

3 days later deep within the continent of Eden, Alesul finally made his way to the next town located northwest of "Kokoa village". A small merchant town by the name of " Wagenborg '', this would be Alesul's first encounter to life outside of the small isolated village that was " Kokoa". Unlike the place he had grown up in, the town of "Wagenborg" was a lively place with over 20,000 inhabitants currently living there. As well as the many people and merchants who made their way in and out of the town on the daily. " Wagenborg'' was a bright lit town with many homes, stands, stores of various kinds as well as a central cathedral church that made its presence known from a distance. As well as several pubs and eateries and even a port where various merchants would do business not to mention the many bridges within the town that made getting around it convenient. The atmosphere of such a marvelous place was a sight to behold.

Alesul : " Whoa... so this is the merchant town of Wagenborg", this place is amazing. I bet Stasia would've loved to see a place like this, so many places to see I don't know where to start first "

Alesul said in a cheerful tone as he made his way through the peaceful town. Looking at every store window he could, and every small stand that caught his attention. Gaining interest in everything he saw. Alesul felt almost overwhelmed as much as he felt excitement as he soaked up the fresh new environment that laid before his eyes. Amidst all the excitement Alesul's stomach began to rumble as he had not eaten anything yet within the last 24 hours.

Alesul : " Man, I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning, and the food in this town sure looks tasty, though why is everything gotta be so damn expensive "; He sighs in a gloomy tone.

Stand shop owner : " That's "Wagenborg" for ya, I'm guessing by the looks of it this is your first time here "

Alesul : " Yeah, this place is much bigger than my old village of Kokoa "

Stand shop owner : " Kokoa...huh... can't say I've heard of the place, you must be from way out in the boonies kid. Say what's a youngster like you doing so far from home ? "

Alesul responds to the stand shop owner with a charismatic face and tone.


Stand shop owner : " Shhhhh, you trying to get us both killed where we stand kid, don't you know even mentioning that word can get us both thrown in the pen for a day in this town "

Alesul : " Gee, old timer you don't gotta be so uptight about it, Anyways can you point me in the direction of the cheapest restaurant around here ? "

Stand shop owner : " There's a pub that serves decent price food two streets down then you make a right named " THE SMILING JESTER" you can't miss it "

Alesul : " Thanks again for all the trouble old timer, see ya around "

Stand shop owner : " No problem kid, just remember what I told ya careful with your words next time "

Alesul : " Yeah, no worries I got it, thanks anyways "

As Alesul heads in the direction of the restaurant he notices that the street up ahead is fairly crowded as many people gathered around in a huge circle. As well as what appears to be some sort of conflict between two citizens, this peaks Alesul's interest as he gets closer to the crowd to get a better look.

Random man #1 : " I told you before, that if I caught you getting handsy with my wife again there be hell to pay "

Random man #2 : " I already told you before you old fart your wife came up to me, it's not my fault she's into younger men "

Alesul : " What the heck is going on over here ? "

Random citizens mumbling in the crowd : " Looks like the wife's been cheating on him with a younger man ", " well it's not to surprising he's already in his 40's he probably can't get the job done if you know what I mean ", " Hold on it looks like there getting ready to fight "

Random man #1 : " Oh yeah, that does it "

Random man #2 : " Bring it on then ya bastard "

As the two citizens got ready to go at each other's necks the guards made there way just in time to separate the dispute

Guard squad lieutenant : " what the hell's going on here ?, break it up, break it up before I start throwing people in the cells until tomorrow"

citizens : " Lets get outta here before they get power happy again", " Agreed, I can't get sent back again over this crap "

As the guards broke up the situation and people began to disperse, a hooded girl ran through the crowd. As she ran she pickpockets most of the citizens in the crowd. As she does she passes by Alesul pick pocketing him as well, though he does not notice as he was distracted as he gazed upon her face for a brief moment.

Alesul : "Who was that ?, for some reason her face looked oddly familiar somehow "

Random citizens : " M-my money is missing, Mine as well what the hell, So they strike again huh... the hooded bandit, Boy if I ever catch em I'll give em a piece of my mind"

Alesul : " Hooded bandit huh... wait somehow I feel lighter around my waist, No way she got me too but when they hell did she... "

As Alesul stood there dumb founded he recollected his thoughts as he recalled what had just happened.

Alesul internally : " If I remember correctly she passed by me right as the guards came, and stole everyones belongings including mine as we were distracted in the process"

After collecting his thoughts Alesul then began to freak out as he realized that was the only currency he had.

Alesul : " Crap,crap,crap, what am I gonna do now? That was the only money I had left. 2,000 "Crell" down the drain just like that. Great... Just my luck "

Alesul : " Maybe I can get it back if I follow her... but where the hell do I even start in this big ass town.

* stomach begins to rumble (RUMBLE RUMBLE)

Alesul : " Great, now I'm hungry and broke...what a great way to start my journey, Guess I'll have to find a way to manage somehow. If I remember correctly the old timer from the stand said there was a pub that served cheap food in the street up ahead. He said it was called " THE SMILING JESTER " if I remember correctly, maybe I'll find something about that girl there.

Alesul : " But honestly why me out of all people, if I ever catch her again I'll teach her to mess with me ( RUMBLE RUMBLE ) but man I'm starving... this sucks "

Somewhere within the slums of Wagenborg:

Puck : " Whoa, Kobra look at all the Crell we managed to get our hands on this time, Sweet "

Kobra : " Yeah, with this amount of cash big sis can finally buy herself some nice gear and become a seeker "

Sin : " No more living off scraps after she finally makes it big, we did everything from regular jobs to petty theft just for this "

Puck : " It took us 3 whole years to finally get this much but we finally did it 60,000 Crell in total"

Kobra : " Wait till big sis sees this, she's gonna be super happy "

Hooded girl : " What are you three up to this time around ? "

the three children speak in unison as the mysterious girl appears.

Kobra, Puck, Sin : " Big sis, you're finally back "

Puck : " How did it go this time "

Kobra : " Yeah, did you get a big haul this time "

Hooded girl : " I got something alright, get a look at this

Kobra, Puck, Sin : " WHOA, thats a whole lotta Crell "

Sin : " How did you get this much ? "

Puck : " That's insane, how many times did you steal today to get that much "

Kobra : " I-I could've gotten that many if I tried, thats easy "

As Kobra spoke in a jealous tone the hooded girl pulled his ear"

Kobra : " Ouch, what was that for ? "

Hooded girl : " How many times have I told you it doesn't matter who earns the most, since this is for all of us "

Kobra : " Alright fine I get it I get it, so can you let go now, my ear's gonna come off "

Hooded : " now that that's out of the way, as I was saying this was my first haul of the day "

Kobra : " No way, there's no way you could've gotten that much on your first try of the day "

Hooded girl : " I just happened to get lucky today, some of the townsfolk were in a big crowd when I was passing by. So you know I decided why not test my luck and see what I can find "

Kobra mumbles under his breath : " Luck my ass you beat us every time "

Hooded girl : " What was that, It sounded like you said please pull my ear again "

Kobra : " I didn't say anything, anyways how much did you get this time ? "

Hooded girl : " Maybe about close to 3,000 Crell "

Kobra, Puck, Sin : " 3,000 Crell!! "

Hooded girl : " Shhh, do you want everyone in the slums to hear us "

Puck : " with that much money you finally become a seeker big sis "

Hooded girl : " but before that how about I take you guys out to eat "

Sin : " seriously, were going to have a real meal "

Kobra : " we haven't had a real meal since last month, but are you sure though what about your gear ? "

Hooded girl : " I'm sure it won't be that expensive, besides you guys come first "

Puck : " So where are you taking us big sis ? "

Hooded girl : " THE SMILING JESTER, there you guys can eat until your stomachs full "

Kobra : " THE SMILING JESTER ? , I heard only criminals and outlaws eat there "

Hooded girl : " I guess no food for kobra, you guys can order to your heart's content "

Kobra : " I didn't say I didn't wanna eat , just for that you owe me a large bowl of fried rice "

Laughter filled the air, as the kids in the slums finally got their hands on enough money to eat for the first time in a month. On the other hand somewhere on the other side of town things weren't looking too good for Alesul as he had no money to eat as he was starving in the middle of a town unknown to him .

Alesul : " The old timer said the pub should be somewhere around here"


Town goons : " This ain't over yet ya here pops, I'll be back wait till Tezca hears about this"

Alesul : " I guess that must be the place...not what I was expecting, but food is food I guess "

As Alesul made his way down the street he noticed the bright neon lit sign that hung off the side of the establishment stating the name of the semi-run down pub " THE SMILING JESTER". As well as the logo of a clown looking figure that made the name of the pub stick. As Alesul entered the dining establishment he saw many things as well as many different people, some of these people appeared to be everyday citizens while others not so much; Many carried various weapons of many kinds, others had various scars that were noticeable on the exposed areas of their bodies, men and women alike. The stench of sweat and booze filled the area as well as the smell of tobacco followed by the visible thick smoke that sat right below the ceiling, and even the cheerful and expressive laughter and conversations that filled the pub. To someone like Alesul this was a different atmosphere one he was not accustomed to although in the grand scheme of things it was your typical run of the mil pub nothing to fancy nor to special. As Alesul took in the scenery he took a seat within the counter area of the pub observing any and everything.

Alesul : " Hey pops what kinda place is this ? "

Pub owner : " It's a pub, what else could it be... I'm guessing you're not from around these parts, this your first time in this town ? "

Alesul : " Yeah, I just arrived here a couple hours ago "





Pub owner : " then listen to my advice kid, be very careful in this town it may look all fine and dandy but that's just on the surface, and another thing keep an eye on your belongings, things in this town tend to go missing around these parts"


Pub owner : " I'm coming I'm coming here's your damn booze now pay up "

Alesul : " man, this place sure is lively. I wonder if I'll catch that what's her face around here somewhere. I need my money back. Otherwise I can't continue my journey and what kind of seeker would I be starting out broke"

As Alesul spoke there happened to be a man sitting right beside him, this man had an oddly shaped scar located near his eye as well as an " X " shaped scar located on his forehead and carried what appeared to be a massive battle axe on his back. The man also dressed in what appeared to be brown military combat pants and a skin tight dark green shirt. The man then spoke to Alesul and said...

Scarred man : " Sorry to break it to you kid but you don't look like you have what it takes to be a seeker, you should give up on those lofty dreams of yours "

Alesul : " I don't have what it takes ?, lofty dreams ? , who are you to decide that... I can do whatever the hell I wan't "

Scarred man : " Your right...who am I to decide what path you decide to follow, But let me ask you this kid are you willing to die for that dream. Becoming a seeker ain't easy, do you still think you can become one "

Alesul : " It's not about whether I can become one or not, fact of the matter is I've already set myself on becoming a seeker... and if I die trying...then at least I tried ! "

As Alesul spoke those words "THE SMILING JESTER" had steadily gone quiet making the words he spoke softly echo throughout the pub. Everyone who had heard those words within the pub froze for a moment.

Pub owner internally : " I haven't heard those words in quite some time reminds me of the same words " He " said all those years ago. Looks like the era of seekers isn't dead after all "

As the silence briefly struck, it soon then vanished as a wave of laughter surged within the confines of the shabby pub. Men and women everywhere, civilians and outlaws alike all joined in on the laughter. It was as if they had heard something that was so impossibly unlikely that it was amusing.


After that comment everyone within the pub began to laugh in unison once more, this frustrated Alesul as he felt disrespected as they laughed at his dreams and ambitions.

Scarred man : " I told you it wasn't gonna be easy kid, I tried to warn you "

Alesul then shouted within the pub causing the pub to go silent once more, he then walked over towards the table of outlaws.

Alesul : " SHUT THE HELL UP !!!"

Alesul : " for those of you who have no purpose it's easier to laugh, than face the facts"

Outlaw #1 : " and what exactly are the facts little man, why don't you enlighten us all "

Alesul : " The facts are, that instead of facing the reality that you're a third rate criminal... you choose to prey on the those you deem smaller than you to make yourself look bigger by comparison "

Outlaw #1 : " Kid you must not know who I am, Which is odd since my wanted poster is all over this place. I'm an E class level threat a man worth 17,000 Crell the name is Jack the bloodhound "

Jack the bloodhound : " Now why don't you go home to your mommy before you get hurt "

Alesul : " I don't give a rats ass what your bounties worth, I wouldn't even pay 5 Crell for worthless fodder like you "

Jack the bloodhound : " worthless fodder ? , alright kid that does it your dead "



As Jack decided to attack Alesul with his dagger the scarred man steps in, catching Jack by the arm stopping him midway.

Scarred man : " I wouldn't do that if I were you... friend, it's best not to cause a scene here "

Jack looked around after his attack got stopped midway, he then noticed all the people who were looking as he caused a ruckus. He then decided it was best to leave matters alone and sheathed his dagger.

Jack the bloodhound : " Tcht, this isn't over kid...let's go men "

Soon after Jack and his men gathered their things and left the pub, the atmosphere within the pub still remained heavy as silence echoed within the establishment. Although it didn't take long before things settled down and the establishment known as " THE SMILING JESTER " returned to its cheerful self.

Alesul : " Thanks for the help back there, though it wasn't like I couldn't take care of it myself "

Scarred man : " Fair enough, though I didn't exactly stop him for your sake. I just felt like it would be such a waste if this fine place turned into a battlefield before I even had the chance to get a decent meal around here. Say you haven't eaten anything yourself since you stepped foot in this place, do you not have any money kid ? "

Alesul then responds in a bashful manner as though embarrassed of his situation. At the same time his stomach also began to rumble.

Alesul : " It's sort of a long story ... hehehe " ( RUMBLE RUMBLE )

Several minutes later within the establishment of "THE SMILING JESTER "

Alesul : " ( NUM, NUM, CHOMP, NUM ) Thanks for the food scar guy, you're a lifesaver. I thought I was gonna starve to death. Pops can I get another bowl this stuff is amazing "

Scarred man : " Slow down their kid, the food's not going anywhere, By the way I didn't catch your name. the name's "Scotch Silvers " by the way "

Alesul : " ( NUM,NUM,NUM,CHOMP,NUM,NUM ) Alesul "

Scotch Silvers : " Huh ? "

Alesul : " Thats my name, ( chomp, chomp, munch ) Alesul Illumina "

Scotch Silvers : " Alesul huh... has a nice ring to it, Say what you doing in a place like this don't you got a home, your folks must be worried about you "

Alesul : "...( for a moment Alesul stopped eating as he remembered the traumatic events that occurred back in " Kokoa village " )

As Alesul remembered the scorching fire, multiple deaths of the villagers and his loved one's as well as the four men dressed in cloaks as black as night itself. His appetite died down as well as the morbid expression that began to show on his face, Alesul eventually threw up his food on the floor. Causing the rest of the customers to slowly exit the pub, Before the pub owner knew it not a single customer Inhabited the pub besides Alesul And Scotch.

Scotch Silvers : " You okay there kid ?, what happened you were good just a second ago, That's why I told you to ease up on the food "

Alesul : " It wasn't the food... You just made me remember something I was trying to forget. Sorry about your customers pops I'll clean this mess up shortly just let me gather myself "

Pub owner : " don't sweat the small stuff this happens quite often, guys come in all the time and pass out drunk after having one too many. Though I'm afraid to ask, I noticed before you threw up, you had this face as though you saw hell itself... what happened to you before coming here if you don't mind me asking.

Scotch Silvers : " I'd like to know myself, that is if you don't mind "

Several minutes later as Alesul told them what had occurred in his village and how he ended up with nowhere to go, Scotch as well as the pub owner were left speechless. However they were also left with more questions than answers.

Alesul : " In the end I was the only survivor from that village, though I have no answer as towards why "

Scotch Silvers : " I'm sorry I don't have any information on those hooded men you spoke of, I wish there was more I could do for you "

Pub owner : " In my entire life I've seen some pretty gruesome stuff, but to make a child witness something of that magnitude is just... "

Alesul : " It's alright, that's just somethings i'll have to deal with on my own "

Scotch Silvers : " By the way, you said you wanted to become a seeker earlier, what's the reason behind that ? "

Pub owner : " I was wondering the same myself "

Alesul : " I just want to see the world and what it holds...every nook and cranny of it. I want to live with no regrets and live the way I want to just like seekers do " As Alesul began to speak his once worried and depressed expression began to fade away.

Scotch Silvers : " And what way is that ? "

Alesul : " One of absolute freedom "

As Alesul said those words the pub owner and Scotch smiled as their eyes lit up for a moment.

Scotch Silvers : " Well your in luck kid I happen to know and excellent seeker that could help you become one, and by the looks of things looks like you already have the right gear for yourself, Just from looking at that fancy sword you've got there "

Alesul : " Y-you really know a Seeker Mr. Silvers, Wh-where can I meet 'em "

Scotch silvers : " Your looking at em, hey pops why don't you give me a bottle for the journey ahead "

Alesul : " What ? , y-you mean y-you're a seeker ? "

Scotch Silvers : " yessir, is that so hard to believe ? "

Alesul : " N- no not at all, I'm just surprised is all. Say if you're a seeker then what are you doing in a place like this ? "

Scotch Silvers : " To tell ya the truth I sort of got separated from my team when we entered a certain "divine labyrinth " to the east of here a couple of days ago, you can see it from here if you're looking in the right direction "

Alesul : " Divine labyrinth ? , you mean those giant structures that reach all the way up to the clouds ? "

Alesul : " Also aren't you a little too old to be getting lost Mr. Silvers, or are you a little slow up there " he says with a slight smirk across his face.

Scotch Silvers : " Yeah, that's the name us seekers gave them a while back, since every time one of them is cleared new things never before seen in this world always seem to spring out of the woodworks"

Scotch Silvers : " A little slow ?, don't go pushing your luck kid; The reason I ended up getting separated from my team was because as we entered deeper within the confines of the labyrinth one of my guys ended up stepping on something known as a spatial landmine; Once he stepped on it the blast itself opened a rift in space sucking us all in it. Luckily for me I ended up here but who knows where the rest of my team could be. I've heard stories from other seekers who've witnessed it before and they all say the same thing of seekers getting sucked up by the spatial rift who are never seen again "

Alesul : " Don't worry Mr. Silvers I'm sure you'll find your friends in no time... "

Things were quiet for a moment when someone kicked the door of " THE SMILING JESTER " inward causing them to break.

