
Chapter 1

"Hey stop there! where are you going? don't tell me you're leaving this house to walk around like a horse again!"

"Common Dad! even in front of the maids?" tongue clicks "besides I'm just going out to enjoy the taste of the world again, you did not forbid me from that I guess?"

"What kind of a son are you?! have you forgotten that you're the future king of both vampires and werewolves?" Inhale sharpy!

"No Dad! I can never forget that, and that is why I dressed like a king or don't you feel my dressing? umh?" Eyes browse raise "or let say you're scared that all the ladies might be falling for me once their sight this handsome face of mine, ummah?" Curved a smile with his fingers on his face as a sign of a happy face.

"Stop it! drop that sword, then you can leave!" Said with a straight face.

"But Dad, these swords balance my dress and I won't fight or kill any vampire! remember I'm putting on a suit, blazer dad!, that is what I'm wearing and don't worry I have my scent spray on me, no vampire can trace me." The smile fades off.

"Ever since you clock twenty years of age, all you always wear is a blazer with different colours and you have killed thousands of vampires! so it better you drop your sword before leaving and that is if you want to leave this house or I should force the guards to do that." Angry face.

"Okay, fine Dad! I will drop it."

Sword dropped, his father asked one of their guards to picked it up and hang it over to him then walked into his chamber while the son picked his key car and left the house, drive off.

Someone peeping from the edge outside of their house walked back into his car and called someone on the phone.

Phone ring "Don't give me bad news,"

The caller exhale slowly, then said negative.

"Tell me what did they talk about this time?"

"Normal argument of him being the most handsome werewolf! but his sword was seized before he left the house,"

"Did they mention where the throne was?"


"Then you shouldn't have called me! you're useless!" exhale sharply "about Mr Smith, did you know where he is?"

"Still searching for him, nobody knows where we can find him."

"Keep searching!"

The car started and drive off the area.


Thirty years back, werewolves and vampires are with no guard and it has been ever since the fight that happened between their ancestors, that vampires refused werewolves to rule over them and werewolves also refused vampires to rule over them.

Government asked soldiers to hunt all vampires and werewolves down and kill them because of the increase in killing innocent lives. So many vampires have killed as well as werewolves but some escape and hide inside the cave which brings back their reunion again.

Because their fight was against the government now and not themselves. One person from vampires and another from werewolves bring suggestions that they should lie low for now so that government could think every one of them is dead, maybe the government will stop hurting them.

Some were against it and said they can't hide forever and since there's no leader among them those that refused the proposal left the cave but never returns while those that agreed with the plan stay behind and they started feeding on animals blood instead of humans blood.

Years passed by and a lot of them died because for good fourth years no blood moon to give them strength and those who are strong among them tried all the power they know just to make sure blood moon exists, even date was created that all the werewolves and vampires we come out from their caves and stand under the sky and beg for the blood moon to come out but with all this, blood moon never showed up.

Until one very good day that one of the vampires went out and go to the main city, he moved freely without nobody noticing him be a vampire or anything. He was so happy and head back to their cave and tell his parents about how beautiful the city was and nobody knows who he was.

His mother got mad and said what if someone traced him back here, but he defends himself and tells his mother nobody can do that because when he got to the city, all the smells was fresh blood from humans and that is the reason why he came back.

His mother forbids him from going back because one day he might want to taste the blood he perceived. One of the werewolves overheard this conversation and he feel said about these. At down that everyone has slept.

The boy went out again and the person that overheard the conversation between him and his parents saw him when he left. The person waited for the boy to arrive which he did before anybody woke up.

The werewolf saw the vampire clothes stain with blood and when he perceived it, it was humans blood.

"You drinking humans blood now?" Show up at the back of that boy when he wants to lie down and sleep.

The boy got shocked and he admit to the allegation, he told the wolf that humans blood taste better than animals. The wolf promised to tell his parents once the sunrise but the boy begged and promised never to do it again then went to sleep.

The wolf was bothered throughout the night that what if the other vampires also went to the city and started drinking humans blood, the government might go after them like what was done to their ancestors.

Then he went to sit on the tree, think throughout the night. Suddenly a thought came into his mind as he get down from the tree and heading back to the cave. On his way back he met one of his female werewolves friends, Blang.

Blang was heading to the forest with her friend. Among all the young female werewolves, Blang was the most beautiful lady and she's as fast as the vampires, anytime she cries rain usually fall but nobody noticed that because they did not pay attention to her.

Her parents died on the night that all vampires and werewolves do come out to beg the sky for blood moon, so Blang will always be on her own because they're still a lot of evil vampires and werewolves among them who doesn't care about others.

"Hey beautiful sunshine, where are you going? ummmh, let me guess, to the forest again? I'm sure you have suitors there." The wolf said to Blang then laugh to mock her after jumping down from the tree to the front of Blang immediately he saw her coming.

"Wooh, that was so close in scaring me! tell me also when did you become someone sitting on the tree? I told you it Blang, not beautiful sunshine, pave the way! I still have a long way to go." Blank said and turn into a wolf then ran towards the forest.

While the wolf looks at her and smiles then head back to their cave. Immediately he got to the cave, he saw the boy telling his friends how tasty the human's blood is and better than the animals.

The wolf felt sad then scream so loud to get the attention of everyone and he get it. All the vampires and werewolves gathered, they were asking themselves what happened and one old werewolf asked the young wolf why the sound? what is troubling him?

"I know years as past that we have no leader, so I was thinking maybe its time to have one." The wolf said calmly.

Everybody was surprised at that statement while some were even asking where did that statement come from because ages now nobody has ever brought about that topic as one of the vampire's elders said.

They will be no leader among them because even their ancestors don't have and that is because both parties can't allow leader among themselves.

"I know because I was told about it, but can't we make changes by having a leader and forget about our ancestors decision? look, everywhere is civilised, we need to live just like a normal human!"

"Enough! stop confusing us, we can never live like normal people because we're all animals." Werewolves elder said.

"Good! you call us animals, but remember animals also have leaders among them so please give a chance and let's have one."

"Everybody go back to what you're doing right now! and you, I want today to be first and last you will ever bring up a topic like these!"

Everyone left the gathering after the werewolves elder said these to the werewolf and this makes him so sad.

Please leave a comment after reading on how you feel about each chapter, both negative and positive comments are welcome. I love all my readers, please motivate me.

ajiboye_lovethcreators' thoughts