smiling faces and left to notify the pilots. Shaking his head, he got in the driver seat and played chauffeur to his girlfriends and a kitten. On the way home he heard Tara say, "I keep thinking: 'Okay, that's the cutest thing ever,' and then she does something cuter and completely resets the whole scale."

Willow was laughing." I know right , the other day she was playing with an iguana and she sat on its back riding it around till she fell off rolling in to a pillow. When she sat back up she meowed so cutely I almost had a cute attack of my own. Here I took pictures."

He smiled and drove on, happy that they were content.

When they arrived at the house they were greeted by Buffy. " Good, you guys are back! We're heading to the beach in a bit, I'll help you unpack, Riley will meet us there."

Ryan watched as Buffy practically ran over everyone in her rush to get everything ready. Laughing when Xander commented." Is it me or does Buffy seem like she's had too much caffeine today?"

"Let's not keep her waiting! Grab the charcoal and ice chest. We'll cook hamburgers while we're there." Ryan urged Xander, trying not to get on Buffy's bad side when they just got back.

Loading all the supplies in Xander's truck, they picked up Riley and Faith on the way there. Oz and Bay took his van and followed suit, happy to be out of the house.

When they got there everyone set up around a little beach grill. Xander took to trying to get the grill ready, while Riley, Faith, Oz, and Buffy went to play with a football they found.

Ryan sat between Willow and Tara putting lotion on them, and Bay and Anya argued over who was the better lover, Oz or Xander.

Xander spoke." I'm exhausted just looking at them. All the splashing, running and jumping. Shouldn't relaxing involve less exertion?"

Anya answered." Oh, absolutely exertion can cause sweetness."

Tara followed." Which can cause the pain and heartbreak of stickiness. Better to stay put."

Willow smiled." I think we just put our finger on why we're the sidekicks."

Ryan laughed." Well I don't really mind being a sidekick with you two here."

Smiling Willow gave him a kiss then turned to the arrival of the rest of their group." Game over?"

Riley answered lead the group over." Buffy just slayed the football."

Buffy asked." Where's my burger?"

Riley adds." Yeah man, I'm starving. Cow me."

Xander told them." The fire's no cooperating with me. It's comforting to know that I lack the culinary finesse of a caveman."

Willow looked over and waved her hand." Ignis, incende."

A fire roared to life in the grill, making Xander fall back on his ass. Laughing Ryan shook his head and told them." She's been studying with Tara throughout our vacation. I caught them talking about spells in front of the butler once. I ended up having to repress parts of his mind with a hypnotic suggestion to ignore all mystical talk."

Abashed both Willow and Tara made faces and gave each other a kiss, turning to him and raising a challenging eyebrow apiece. He leaned forward and grabbed both by the waste and kissing their necks when they refused to kiss him.

Buffy snorted and commented." Wow Will, look at you with the Witch fu. Better watch out Ry, soon they may not need you anymore."

Looking down both girls tackled him landing on top. Willow told them." It was nothing you just have to balance the elements."

Ryan pointed to the dark cloud that was threatening to rain." There's your balance!"

Willow pouted." It wasn't me! I was careful!"

Laughing Ryan waved his hand an dissipated the storm cloud." Relax, I know, I was just teasing you. That felt like dark magic mixed with something Jenny uses. Though I can tell it wasn't hers, I don't recognize the caster."

Xander told them." Well if it's not going to rain then who wants a burger?"

Faith said." I'll take three I'm sure Buffy is the same, action makes us hungry and horny."

Riley looked up at this." Really? I hadn't noticed. Any more and I might not be able to walk."

Faith laughed." Better watch it, from what I here she's had Titan and walked limped away."

Riley looked at Ryan for confirmation." Relax it was a long while back, before you were together and besides I have just enough women to keep me more then satisfied. Just this morning all I introduced Willow and Tara to the mile high club. As you can see there perfectly happy. Buffy chose you that should be more then enough."

Riley smiled and pulled her close." It is, I just thought it would be awkward."

Xander put his foot in his mouth." Wait when did you to..-"

Anya answered his question." The night he gave us the massage oil. From what I could here he did a better job then you. Sex your great at but messages are a different story."

She turned to the rest." He's a Viking in the sack, but his romance is kind of rough."

Buffy blushed remembering said night." Xander's always had sex on the brain so there's no surprise there. "

Riley looked at Ryan and asked." Got any tips?"

Ryan turned his head looking at him and Willow said for him." He cheats so it's not really fair. He listened to our heartbeat and used it to find what we like. Though Buffy really liked it when he sang to us. Oh, and maybe use a vibrator or toys. He kinda can move really fast so when he does it it makes these amazing vibrations."

Snorting Ryan told him." If you want I'll give you all the knowledge I used and any references for things to try."

Riley laughed." Vibrating! Really?"

Lifting his hand Ryan did it." It's best to start off slow and work your way up. Unless it's with a slayer. Then its best to uses the highest setting and tire them out quick or you'll be limping for sure the next day. Clear your mind and I'll send you the details."

When they saw his vibrating, both Willow and Tara closed their legs blushing. Buffy started to as well until she heard Faith speak."Damn Ryan you didn't tell me it was like that I'm gonna have to get Lyndsey to try it because even B is getting hot and bothered with just a memory."

Looking abashed Buffy leaned back into Riley's chest and looked away. Riley couldn't hear right now because he was stuck in his thoughts from the information overload. Seeing he couldn't handle it Ryan did him a solid and helped him build a mind palace.

Seeing the mess from Walsh locked away Ryan saw something and stopped helping for a while after recovering himself he finished and left.

Riley looked at the being that just alphabetized his brain into order for a minute he looked away in shame. Ryan shook his head and returned to the conversation.

Willow was telling everyone how well it feels to have your skin covered in massage oil and be sang to while you get a good vibrating feeling between the legs.

Willow went on." It's like having your own vibrator that sings and knows exactly where you need to be touched. Tara can vouch for this she gave him a blowjob while he treated me and Buffy to orgasm paradise."

Tara blushed and kissed her to keep her from continuing. Xander looked a little put out. "How come your giving him the information before me? We've been pals for longer? How is soldier boy cool with this? Did you mess with his mind?"

Ryan laughed." All you had to do was ask! Besides it's not like I showed him what we did, he doesn't need that. All I gave him was everything I used and helped sort his cluttered mind. Besides, he kind of deserves it, I mean how would you feel if I told you I slept with Anya before you got with her?"

Oz nodded in understanding and looked at Xander." Relax, your talking about a guy that encourage Willow to give me a shot at the same time he was dating her and now he's with her and Tara and I can smell them on each other just as much as he's on them."

Riley looked at Xander and told him." It's not like Buffy was my first girlfriend and I refuse to believe I'm her first boyfriend, she's to damn gorgeous for it to be true. From what I can tell he's been around for a long time and met a few slayers. While I don't doubt Buffy's special, he seems happier with Willow and Tara."

Ryan looked at Xander and smiled." Their my life, I'd do anything for them and besides if you remember it right it was them that invited Buffy and ignored Anya when she asked to join. Now if you want I'll help you out and reorganize your mind for you. And leave the info your seeking in their. Though leave any thoughts of getting memories of that night out of your head. That's up to the girls and I doubt they'd want you to see them like that."

Xander took a minute and said." Why not! Maybe it'll help my thinking process. Be wary there's a lot of porn in there."

Taking a minute, Ryan mentally told the girls if he came out like Xander, to kill him. When they started giggling, he turned to Xander ant mentally dived in.

It was a world of porn. Everything was humping and grinding. He already had a decent sized mind palace, unfortunately it was made out of naked woman and partially naked people he knew. Seeing twenty percent of it as regular porn and the rest as people Xander met in real life. Shaking his head he pulled Xander in and made him a mental avatar.

Xander looked around." Whoah, I've always wandered what your mind was like."

Gibbs smacking Xander he told him." This is yours! And we have a lot to do! I want you to picture a book. And picture all the porn you've ever thought about or seen inside it."

Xander looked down and held up the book he made. Seeing it happen almost instantly, Ryan smiled." Good your a fast learner, you just had porn on the brain a lot as a coping mechanism. Now picture the the house we live in. "

Instantly they were standing outside there home. Taking the book from Xander he walked to the house. " I want you to picture all your memories, all at once. Every good one goes in a goes into a DVD. Every bad one goes in a book." Seconds later there were a ton of books and DVDs.

Ryan continued." Now all the books are to be stacked in the basement and DVDs go in cases. Label each one. And all facts are to go with the good memories."

Xander's mind fixed itself to his specifications. With no porn or naughty memories in with the good memories it was pretty easy for him. After everything was fixed Xander asked." Now can I have my porn?"

Sighing Ryan told him." The real memories need to be added to the good ones and the thoughts and regular porn ideas go in a neutral zone. Then you need to face your fears or it'll fester. I'll be here to help or stop you if something goes wrong."

After Xander sorted the porn into memories and ideas and put them away with the good memories he turned to the basement door. Looking aback to check if Ryan was there he received a gentle nod and stepped in.

The basement was dark for some reason. Raising a hand Ryan lightened it and closed the door behind them. Walking towards all the bad books he waved a hand and they took the form of another Xander.

Knowing it wasn't enough yet he put a hand on the real Xander's head and copied all of his fighting techniques giving Xander a boost and a little bit of an edge.

Stepping to the side he told him." It will be hard but I want you to remember all your happy memories and leave them where they are but use the positive emotions to fight your darker self. Every good thing you can remember and every fact you know."

Seeing Xander turn commando trooper he started beating the dark Xander into the ground everything good that has ever happened to him basically turned him into Rambo. Thinking he may have gone overboard with the combat and martial arts, Ryan stepped forward as the darker Xander started to fade.

He leaned down and hooked a golden collar on it and tossed Xander the leash. When he caught it he became more solid in his mind. Less a one time visitor and more a master of the domain."Don't kill it, but always remain in control or it'll control you. Now, who are you?"

Xander looked at him with determination. "Xander Harris and I own this place."

Nodding Ryan faded away.

Back in the real world Xander shook his head and blinked repeatedly." Thanks, I needed that! Though now I don't think I have the excuse of being a porn addict."

Ryan laughed." Your still a porn addict! It's just now you have a way to control yourself. That was the dirtiest mind I've seen and I've read the minds of old ones before!"

Xander had a goofy grin and was back to his happy go lucky self. Everyone watched their friend turn from a pervert to a serious pervert.

They all laughed when Ryan explained the problem." His mind was using porn as a coping device and it became overly addicted. It was a world of porn. His memories were seriously over powered."

Looking at Faith he told her specifically." He beat his darkness with his horniness. I gave him martial arts but he didn't even use them. His was next to yours bad and he won by flawless knockout."

Raising her eyebrows at this Faith gave Xander an appraising eye." Damn you really are a Viking in the sack if what he said is true."

Xander told them proudly." First try I might add and besides the martial arts would've slowed me down. Now I have way more control. Just not over thoughts as they come in. I'm still an addict."

Faith told them honestly." It took me years in my mind and more times then I can count and I still only barely won. And that was with help. If I'd known being horny would've done it I would've just banged myself like Xander did."

Xander spluttered at that." What! Hold on! There was no banging of myself going on!"

Ryan popped up saying." You banged yourself like a champ! Be proud of it!"

Xander got all red faced and embarrassed then burst out laughing." I guess I did at that!"

Everyone laughed then. When everyone finished eating another storm tried to come in only to be waved away again." If they try it again I'm going to add something of my own in the mix."

Feeling it was a vampire now, he had a pretty good idea of who it was. When they packed up to leave it finally returned. Waving his hand he made some changes to it. On the ride back it was raining Dracula headed dildos.

When the girls saw this they laughed and then laughed harder when they noticed them shrinking. When they mentioned it to him all he would say was." Get fuck blood sucker."

They all headed to the house for an after party. T.V. marathon. Ryan and his girls curled up on a couch while Xander and Anya took the recliner. Buffy and Riley headed upstairs to make some noise and Faith chilled with them on the love seat.

They watched everything from Star Wars to Jurassic Park. When they put in the second Jurassic Park, Faith asked." So how does feel to screw a guy that was there when the real dinos were first hatched?"

Tara told her." He has a vibrating touch and can enlarge his tongue to reach all the right spots!"

Faith blushed for the first time ever!" So can Lyndsey!"

Laughing Ryan informed her." Where do you think he learned it from? He's my only disciple right now. All he has to do is think of a problem and the link between our minds will automatically inform him of the answer. Now that he doesn't draw his power from me, all he does is ask for inspiration and knowledge and it's his. Although I do ask for a lot in return. Mostly stuff he did before he met me, but without the drawback of losing his soul and dying. Right now he should live until this dimension collapses or he pisses me off royally like my old apprentice did. Barring that or a nuclear explosive, he'll be here till the world dies or he moves to a different world."

Taking in what he means by immortality they all looked at him and wondered what it would take to really put him down. Willow and Tara sighed and snuggled closer to the warm pillow who vibrates just right.

After the last Jurassic Park movie they all headed to bed noting the dildos that scattered everyone else's yard but theirs. Oz and Bay finished their second supper and followed them up. Being werewolves they needed a certain amount of calories or they were rabidly hungry all the time.

The next day everyone had jet lag except Buffy. They went to Giles's house and were greeted at the door by Jenny saying." Do you see anything knew?"

Noticing it right away he sent Giles a mental congratulations. He got back a smug.

"Thanks, how long are you going to wait?"

Mentally sighing he sent the full details. Giles dropped his glass of scotch as Anya announced." It obviously the ring."

All the women awed at the sight. Telling them congratulations and moving into the living room. They milled around until all the girls were looking at their boyfriend's with expectations as they heard the details.

"He proposed at the mouth of an active volcano and it was either I keep him or watch him jump in embarrassment. Now at least I get to see Rupert turn into a real fossil." Jenny joked lightly.

Giles poured himself another glass and told them." Not at the pace were going. I may end up a digitized paperclip."

While they were laughing at that he looked at Ryan with a more serious expression. Ignoring it, Ryan sat down next to the girls and withstood there expecting silent looks.

Giles finally nodded and sent his own thoughts on it. When Ryan looked them over he only found one flaw which he sent back with an explanation. Giles told him out loud. " They need to know before hand. It's a big decision and-"

Sighing Ryan informed him." It's a long way off and only a thought right now. You above everyone here knows tha-"

Giles took a drink then finished for him." I understand but the implications are enormous and you could-"

Ryan shook his head." I'm not going to! That time is long passed we had our shot and it won't come again! That's final Rupert!"

Standing up Ryan headed outside to clear his head and mentally told him to keep his mouth shut.

Back inside everyone stopped what they were doing and noticed Ryan's outburst. Feeling the tension in the air Willow and Tara went outside to talk to him.

Jenny asked Giles." What's wrong? Is it something bad?"

Giles shook his head and told her honestly. "It's nothing bad but it is something very dangerous and it could change everything we know about ourselves as a people. He's not willing to because it could go very bad very quickly. It's something from his past. That's all I can say that won't piss him off right now. So what's this about raining sexual toys?"

Jenny smiles." Their dildos and I picked one up just outside see!"

She pulled out one of the Dracula dildos that had finished shrinking. Every time he shook it it said." I want to suck your blood!" And. "Is your bat cave ready?"

Giles took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose."Cleary our mad prankster at work! I assume he had a reason? Something to do with vampires?"

Jenny told him." The storm that rained these wasn't his, he just altered it because the one who made it annoyed him. He thinks Dracula is in town and told Willow that if he keeps it up his gypsy ass will have his bat cave full of these."

Giles raised an eyebrow at the explicit comment." Oh dear, well at least he warned him. Though I do think I should pull out the texts surrounding them. And Buffy, you should patrol with backup tonight."

Buffy pouted." Why me? I just got home and now I have to fight a vampire that's being a dick!"

Faith snorted." Would be the first one you've had! Though it may resemble it, being a blood sucker and all."

Buffy held a hand over her shoulder." Ouch, you want to want to twist the knife anymore before you pull it out?"

Faith smirked and tossed a towel." In case you get wet out there! I hear it's raining men! Or at least the fun bits of them."

Sighing Buffy resigned to her fate she told them." Well if I'm going out there tonight, I volunteer Xander and Willow as well!"

Xander raised a hand." Sure, but I'm bringing Weapons."

Outside- Ryan was sitting there, watching the sun go down he noticed his girlfriends come out." If you had the ability to bring back the dinosaurs like on Jurassic Park, but knew it would go the same as the movies would you?"

Tara and Willow took an moment to answer. Looking at each other for a few seconds." Could we leave out the meat eaters and have only vegetarians?"

Seeing him shake his head Willow said." Would it make you happy?"

Another shake." It wouldn't be the same as when they were first here. They would be out of time."

Tara took the lead." If it would do more harm then good then no. They've had their time and we have ours." With that she took his hand and Willow took the other.

He turned to them." I'm sure you've guessed my meaning by now. On our trip I was reminded of the cloning technology we used to have kids for same sex mates. It was a stray thought that Giles pointed out and I shot down. He wanted me to bring back a few of my people with them for purely research purposes and maybe give humans the technology to do so as well. I shot down to bring them back for study because they would be as alive as you or I. And it would be inhumane to do so. They would want to create more and in doing so create a disaster, my people had our time and it's past. The only way I would even think of reviving my race is through both of you! As for giving the tech to people. Could you imagine what they would do with it? Home grown armies and war! The human race isn't ready for that kind of power! The earth was already starting to die when I arrived! The technology I've given them already, will turn most of the damage around in a few centuries. I've looked already they are trying to repurpose my cold fusion reactors for war. I won't be the one to end another race. Not again!"

Willow scrunched her eyebrows at this and asked."What do you mean?"

He showed them his greatest shame and connected the dots with a few words." I killed my brother because of his mass murder of our people, remember what the wedding ceremony does?"

They both caught on to his meaning. In killing his brother, he also killed his best friend. They both looked at him and gave him a hug. After a long while they broke apart and Willow asked." What were you thinking of that gave Giles the idea to suggest that?"

Ryan stood up and looked at them both." I was thinking of using it to make Buffy and everyone else a new body so that it would make it easier on both of you to become like me. They would live almost as long as us and be just as physically strong. Buffy and Faith would loose their slayer powers Becca's they wouldn't be in human bodies but other slayers are always called."

Both girls were floored by the offer. He was willing to go so far for them, even to dig up his past and rip open more wounds. They leaped at him and almost tore his clothes off when they heard. " So is this what it's like to be in a couples threesome with witches?

Looking at the offending blonde vampire they broke apart and fixed their clothes. Willow turned to him and said. " I thought you skipped town looking for a brain fix."

Spike smirked." Yeah well, it's an easy fix for your boy toy here isn't it?"

Tara told him." He wouldn't let you eat humans so there's no reason to try. Would you?"

When she rounded on him Ryan shook his head." Even if it was evil human their still human so no. You would have better luck trying to eat Wolfram and Heart employees, they signed away their souls for power. Basically there like reverse Angel. Good luck!"

With that he turned to go inside. Spike tried something else." Not even for info on the next big bad in town?"

Ryan continued to enter the house." Look around on the ground! Do you think I care that a gypsy vampire came to town. Oh, and you may have been invited in this house before but I'd dare any demon to try now."

Leaving bleach blonde Billy Idol wannabe outside they ventured in and told them. "Your fang away from home is here Buffy!"

She looked surprised." Wow and he's not dust yet? I'll go see what he wants and by the way, we took a vote and your on patrol duty tonight Will! You me and Xander just like old times!"

Willow smiled awkwardly." Yeah just like old times."

Tara looked at her and told her." Don't worry I'll keep him waiting for you to get home! I got this."

Willow raised and eyebrow." Are you sure? Cause he can be a hand full! I remember our time together from before and I'm still shocked I can walk."

Sighing Ryan smirked and told her." Relax only feathers and honey dust till you get back, I know she can handle more but I like it when you both take over as a team."

Nodding Willow turned to Buffy." Ok, but only until four, or we run into trouble. Any later and he would break even you Buffy."
