
Chapter 1 The Cursed Legion

My name is James Moore, I'm just your average high school student like anyone else who dreams of getting into a good college, get a nice girlfriend, and a sip of beer once in a while, I live in a small apartment complex in east London where I've lived all my life, one thing about me that stands out is that I'm a huge fan of the Roman Empire, not the Holy Roman Empire but the Roman Empire before their split to eastern and western empires that lasted from 27 BC- 395 AD.

I love history but the Roman Empire period will always be the icing on my cake, no matter how badly movies portray the Roman Legion I'm always cheering for them. Whenever I have free time. I'm always reading or researching about them, their civilization, the weapon they use, their enemy, and their tactics name them and I bet already know them by heart.

I always thought that I was born in the wrong era and that I always wish that I live through the era of the Roman Empire and join the Legion and follow Julius Caesar in his Conquest, and live behind the foundation of civilization in every city we raze. But as the saying goes be careful what you wish for and it might come true... and this is exactly what happened to me, James Moore, or in my new name Julius Tatius.

It all started on a Sunday morning, it was a normal day and nothing really out of the ordinary as usual I'm like any other Sunday I'm heading out to go to the bookstore and buy some school supplies as its almost our mid-term exams and the book store is just a few blocks away. While I was in the Aisle of the apartment complex. I was greeted by someone, "Hey James, you're up bloody early, today! It's almost your exam are you going to the bookstore?" this lady with the awful mouth is Mrs. Wilkins she has always been looking out for me since I've moved here, I'm an Orphan my parents died when I was 15 in a car crash my dad was a little tipsy drinking with my mom and hit a pole and Mrs. Wilkins with her daughter has always look out for me, I greeted her back " Hi Mrs. Wilkins, yes I'm about to go the book store, does penny need something I could grab it for you?"

"It's Fine James penny is already gone by the book store, have a safe trip" I nodded in response and continue on my errand while walking in the street I suddenly heard a scream there is a robbery in the local convenience store. And the robber got a girl hostage at knifepoint!

I was about to go mind my own business but in the corner of my eyes I saw the hostage and it was familiar because I've seen this red-haired fairy girl numerous times it's Penny!

Shit… Shit… Shit, this is all I could think about… where's the fucking police at? These pieces of shit are always late when you needed them but will fucking hound you if you commit a little offense, I look in the direction of penny and tried observing the Robber… He's disoriented and shaking I could see numerous syringe holes in his left arm, this guy is a drugie that has no more money for drugs… I observe the drugie more I could see that his eyes are starting to lose it and he was panicking and will almost have no more sense of reason... I could see a small streak of blood on penny's neck, I must do something...

I tried talking with the drugie as I keep getting closer to him "Hey man, don't do this, you don't want to ruin your life you could go to rehab and start a new" Penny saw me and is screaming for me to help her, the druggie… I reassured penny with a nod and signaled her to calm down, hey man, I your family needs you, don't do this the one in your arms is only 15 years old, the drugie is not responding he's only shaking my worst fear comes true the drugie is already out of it and has no more sense of reason… I'm about 3 meters apart from the drugie when I saw him swing about to stab penny in an arcing motion Immediately run and push the knife away I failed to push the knife but penny got away from the robber… all I need is to Run... when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder when I turn my head back I saw the drugie smiling and a knife embedded in my shoulder.. shit.. immediately after that the drugie tried to stab me again I blocked the first stab but the second one got me… rapidly the strength in my legs gave in and I fell down suddenly and heard gunshots.

The police are finally here. I wanted to curse at them but I don't have any energy left… I saw penny rush to my side she's trying to stop the bleeding and directing the police in my direction but I think it's no use, I know my body and I know I'm dying I got stabbed in fatal area's I could see that penny is trying to say something but I can't hear anything at alL. As my vision slowly became dark I muttered my Favorite Latin phrase "Legio, Aeterna, Victrix!" "Legion, Eternal, Victorious!"

When I open my eyes, I was expecting to be greeted by a nurse or a warm bed and welcomed as a hero. but what happened was far from my expectation. I was first greeted by a sharp pain in my head foreign memories to me flooded my brain… despair immediately hit me. I was disoriented and immediately calmy myself down and started to observe my surrounding. What I saw shocked me I'm in the middle of the wilderness in front of an outpost for the recruitment of the 14th Legion. Caesars Cursed legion!
