

It was unfair. Everything in life was.

Saeria stood, staring at the scene that never seemed to end from her window. The scene that kept threatening her life and tearing her soul apart. The people never wanted to stop.

Since the day his groom, Haeden refused to show up during their marriage and didn't think of coming to pick her from her father's house, she became the headline for gossips. It was a bad thing to remain in her Father's house after marriage and since it had never happend before, they cursed at her luck and held her responsible for any misfortune in the kingdom.

Since rain had seize to fall and plants were drying out, her front gate was crowded with raging humans both dealers and non-dealer blaming her and yelling every curse word at her.

She sank to the ground and clasped her legs to her chest, weeping in her dress. It had become an everyday obsession and no matter how hard she poured her eyes out daily, it never seemed to fill the emptiness in her chest.

She never believed the rumours about her groom before her marriage but after everything that had happened, she swallowed every single one of them and made some up herself. She should have known there was trouble when her father chose to sacrifice her own daughter for the safety of the country. He thought it'd be a good advantage to have the kingdom of Larchengan as an inlaw. Larchengan was not an ordinary place, probably why her groom refused to pick her. The kingdom was said to be the reason why the world was still breathing because it was a land of power and magic. It was not a land for ordinary humans.

Greatest warriors descended from there and her groom was currently the undefeatable. Because she was the eldest daughter of the highest ranked chief in the palace and the king had no daughter, her father was ordered to exchange her daughter in order to create alliance with Larchengan. It was surprising that they wanted to marry a noble woman in exchange because no human was allowed to cross the gates of Larchengan. She had no choice but to accept the marriage and even if she had the might to turn back time, she'd still marry him because it was not her decision to make. The king had ordered and the entire peace of the kingdom depended on it.

There was a knock on her door and her maid's voice came through. "My Lady, You should eat something". She said. Even if Saeria's face was buried in her dress, she knew Ana was holding a tray of food at the door. "If you don't eat now, I shall have no choice but to tell--"

"Come in". Saeria said with a short intake of breath that cut her throat like glass. Lifting herself up from the floor, she glanced at her maid who stepped in with food happily. She hadn't had a proper meal for days and she could understand her joy. But what saeria wanted was not food.

"I want to take a bath". She removed the pin in her hair and walked past her maid whose face was drowning deep with disappointment.

"My lady..." She dropped the food and ran after her.
