
The Test Of The Cruel Life

Akutagawa Ando is just a boy that always suffering.he then end his suffering by jumping from the apartment he live and given a second chance from god to live in another world

codexzero_1 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Adventure For the first time

The next day,i start to training with my dad.

"Remember makoto,magic is all about your imagination.the stronger your imagine the magic the more powerful it can be"

He raise his wand and start casting a spell towards the target Infront of us

"Oh fire spirit,gather and form a ball of fire and burn all my enemies.fireball!!!"

A fireball formed and strike to the target.burn the whole thing to ashes.

I was stunned.

"Now it's your turn"

I nod a bit

I raised my wander and imagine a form of fire.

"Oh spirit,lend me your power to bur- "

"Eh,isnt that spell is..."

"Burn my enemies.flame breath!!" Fire burst out from my wand like a dragon breath and burn all the things in my view

"Makoto,did you just use-"

I passed out before he can finished his word

I open my eyes.im at my room...but why?i just training on the yard with my dad just now.

I heard my door being opened and mom and dad come in to my room

"Makoto!i heard that you passed out while training.what happened?" My mom asked with a worried face.

"I dont know!i just trying a spell that i read on a book and i passed out" im trying to explained.

"The spell you used is a middle-class spell,it consume a large amount of mana.maybe that is why you suddenly passed out"he exhaled.

"since this is your first time using magic and u are still a kid,its pretty impressive that you can use that spell.maybe you have talent to be an elite sorcerer like us"

"Wait!you guys are an Elite sorcerer?"

I dont know they are an elite sorcerer!

"Yeah,we both are elite sorcerer that serve the previous grandes king.we are also called the royal sorcerer!"

Remembering that they're are in their 20s and already an elite sorcerer maybe they're a genius?

"So why are you retired early?"

"The latest king is a different person,easy to say..he is just a jerk that will allow any ways to get what he want."

"For now,rest and sleep well.you need to prepare for tomorrow's training"

And they leave my room.

For the rest of the year,we continue our training like usual.he help me practiced so that i can master all the element i have.

While training,an idea crossed to my head.
